[QUOTE="skrat_01"]indeed I should list Half life, as HL2 is fundementally the same.
just didnt come to mind as typing.
However I can say now that Half Life was an absolute revolution
As was Operation Flashpoint
No oner pitched Crysis as the ultimate revolutionary FPS, just like no one did so with Halo 3 (exept for the fanboys who thought video replays and forge were revolutionary).
Crysis's fundementals are the same as Far Crys, though it is quite different in many regards - though yes that is just the same as the other titles.
I will say that certain games do change more than others. Like Halo 3 is almost identical to Halo 2, in comparison to Crysis and Far Cry, which has changed moreso - but both are fundementally the same.
You're kidding.
In the beginning, Crysis was put on the pedestal as the next best thing since the original Half Life. Also, funnily enough, Far Cry started getting some praise.
As more info started coming out, like Power Struggle and how it actually works and stuff, the "Best FPS ever" tag dropped because there were some comparable efforts that most people could come to conclusions about.
And if you can't see it right now, then I can't help you -- but once the demo hit the public, the general concensus about the game has been dropped quite a bit. Perhaps people are putting up a brave front here, but talking to some people via MSN, what they've heard from their friends is the same one reactions I've been getting. It's not the graphics they've been underwhelmed by, it's the gameplay.
The game is fun and all, but I'd rather be playing the Orange Box than spend the 12 gigs on my harddrive on Crysis from my impressions.
And OMG FakeFactory has started on the Episode 2 conversion!!!!!!
have you condsidered that manybe its because all the people that like it...are playing it?
there will always be people that dislike demo's and cause huge uproar because of it.....
when the COD4 and UT3 demo's came out....a lot of people were very dissopointed....PC gamer even ran a podcast about how much they were dissopointed in both demo's of the game....
for me..crysis was a lot more time..the second time around...when I already knew the general layout of the level, and could just mess around with it.
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