LOL when crytek can create a good game that actual regular people can play and not rich people whom can afford the setup their game requires to play on then they can talk.
For all of the requirements to play cryteks crap games those games are pretty mediocre in the least and total crap at the most.
and what he is saying is downright stupid its only obvious that the consoles will hold back graphical progression on their own systems for 3 years because its their own system, Its not the consoles faults that to this day pc gaming is running for no reason at all at 120% to the point that just like in the 90's if you buy something its all ready obselete, they need to stop or the pc gaming industry is simply gonna crash specially in today's economyit sux to buy an brand new pc just to find that its obsolete all ready and that batch of games comming out at the end of the year wont play on your system at max settings. Which is why i stopped pc gaming except for simple games, Its too much money and time to worry about how i just purchased this 1k-2k system and within a month its obsolete and within a year some of the newest games wont play on it at max settings.
Rich? :lol:
I bolded everything that's wrong. Hell, most of it's wrong but i'll go with those.
1. Regular people play Crysis. Seriously, talk about ignorance. The EA $700 PC shows just how wrong you are (plays Crysis at High settings with over 40fps). Hell, if you built it yourself and got the parts from newegg you could put together a PC that maxes out Crysis (especially Warhead) without any problems for less than $800.
2. Yes, Crytek games are crap...that's why console fanboys do nothing but whine that they aren't getting their dumbed down inferior console version of Crysis, correct? Please, what a joke.
3. Yes, PC gaming is running for no reason yet it has the most AAA/AA exclusive and non exclusive titles. Best games all around in terms of AAA/AA exclusives and overall more titles to choose from. You are clueless.
4. What do you know about the economy? Did you see someone say "OMG, the economy is in trouble" and then just come on here and claim that PC gaming is failing because "AH, the $3000 PC". :lol: Come on, you can't be that ignorant (or maybe you are, don't let me speak for you). Not only are PC's less expensive then you console fanboys like to say but you get more bang for you buck.
5. My PC before i upgraded to my current one (upgraded back in August) ran games at all max settings (other than Crysis) for 3 years. Yea, so please, learn something about PC's and PC gaming before spouting off your ignorant nonsense.
6. Again, gaming PC's don't cost $2000. Possibly $1000 but that's for a very high end rig. Especially if you're building it yourself and getting the parts from Newegg, which would make it even cheaper.
7. Again with the BS. If you got a $1000-$2000 gaming PC it would easily play all games at max settings for the next few years. Then, most likely, all you'd have to upgrade is the GPU (depending on how much ram you put in to begin with, but 1gb of ram is cheap).
This is why console fanboys bother me. You're never ending stream of ignorance and lies. Sure, 3-6 months after you get a PC it is technically OUTDATED but not Obsolete as you stated. Obsolete would imply that literally no game will run on it. That "OUTDATED" PC is still at least 2x more powerful than the current gen consoles. Consoles are outdated before they're even released for the most in terms of PC CPU's and GPU's. :shock: Yes, that's true. Learn a thing or two about PC gaming before you speak next time. You won't look so foolish.
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