That's funny because in another, recent interview they said it's a bottleneck..... Which it is.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
lol Crytek is a joke. Does anyone actually take them serious anymore? They've gotten progressively worse and worse after Crysis Warhead. Cryengine doesn't seem to be improving at all... in fact Crysis 1 ran so buttery smooth even on low-end cards but Crysis 3 runs like a joke even on my GTX 770, despite Crysis 1 looking just as good if not better IMO. The gameplay, voice acting, AI, and storylines in their games are laughable at best. Maybe Crytek should stop relying on their graphics engines to hype up their games and actually make a game with some decent gameplay. I find it funny that the series that they created, Far Cry, has gotten better and better since they stopped making them.
I knew Sean would have to revisit this topic about esram since his last interview a few days ago.
He already acknowledged the bottleneck of the esram but I am glad he is elaborating on the work around and utilization.
And remember, esram is only a bottleneck if your coding like it's 2012.
not true. He already talked about it on his previous interview 3 days ago.
It will be a bottleneck. It seems that he was confident that the issues will not be patched out. The trick is the workarounds which he talks about in this interview and probably the next one.
*Xbox One's eSRAM which has been seen as a bottleneck for the console's graphical abilities will not be patched by Microsoft but developers will find a way to work around it.
*Game developers are masters at engineering workarounds to hardware limitations and I think you’ll see unique and novel technology developed just for such a purpose
It is a limitation. Its not a bottleneck if your coding in 2012; It is a hardware bottleneck period. Its the software work around and tweaking. Crytek is a great software developer. I am sure we will hear more about esram soon.
So amazing that their game ran 30fps at 900p.
Don't believe the hype.
Silly man.
It was a launch game, that was 360 game. Don't you dare insult the developers that worked so hard to make this great game. It looks amazing and your pretense and illusion of the numbers game is disgusting and frankly has no place if you are gamer.
You sir are the problem with this generation.
Facts are facts. Lashing out at me doesn't make them any less true. It's not the problem of the generation that I'm looking at the facts and you're not.
And if you don't think for one minute I don't appreciate final image quality despite techincals, then you don't know shit about me.
I didn't say Ryse didn't look great, in fact it was probably the best looking next gen title until Infamous Second Son came around and that's despite the technical issues. I can see through them no problem. However if they are going to sit there saying things like they did in that interview, I'm going to call them out on their bullshit as they clearly didn't hit their technical marks with Ryse. They've got a lot to prove. Guerrilla did the same thing on the PS4.
LOL @ the lemkingtito calling Wasdie a cow. He's actually a hermit you dumbass that just happens to like some of the high quality offerings from Sony. Not everyone who thinks Xbone games look mediocre is a cow.
It's funny how Infamous shits all over Ryse Flop of Rome while being open world TLHBO.
@Wasdie: Funny how it still looked great huh MR moderator cow?
Seriously , you don't always have to come running to the cows rescue even though you're a huge cow yourself. Try being a little impartial sometimes.
It's a fanboy thing to call Crytek out on the bullshit? Until they can prove what they are saying, they are all talk.
I am impartial. I call everybody out on bullshit. Guerilla had to fake 60fps on the PS4 because they too were incapable of doing 1080p60 on the PS4. I hope they do better, like I hope Crytek can. Unfortunately neither have been able to hit that mark yet but both talk a pretty big talk.
So amazing that their game ran 30fps at 900p.
Don't believe the hype.
Silly man.
It was a launch game, that was 360 game. Don't you dare insult the developers that worked so hard to make this great game. It looks amazing and your pretense and illusion of the numbers game is disgusting and frankly has no place if you are gamer.
You sir are the problem with this generation.
Facts are facts. Lashing out at me doesn't make them any less true. It's not the problem of the generation that I'm looking at the facts and you're not.
Fact is Ryse is the best looking game this generation equal to SS (due to its size).
Just because you have your opinion based on what a game should or shouldn't display at to determine it graphical prowess is flawed and short side.
Its not about the number of pixels, it's about quality of pixels. But it's ok if you are stuck in the past.
So amazing that their game ran 30fps at 900p.
Don't believe the hype.
Silly man.
It was a launch game, that was 360 game. Don't you dare insult the developers that worked so hard to make this great game. It looks amazing and your pretense and illusion of the numbers game is disgusting and frankly has no place if you are gamer.
You sir are the problem with this generation.
Facts are facts. Lashing out at me doesn't make them any less true. It's not the problem of the generation that I'm looking at the facts and you're not.
Fact is Ryse is the best looking game this generation equal to SS (due to its size).
Just because you have your opinion based on what a game should or shouldn't display at to determine it graphical prowess is flawed and short side.
Its not about the number of pixels, it's about quality of pixels. But it's ok if you are stuck in the past.
The pixels mine and Wasdie's PC kick out are much prettier then anything your Xbone can do and if it's truly about pixel quality why are you gaming on console?
lol Crytek is a joke. Does anyone actually take them serious anymore? They've gotten progressively worse and worse after Crysis Warhead. Cryengine doesn't seem to be improving at all... in fact Crysis 1 ran so buttery smooth even on low-end cards but Crysis 3 runs like a joke even on my GTX 770, despite Crysis 1 looking just as good if not better IMO. The gameplay, voice acting, AI, and storylines in their games are laughable at best. Maybe Crytek should stop relying on their graphics engines to hype up their games and actually make a game with some decent gameplay. I find it funny that the series that they created, Far Cry, has gotten better and better since they stopped making them.
(see bolded underlined text)
I blame consoles for their fate, actually. They can't seem to have clear heads when they pollute themselves with console nonsense - CryEngine 3 is mainly developed for consoles, that must be the reason for poor performance on PC even with your GTX 770. Hell, the gameplay in Crysis 2 and Crysis 3 isn't really "PC friendly" either.
It's sad. I used to praise them greatly for their efforts to the PC platform and their games towards Warhead. It's a great loss. :(
@Wasdie: Funny how it still looked great huh MR moderator cow?
Seriously , you don't always have to come running to the cows rescue even though you're a huge cow yourself. Try being a little impartial sometimes.
It's a fanboy thing to call Crytek out on the bullshit? Until they can prove what they are saying, they are all talk.
I am impartial. I call everybody out on bullshit. Guerilla had to fake 60fps on the PS4 because they too were incapable of doing 1080p60 on the PS4. I hope they do better, like I hope Crytek can. Unfortunately neither have been able to hit that mark yet but both talk a pretty big talk.
Proving to you? The article is explaining how and what the did in a shipped game.
And why is 1080p the basis on how we judge a game now? It's ridiculous how this is the benchmark is to how we judge games.
That's all we hear now, it's all about resolution. Lets take SW back to discussing the games and features of each system.
I think I'll make an "Official Xbox One (game) isn't 1080p" thread so we can keep it all in one place. Keep the boards clean. Do you approve Wasdie?
Fact is Ryse is the best looking game this generation equal to SS (due to its size).
Just because you have your opinion based on what a game should or shouldn't display at to determine it graphical prowess is flawed and short side.
Its not about the number of pixels, it's about quality of pixels. But it's ok if you are stuck in the past.
Actually it is about the number of pixels. More pixels = better quality. This is an absolute fact. However with the consoles they have to make dumb compromises because they can't run all of the graphical effects they want at a high resolution, so they have to pick and choose what they want.
The best images are ones supersampled at much higher resolutions than what will be displayed. This means each rendering pass for each effect has more pixels that it can applied on. When you finally downsize the image, each pixel will be more accruate to what it was supposed to be. This is why those 4k -> 1080p downscaled images look so damn good.
It's not Cryteks fault the consoles have GPUs from late 2011 in them and struggle to do all of the rendering the devs want at a high resolution with a playable framerate.
As I edited to my post before, I can see through technical stuff and see that Ryse is a beautiful game, but Crytek is talking technical so I'll call them out on their shit. If you would take Ryse in its current form and render it at 4k at 60fps then downsize to 1080p the image quality would skyrocket. However they can't do that with the Xbox One as the GPU isn't powerful enough. You could probably do that on a Titan SLI machine, though very few can afford or actually want to pay that much for a gaming PC.
So don't try to change facts here. More pixels = better. Always and forever. It's just that the consoles have to make rendering compromises to get the highest relative image quality out of their platform. Usually framerate is the first thing to go followed by resolution. You can slightly make up the quality loss of lower resolution by increasing the amount of rendering you do, but eventually that rendering is going to waste as there won't be enough pixels for that detail to be displayed with and you're just wasting GPU time doing processing on detail that won't even come out in the final image.
@Wasdie: Funny how it still looked great huh MR moderator cow?
Seriously , you don't always have to come running to the cows rescue even though you're a huge cow yourself. Try being a little impartial sometimes.
It's a fanboy thing to call Crytek out on the bullshit? Until they can prove what they are saying, they are all talk.
I am impartial. I call everybody out on bullshit. Guerilla had to fake 60fps on the PS4 because they too were incapable of doing 1080p60 on the PS4. I hope they do better, like I hope Crytek can. Unfortunately neither have been able to hit that mark yet but both talk a pretty big talk.
Proving to you? The article is explaining how and what the did in a shipped game.
And why is 1080p the basis on how we judge a game now? It's ridiculous how this is the benchmark is to how we judge games.
That's all we hear now, it's all about resolution. Lets take SW back to discussing the games and features of each system.
I think I'll make an "Official Xbox One (game) isn't 1080p" thread so we can keep it all in one place. Keep the boards clean. Do you approve Wasdie?
Someone has anger issues because there console can't do 1080p....
Wow Torm, you seriously need to get the consoles man. You sound like you have no idea what you are talking about.
6ft ? Render a whole city? A bunch of big boxes that you can't enter and handful of enemies in SS.
Come on man.
DR3 has a ton more poly's its pushing. Sure at a lower res, but is got way more going on and you enter the buildings too. Plus the game loads once at the beginning.
1080P vs more fleshed out worlds.
Give more going on than a pretty lifeless world.
Yes you can't enter now which is worse not entering at something which you can actually climb on top or watching everything from far because you can't stride far from a pathway..
They are not even close stop grasping dude,hell and to think that Infamous runs higher than 30FPS at times and is 1080p and open world..
Ryse is not even close,is a complete 180 from what Crytek did with Crysis in the first place.
DR3 look like sh** model models are basically PS2 like and is 720p with drops again into the
Proving to you? The article is explaining how and what the did in a shipped game.
And why is 1080p the basis on how we judge a game now? It's ridiculous how this is the benchmark is to how we judge games.
That's all we hear now, it's all about resolution. Lets take SW back to discussing the games and features of each system.
I think I'll make an "Official Xbox One (game) isn't 1080p" thread so we can keep it all in one place. Keep the boards clean. Do you approve Wasdie?
Norms define the standards. 1080p is the standard set by the entire television market many years ago. It's sad that in 2014 neither console can still consistently keep up. We have a smattering of 1080p games on both consoles but the fact that not all are 1080p is just sad.
1080p is the industry standard that game consoles have been failing to meet since its inception. 1080p movies have been the standard because the majority of TVs sold today are 1080p. 1080p has been a minimum standard on the PC for quite a number of years when it comes to real time graphics. Of course some people are pushing that to 1440p or even 4k, but those monitors are still not the norm.
You obviously haven't been here long if you think System Wars is mostly about games and features. Graphics have been the main part of System Wars since the board was created.
If you really care so much about image quality, why don't you just invest in a PC? Unlike the consoles, PCs can be as pushed as hard or as little as you want. Devs support the compromises of lower end machines by offering graphic options so that their games can run on a larger variety of hardware, but you never have to settle for anything if you don't want. If you care so much about graphics then the PC is where you belong.
Standards change.
Yes but are we going to have a thread opened everytime a game is at a different resolution for the next 10 yrs?
I don't like pc gaming, you can't play a lot of PS and Xbox games on pc.
So can I make my official resolution thread? Just trying to keep it all in one place.
14:45 on Ryse when they're fighting in the fire, where's the shadows? I know there's multiple light sources from all angles but they're should still be a defined shadow of some sorts.
Standards change.
Yes but are we going to have a thread opened everytime a game is at a different resolution for the next 10 yrs?
I don't like pc gaming, you can't play a lot of PS and Xbox games on pc.
So can I make my official resolution thread? Just trying to keep it all in one place.
No. System Wars is as much about resolution debate as everything else. You're just trying to change the subject of the discussion as it's clearly not going the way you want it to.
If you don't like PC gaming and would rather keep gaming on the consoles that's fine, just realize you're paying as much for a whole system as PC gamers pay for a single component. You're not playing the platform for best image quality.
14:45 on Ryse when they're fighting in the fire, where's the shadows? I know there's multiple light sources from all angles but they're should still be a defined shadow of some sorts.
Shadows are expensive. Even the best looking PC games don't usually cast shadows from every single light, it cripples our current rendering methods.
If it was 1080p and was the best looking game on next gen. Then I might believe them.
But it's a blurry sub Full HD experience. I mean if they were the masters of ESRAM. Where is the result? Because I don't see it.
I'm not a game development talking guy, but this sounds like Crytek explaining themselves being crafty engineers with the hardware at their disposal, rather than them saying "eSRAM to provide phenomenal performance". Which they did not say. You're misattributing your paraphrasing of the GamingBolt editor's quote to Crytek.
@Wasdie: I know shadows are expensive but that was the thing that people slaged Infamous off for.....
Crytek know what they are talking about when it comes to Graphics, there games being Boring has absolutely nothing to do with the Topic at hand.
Cows say EsRam is crap
Crytek say EsRam is good
Mmmmmmm...... Who to believe?
The people who know about Graphics and Hardware, Crytek
Or people who have probably never coded a game in there life and only know what they read on paper about the hardware.
Tough choice, you decide.
Crytek know what they are talking about when it comes to Graphics, there games being Boring has absolutely nothing to do with the Topic at hand.
Cows say EsRam is crap
Crytek say EsRam is good
Mmmmmmm...... Who to believe?
The people who know about Graphics and Hardware, Crytek
Or people who have probably never coded a game in there life and only know what they read on paper about the hardware.
Tough choice, you decide.
Crytek also said that ESRAM is a bolttleneck 3 days ago... I made a thread bout the interview...
They actually said that or some other dev a few months ago.
I'm sure it's just them marketing Cryengine for XBO. Since ESRAM is one of the major complaints of Dev's.
lol. Sometimes it seems like Crytek has more passionate fans in SW than in the real world, even for incredibly mediocre games like Ryse.
Hell that screen you linked show some interesting trade off made yeah trade off.
Look at the armor in the guy to the left on top it is really polished and real metal looking on the new build is dark with the gloss was kill,also look at Ryse main character armor look on the arm how the chains around the arm which join with the armor cast a shadow,and on the new build they don't..
Also the old build look sharper while the new build look more wash out,that is because the game on E3 was running at 1080p and then was downgrade to 900p.
Not even that they could accomplish it has drops into the teens and runs mostly at 26 to 28 FPS..
Did you completely miss the Graphical glitch with the Strap and the armour on the legionnaire on the Right in the 'OLD' picture?
Also, the second picture, Both the lighting and the armour look more realistic, , first picture the Armour doesn't look Real.
There was also more detail in the background on the second picture.
Sorry, But i think the second Pic looks better, Better/ more realistic lighting, more realistic looking Metal armour and more Backround detail.
They actually said that or some other dev a few months ago.
I'm sure it's just them marketing Cryengine for XBO. Since ESRAM is one of the major complaints of Dev's.
It's been a constant complaint since the launch of the console. This really does just sound like Crytek trying to market their engine on the One.
I Actually enjoyed all of there games so far, Playing Farcry Classic on my 360 at the moment.
Standards change.
Yes but are we going to have a thread opened everytime a game is at a different resolution for the next 10 yrs?
I don't like pc gaming, you can't play a lot of PS and Xbox games on pc.
So can I make my official resolution thread? Just trying to keep it all in one place.
No. System Wars is as much about resolution debate as everything else. You're just trying to change the subject of the discussion as it's clearly not going the way you want it to.
If you don't like PC gaming and would rather keep gaming on the consoles that's fine, just realize you're paying as much for a whole system as PC gamers pay for a single component. You're not playing the platform for best image quality.
Ok fine, but the way you and everyone makes it sound, it's no longer a debate. But whichever.
@Tighaman: please shut up because your full of Shit. I own both consoles and no Ryse can't hold Infamous jock strap. Infamous matches are exceeds Ryse in all categories. You can't do anything? You can interact with every building and go practically anywhere the human eye can see. As opposed to Ryse just sticking up invisible walls everywhere.
blablablabla your shit 900p corridor has nothing against infamous 1080p open world!
keep talking BS crytek!
They are entirely different. Ryse was initially started on the 360 and moved to the X1, whereas inFamous was solely started on the PS4.
Now, in my opinion inFamous looks better, but Ryse does look excellent. I've played both.
I Actually enjoyed all of there games so far, Playing Farcry Classic on my 360 at the moment.
Things go downhill from there as that was their debut game (2004). They went down hill years later after 2008's Crysis Warhead. It should be noted I was talking of Ryse, but I can talk a bit about Far Cry. It's been many years, I never would have imagined talking about 2004's Far Cry in 2014, a decade later. In fact, I spoke about that game here in SW way back in the day. I even played it online with some gamespotters back then. I played all of their games to date (I played that original game back in 2004-2005 so it's been about a decade), but Crytek's later games come off as cookie-cutter, play-it-safe, paint-by-numbers games...but in terms of mediocre, I was pointing in particular my experience and the critics experience with Ryse specifically. That's why I quoted that Ryse picture in a Ryse thread, I just want to make that clear. There is nothing wrong with Crytek's earlier games, but they also weren't special (especially after 2008's Warhead). It also depends on how far back your FPS and gaming history goes back because for some Crytek could come off as more innovative than others with more experience. To be fair, I have played way too many FPS games. I was really, really into that genre when it first appeared on scene in the 90's. Myself, I was never too impressed with their body of work, but it was all competent (save for my time with Ryse). I also linked in my post Ryse's poor metascore directly, but you may have missed it. To me, that Ryse metacritic picture above is worth a thousand words.
Of course, we are in SW so my post above kind of illustrates my SW experience with my RL experiences, haha.
Didn't you play Far Cry Instincts? That was a remake of that Far Cry that came out for Xbox, and then there was Far Cry Instincts Predator (features both Far Cry Instincts Next Chapter and an enhanced version of the original Far Cry Instincts) which came out when the 360 relatively brand new. They are WAY OLD now but I figured an Xboxer would have played them. I played those and that was after having played Far Cry on PC. I'm glad you are enjoying your time with the game. There are so many AAA games released across a variety of platforms that I haven't finished, for me to consider going back and re-playing/revisiting Crytek's older games that I own. Far off topic though, as I am not a present day Crytek fan after playing their library of games, in particular Ryse is the worst offender to me after having tried it in my Xbone. That said, I was never impressed by any of their run of the mill gameplay choices, but I was in it for the graphics. All their games are competent, but not exciting to me and I was in it when they were cutting edge. I'm picky though, I'm also not a Ubisoft fan other than Michel Ancel's stuff, and I know SW loves Ubisoft and the AC games. SW also has a huge Crytek fanbase, so I'm not out to fight about what I think of Crytek's work, but I just wanted to reflect once again on about how much I disliked my Ryse experience (although I've covered that a few times). Anyways, I'm glad you are enjoying your time with Far Cry HD on XBLA.
EDIT: My lady just called as I was composing this and her vehicle won't start so I have to go. The weekend wouldn't be complete without some sort of CRYSIS, lol. Have fun playing Far Cry Classic. :P
Well its a console thats been built to last a decade. Its beyond me that people genuinely believe its game over already. Its clear MS have big plans for the X1. Cows just be making the most of being on top for the first time in a long time.
@AM-Gamer: what do it exceeds ryse in besides resolution? Not a thing face lighting, textures, animations, physics, shadows, geometry, less glitchy, less pop ins I have both too infamous is a empty ass game I don't get why we even arguing its very shallow to be open world.
In current news the order 1886 and second son exclusives on the ps4 destroy graphically any game including ryse on the xflop
The Order is 800p and doesn't even use deferred rendering. I wouldn't say it "destroys" Ryse, lol.
When you buy a bluray movie and it has black bars (as 90% of movies nowdays), are they sold for less and considered as a 800p movies? Yeaaaa thought so.
@Tighaman: Lmao do you have a clue what your talking about? The geometry in infamous SS shits all over Ryse. The lighting is superior , textures and shaders are about equal but take into account Ryse is rendering tiny environments with invisible walls.
I have a hard time believing you own both. I don't see how anyone would favor Ryse. What's your gamertag? Mines TheSterls feel free to check my PS4 and X 1 achievements.
@AM-Gamer: dude what are you talking about textures on the buildings are flat ass hell LOD problems on shadows pop in especially when running down the street please texture , and shaders the same? Lol 8k textures in ryse not to be seen in infamous lighting in ryse kills anything that's going on with infamous reflections off of armour from fire and for sun shadows on everything and many things happening on screen at a time. I say ryse looks overall better because what tech they doing with the game you say infamous looks better because its open world
"Crysis can't run on consoles"
-> ports crysis to consoles
"Ryse is using an advanced new engine"
-> doesn't look better than Crysis 3
"Free to play is the future"
Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm having some trouble to believe these guys.
Any thing positive said about Xbox One or it's games by devs is always questioned. Why?
Time will tell and we'll see who is telling the truth all along.
Xbox One has nothing to do with my comment.
I just listed some stuff where they didn't tell the truth.
At the very least take their words with a grain of salt.
Pretty much. Don't get your panties in a bunch, everyone. It's just Crytek doing what Crytek does best. Which, unfortunately, hasn't been "making great games", in over five years.
@Wasdie: Funny how it still looked great huh MR moderator cow?
Seriously , you don't always have to come running to the cows rescue even though you're a huge cow yourself. Try being a little impartial sometimes.
Lol. Seriously? If you're gonna start calling people out by name, and labeling them with your stupid-ass fanboy titles, at least know who your talking to, and what stupid-ass fanboy title might actually fit them.
Either that or just scream "COW!" at everybody who doesn't think the X1 is the second coming of Jesus. That works too.
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