@no-scope-AK47: no
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Crytek: Xbox One eSram to provide phenomenal performance - 10 months pass by, their game is released on ps4, pc, X1 and is magically in 781p on X1, have lower res textures, worst lighting, missing effects BUT HEY!!! "eSram to provide phenomenal performance"... nice story bro
In current news the order 1886 and second son exclusives on the ps4 destroy graphically any game including ryse on the xflop
The Order is 800p and doesn't even use deferred rendering. I wouldn't say it "destroys" Ryse, lol.
When you buy a bluray movie and it has black bars (as 90% of movies nowdays), are they sold for less and considered as a 800p movies? Yeaaaa thought so.
Dude, the mouth-breathing halfwits around here can barely wrap their tiny heads around the concept of resolution, and now you want them to understand how aspect ratio works, too? Let em be, bro. Let em be.
@Wasdie: Funny how it still looked great huh MR moderator cow?
Seriously , you don't always have to come running to the cows rescue even though you're a huge cow yourself. Try being a little impartial sometimes.
Say so the hypocrite who defend the xbox one 24 7...
@k2theswiss: Yet infamous SS looked better when it was released then the previews builds. So did KZ SF. Lems are just rabid and butthurt at this point.
lol No it didn't lol
@k2theswiss: Lmao wow self owned.
The compressed screen grab vs HD pic. That was debunked multiple times. And anyone who own the game will attest to the fact the final version looks better.
There is a world of difference beyond compression. However, where was it debunked?
BTW, i'm currently playing the game.
If it was 1080p and was the best looking game on next gen. Then I might believe them.
But it's a blurry sub Full HD experience. I mean if they were the masters of ESRAM. Where is the result? Because I don't see it.
Blurry? I own this game and you must not have played it. Its easily the best looking next Gen game. The scene where he is above the forest is amazing.
@lundy86_4: There is an article on duelshockers that had more pics , but they are direct feed shots. They do a comparison on the HQ shots.
I've also compared the HD trailer off PSN vs the actual game. If anything the final product looks better. I will post a link when I get back to my computer.
Crytek: Xbox One eSram to provide phenomenal performance - 10 months pass by, their game is released on ps4, pc, X1 and is magically in 781p on X1, have lower res textures, worst lighting, missing effects BUT HEY!!! "eSram to provide phenomenal performance"... nice story bro
You did not play it. The lighting in this game is amazing at times. Its why it looks better than other games.
Crytek is one of the top tier coding houses. They aren't the best at game play but their graphical work speaks for itself. The Killzone Devs didn't believe that it was running on a Xbox One and not a PC.
@lundy86_4: There is an article on duelshockers that had more pics , but they are direct feed shots. They do a comparison on the HQ shots.
I've also compared the HD trailer off PSN vs the actual game. If anything the final product looks better. I will post a link when I get back to my computer.
Could you link the article?
You should note, that I am asking where the were debunked specifically.
So amazing that their game ran 30fps at 900p.
Don't believe the hype.
Silly man.
It was a launch game, that was 360 game. Don't you dare insult the developers that worked so hard to make this great game. It looks amazing and your pretense and illusion of the numbers game is disgusting and frankly has no place if you are gamer.
You sir are the problem with this generation.
Facts are facts. Lashing out at me doesn't make them any less true. It's not the problem of the generation that I'm looking at the facts and you're not.
Its not about the number of pixels, it's about quality of pixels. But it's ok if you are stuck in the past.
So now they are **** developers and are lying because they said something positive about the xbox 1. When they said something that everyone perceived negative they were ok no crytek bashing at all? are you guys serious?
PS4 isn't true HSA... You really don't know anything about technical sides of consoles, you just copy/paste things you read on the internet... The Jaguar CPU isn't HSA enabled, it could be Sony fixed this themselves, but you don't know this, no one knows this because Sony hasn't mentioned it themselves.
Not in a single paragraph it say there that the PS4 isn't true HSA,in fact all it talk is about hUMA the PS4 non hUMA claim comes from the fact that the APU doesn't have the memory in the same APU rather outside on the board,but the memory still is 1 pool that can be access by both CPU ad GPU and sony has make that very clear.
HSA stand for Heterogeneous System Architecture,hUMA stand for heterogeneous unified memory architecture they are 2 different things you silly lemming...
More recent link than yours.
The xbox one doesn't have anything even close to hUMA because hUMA is 1 unified memory access for both,which the xbox one doesn't have thanks to ESRAM,same reason why it isn't HSA either
No access from CPU to ESRAM = no HSA,ESRAM + DDR3 = 2 memory setups which again also mean no hUMA.
Crytek know what they are talking about when it comes to Graphics, there games being Boring has absolutely nothing to do with the Topic at hand.
Cows say EsRam is crap
Crytek say EsRam is good
Mmmmmmm...... Who to believe?
The people who know about Graphics and Hardware, Crytek
Or people who have probably never coded a game in there life and only know what they read on paper about the hardware.
Tough choice, you decide.
Crytek call it a hardware limitation a few days ago and now it call it great,we have other developers to who have say ESRAM isn't enough period,is not hard to use,is hard to fix everything in.
Also really.? Crytek has done nothing recently but an xbox one exclusive so yeah who should we believe.
@AM-Gamer: what do it exceeds ryse in besides resolution? Not a thing face lighting, textures, animations, physics, shadows, geometry, less glitchy, less pop ins I have both too infamous is a empty ass game I don't get why we even arguing its very shallow to be open world.
Are you freaking blind.? Infamous not only look ultra sharp has better AA,faster frames,and is 1080p it also has better particle effects and Physics to than and lighting than Ryse all while rendering way more than Ryse is doing and having endlessly more destructible object than Ryse to,Ryse is build like a corridor shooter without the actual corridor,that enclosed and non interacting is..
@lundy86_4: I will when I get back as my phone will not copy the link. There's dev comments as well as new shots that compare both builds. The shots from the pic he posted was a screen grab from a compressed YouTube video vs a HD screen shot.
What phone are you using? Copying text on a phone is easy.
I'll believe it when I see it
You won't see it, nor will lems but they'll believe illusions and illusions is all they'll receive this generation.
@lundy86_4: I will when I get back as my phone will not copy the link. There's dev comments as well as new shots that compare both builds. The shots from the pic he posted was a screen grab from a compressed YouTube video vs a HD screen shot.
What phone are you using? Copying text on a phone is easy.
@Tighaman: If you are basing it off that compressed screen grab it looks horriblely downgraded. The good news is the HQ shots show that it was never downgraded . Do you even know what a screen grab is? You are comparing a badly compressed screen grab off a YouTube video vs a HD shot.
Will they ever make a good game?
Probably not. Adequate is the best that they can hope for. The game was a 6 or 7 but not a 4 like idiot who reviewed it here. Yes, they may not have great game play designers but I would take that Dev team over any from a technical perspective.
I have a feeling that very few on here have actually played Ryse.
@AM-Gamer: I'm not bashing I'm telling facts and my son plays that game a lot I see the game for myself and I wish you all stop using the compressed yt as an excuse when you are looking at two pictures when your eyes can clearly see them pictures had different assets
In current news the order 1886 and second son exclusives on the ps4 destroy graphically any game including ryse on the xflop
sure... we all know sony has a history downgrading big time before release. can't wait to see what order looks like lol
What games were downgraded again? I know you're not buying into all that nonsense that Infamous was downgraded, which never happened.
@lundy86_4: There is an article on duelshockers that had more pics , but they are direct feed shots. They do a comparison on the HQ shots.
I've also compared the HD trailer off PSN vs the actual game. If anything the final product looks better. I will post a link when I get back to my computer.
Could you link the article?
You should note, that I am asking where the were debunked specifically.
Just turn on your brother's PS4 that you have access to occasionally and make sure you have a high quality, 120hz+, 40inch+ 1080p monitor. I beat the game twice, once on the very hardest setting and even earned 100% Platinum Trophy. So, I think I have had enough experience now to talk about it. You bought the Xbone when given the chance as I recall, but you're brother owns a PS4 as I also recall.
I wanted to see what the big deal was so I just clicked on that thread. Low and behold, it was a thread created by a very, very well known super lemming bandodging SW troll (freedomfreelife). Of course he's going to make a naughty thread about Playstation or Nintendo, they aren't Xbox products. He's a big Xbone supporter so it would make sense why he makes those silly threads. One look at the TC and most of us know not to take those threads seriously. This thread was about Infamous Second Son, a Sony 1st party product for PS4 and how bad the final product was going to look. It was created at an opportune time when most of us didn't have Infamous SS.
I remember that thread as having been a final trolling effort towards the game, one at the time we couldn't debunk as the game wasn't out. I don't think I posted because at the time I couldn't disprove it as I didn't have the game. If I recall, it was on the verge of releasing and that thread was one final desperate shot at fooling users, per the trolls m.o. Now? It's a joke of a thread as anyone can go turn the game on and laugh at those pics. I giggled when I clicked on that thread and saw who's thread it was and what he was doing and those pics. Oh, those glorious low res pics. It wasn't as easy to laugh at those pics back then when the game wasn't released (or newly released). I like to judge a game upon completion, not just 10 minutes of studying. Of course, this is an age old SW tactic to do comparison screens before the game releases to confuse an audience since they have no real recourse and it will be weeks until we can play through said game. By the time we do, usually the thread is forgotten and if it is brought up, it's laughed at. Happens all the time.
I'm just surprised that link was brought up in May 2014 as I would guess we can all laugh about it now. Then I realize, some people don't have the right equipment to view the game in optimum conditions and although they know that particular user is a troll, they still have no way to disprove him in their home due to their equipment. Perhaps they have a nice monitor, but it's WAY TOO SMALL? Heck, they may have a worse 720p HDTV and think that trolls lulz pics are actually good, haha.
I can tell you those pics are atrocious and not representative of the final game I completed twice (to net a Platinum in the game) in 7.1 surround sound on a giant Panasonic HQ 1080p Plasma. I enjoyed my second run through the game on Hard. I can also officially say I have 100% every Infamous game released to date, which is a shocker to me since I'm not even the biggest fan of the series.
Even sweeter, there is an update for Infamous SS so we all can take sweet glorious HD pictures in game which all have been floating around SW (Linky to the most recent Infamous SS pics by users on PS4). The real question is why is Infamous being discussed in this Crytek PR spin thread? Especially fake low res compressed debunked and currently easily debunkable pics?
@AM-Gamer said:
@lundy86_4: http://www.dualshockers.com/2014/03/15/infamous-second-son-pictures-show-that-there-was-no-downgrade-since-e3-2013/
Here you go
Thanks btw
That's a lot of effort you dug up that debunking article, AM-Gamer! I'm proud of you.
While I remember the debunking, I thought it would be obvious since most of us have the actual game now.
It's funny, those screens came out before the game released (a week or two).
That article debunked the fake low res screen grabs of Infamous on March 15th.
The game released on March 21st, about a week later.
It was just a perfect attack right before the game released. I've seen this before countless times. Consumers didn't have the game, we had to just see how it played out and wonder if in fact this news was true.
Such a tactic and effort shouldn't be effective now as we have the game, so I was surprised you had to dig that link up frankly as anyone with a PS4 and the Infamous game can laugh at those low res screens provided they have proper viewing equipment (i.e., not a tiny 1080p HDTV or bigger 720p HDTV).
We will see this low res capture strategy employed again in SW future. Props to the original troll who took the time to create this faux-fiasco with those deliberately compressed Infamous SS screenshots back in March prior to the game's release just to confuse people/future buyers/fanboys. That took effort months ago and here we are today still talking about it.
The real question is this is a Crytek PR spin thread, why is Infamous a point of contention at all? Hmmm...
@AM-Gamer: man I'm a grown man with kids I don't have to lie about playing any game because I have to buy them all anyway .....because that's kids for you and them are not the same pics they showed first on ds and yes dude jacket is still low res even a ugly chick can take a pic enough times and enough angles that one or two my hide the flaws and actually make her look good in that pic
Crytek is known for talking BS . They flip flop all the time . If this is really true then this is great news for everybody .
@Tighaman: Those are HQ shots. Notice how the textures on Delsins cap look better in the final build. You know why they look better? Because when light hits a object a certain way the textures wont always look the same. The actual res of the textures is the same. I proved you wrong plain and simple. You could man up but instead your just gonna live in fucking denial.
So Crytek used their absolutely best tricks and yet still only manages 900p and fps often dips to 20s, that's not exactly what I call phenomenal lol. Xbone will melt running Shadowfall, Infamous and The Order at the settings, resolution and fps they're at.
Pretty much. Don't get your panties in a bunch, everyone. It's just Crytek doing what Crytek does best. Which, unfortunately, hasn't been "making great games", in over five years.
Crytek started out doing innovative games, than ok games, now 'meh' games.
I really hope Homefront can turn them back around, but the series already started off with a really meh title.
And here are my 2 favorite haters gamer's.
Anyway, as you all like to say any one can find bad screens of any game.
But I think this is great news for Xbox One gamer's don't you?
It'll be even better if you actually get a game at some point.
good news, can't wait.
Xbox One: Just Wait.
You can add infinity memory bandwidth to the ultra low-end GPU that the xbox1 have, and the result in performance gains will be non existent.
Crytek is full of BS like that when they get paid by microsoft.
@AM-Gamer: man I'm a grown man with kids I don't have to lie about playing any game because I have to buy them all anyway .....because that's kids for you and them are not the same pics they showed first on ds and yes dude jacket is still low res even a ugly chick can take a pic enough times and enough angles that one or two my hide the flaws and actually make her look good in that pic
Infamous main character is made of 120K polygons it has 35k more than Ryse main character..
You are a joke Infamous not only has better effect,particle,AA than Ryse it also runs at 30+ FPS while been 1080p open world..
If Ryse was open world it would look like DR3 on xbox one..lol
@lundy86_4: doesn't matter crytek is known for GFX masters and sucker punch is not. ND and QD those are the ones that will push the ps4 beyond Xbone
Yep Sucker punch wasn't know as a top graphical pusher,and still topped Ryse,i can only wonder what ND the graphics king on PS3 will do on the PS4..
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