i thought it looked awesome
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What's wrong with the graphics ? they looks better than Skyrim.TheGuardian03LMAO!! No. Demon's Soul was a good game, but Gamespot must haver been on crack when they gave it GOTY. If there weren't other, better titles (like Uncharted 2) that deserved it more, I could understand the award, but there were at least 3 other games (including RDR & SMG2) that should have easily beat out Demon's Souls. Demon's Souls graphics aren't anything special. Assassin's Creeds graphics even look better. Bioshock: Infinite is miles ahead of it graphically. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV_TDxl2UIo
[QUOTE="TheGuardian03"]What's wrong with the graphics ? they looks better than Skyrim.blackaceLMAO!! No. Demon's Soul was a good game, but Gamespot must haver been on crack when they gave it GOTY. If there weren't other, better titles (like Uncharted 2) that deserved it more, I could understand the award, but there were at least 3 other games (including RDR & SMG2) that should have easily beat out Demon's Souls. Demon's Souls graphics aren't anything special. Assassin's Creeds graphics even look better. Bioshock: Infinite is miles ahead of it graphically. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV_TDxl2UIo Uncharted 2 didn't deserve GOTY. Demon's Souls did.
I said it deserved GOTY during GOTY voting...I was saying it deserved GOTY since back in march of 2009 when only the version was the asian version. I remember multiple threads about demon's souls saying that it should be GOTY.. tho you'll see differing viewpoints specifically this one from December 1, 2009: http://www.gamespot.com/forums/topic/27117482/demons-souls-is-a-pure-masterpiece-and-deserves-to-be-goty I don't think you're remembering correctly.Funny how everyone says Demon Souls deserved GOTY, when in that GOTY voting, it wasn't even a contender and everyone was shocked when GameSpot chose it.
I like Demons Souls storyline. It's was subtle and left a lot to the imagination. A lot of other RPGs' have a long winded overly complex or just plain craptastic storys that they cram down your neck.
All you kddies who think you might have a problem with Dark Souls DONT GET IT. We don't wanna hear about how you bought it and couldn't handle how it beat you down so you cried to mommie and returned it in five minutes. If you're too soft theres plenty of soft easy games out there for you to play like Mario Kart or Wii fit or Angry Birds that you can enjoy.
Everybody thought the game looked like crap when it was first shown 4 years ago, I barely remember anybody liking what they saw lol.[QUOTE="Luxen90"][QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"]
When I watched videos of Demon's Souls I didn't think it looked special, but then I played it... :o
It wasn't even really on my radar until I saw that it beat out Uncharted 2 for GOTY, then I got curious and bought it. It's one of my favorite games of all time now :D
You should play the King's Field and Shadow Tower series (Demon's Souls predecessors)
Same deal as Demon's souls and Dark Souls (Dark,lonely,Subtle,Foreboding,Atmospheric,Hard yet fair) only difference is = first person instead of third.
I love From Software because they make the games that they want instead of catering to the lowest common denominator.
They basically approach RPGs/Dungeon Crawlers the same way Team Ico approaches the Action Adventure genre.
[QUOTE="TheGuardian03"]What's wrong with the graphics ? they looks better than Skyrim.blackaceLMAO!! No. Demon's Soul was a good game, but Gamespot must haver been on crack when they gave it GOTY. If there weren't other, better titles (like Uncharted 2) that deserved it more, I could understand the award, but there were at least 3 other games (including RDR & SMG2) that should have easily beat out Demon's Souls. Demon's Souls graphics aren't anything special. Assassin's Creeds graphics even look better. Bioshock: Infinite is miles ahead of it graphically. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV_TDxl2UIo
Yeah, only RDR and SMG2 are from 2010.
Reviwers have mentioned (IGN i think) that they were 80 hours into the game and they were barely 1/3 of the game...or it was 60? still, i don't have enough time for this super long games, that's why is a drawback for me.
If it was 60 then it was almost right. You don't have to sit through the game all at once, though. You can play it everyday for like 2 hours or something if you don't have much time to spare.
Nearly an hour and a half? I'd rather not watch that but I'm confident I'll love this game. I've seen some footage and it's got the same beautiful, gloomy visuals and atmosphere as Demon's Souls. The physics in Demon's Souls never bothered me and I actually like how you can't pause because it adds a sense of urgency and danger, which goes well with the punishing but fair nature of the game.
As for story, well these games are not meant to be story-focused. It's more about the combat, and in this case exploration as well, which you wouldn't want interrupted by long periods of dialogue or cut-scenes. It seems some people didn't like the voice-acting and characters in DS, but I actually loved them and found them very convincing.
[QUOTE="ioannisdenton"]:| Your taste in games is not the fact, nor will it ever be. This is a game about dungeon crawling and combat, first and foremost -it's about the world building and atmosphere surrounding that - every system and mechanic as well as aesthetic supports this. This is a game with extremely strong direction, and its unforgiving-ness which fits into its fiction, tone, and mechanical functionality. It's a good game that has received very specific praise for a reason. If you think horrible ragdolls get in the way of your experience, then quite frankly you should be questioning your own damn perception of games.guys!!! please this is the second game here, yes they are not game changers at all but should not they fix the psysics? i owned and finished demon's souls and while i invested 50 hours in the end of the day it offered nothing nothing memorable (except maneater cursing my self to buying this game xD), the only memorable moments was something like 45:40 at the quick look video. dungeon crawler for sure but would not a story and some characters make it better? also imo combat is not good at all, you learn patterns wait and then attack , same as demons souls. i do not know abpout you but i really do not like it and i really wonder what gamers find in this game.
:| Your taste in games is not the fact, nor will it ever be. This is a game about dungeon crawling and combat, first and foremost -it's about the world building and atmosphere surrounding that - every system and mechanic as well as aesthetic supports this. This is a game with extremely strong direction, and its unforgiving-ness which fits into its fiction, tone, and mechanical functionality. It's a good game that has received very specific praise for a reason. If you think horrible ragdolls get in the way of your experience, then quite frankly you should be questioning your own damn perception of games.[QUOTE="skrat_01"][QUOTE="ioannisdenton"]
guys!!! please this is the second game here, yes they are not game changers at all but should not they fix the psysics? i owned and finished demon's souls and while i invested 50 hours in the end of the day it offered nothing nothing memorable (except maneater cursing my self to buying this game xD), the only memorable moments was something like 45:40 at the quick look video. dungeon crawler for sure but would not a story and some characters make it better? also imo combat is not good at all, you learn patterns wait and then attack , same as demons souls. i do not know abpout you but i really do not like it and i really wonder what gamers find in this game.
@Green: Lolno. Games don't have to be about Story and characters, gameplay is the most important thing. Don't believe me? See: Mario. There are so many games that are very successful while ignoring Story and Characters. DS has many memorable characters and a VERY deep story. Read the link I gave you in my last post.
@Blue: How is the difficulty "wannabe" difficulty? It's completely fair, only you just suck at it. 1-2 hit deaths? LOL, try raising vit instead of running around with 12 vit. You could take plenty of hits before dying, and it was possible to dodge every attack. You could easily see the traps if you actually looked at the stairs. You had like 5 seconds to dodge that rolling boulder, it was very easy. They allowed to escape most traps, so just blame yourself if you got hit. Hell, you could easily survive most traps. Maneaters were the only bosses who did that. I question the fact that you even played the game. THERE WAS A TUTORIAL RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING. STATS WERE EXPLAINED WHEN YOU WERE GOING TO LEVEL UP. YOU HAD A INSTRUCTION MANUAL. (See: My previous post)
@Teal: No, it was doing it perfectly fine. No cheap deaths at all, and was completely based on skill. It's only difficult if you suck at it or if your equipment sucks.
@Brown: How was it annoying? Did it completely destroy your game? This is the dumbest complaint ever. The crates are there just to "blend" with the environment. The game gives you loot via corpses, not crates. There were a few corpses hidden behind crates, by the way. *facepalm* DS had characters and a story, stop pretending they don't exist. Like I said, READ MY PREVIOUS POST DIRECTED AT YOU.
you are telling me that you actually made some sense from the story and you actually remember some characters?ioannisdenton
The story is meant to be evokative. It leaves a big hole for your imagination to fill in. Why do you need each and every game to explain in detail the setting and the lore?
remember the 2 dragons awaitng in the cliffs with 2 corpses awaitng to get looted?
That's exactly what the game teaches you from the very beginning. You can't do everything you want and that you do in other games. In a normal game with a checkpoint that's 5 minutes behind or a save, looting those bodies is mandatory. In DS you can lose much, and therefore behave in a more realistic and cautious way. I probed that dragon, saw that he would fry me and just walked away. Later, when the dragon was not there I looted the bodies. What is so hard to understand about the concept that a dragon is dangerous for a low level character?
Or they could just disable pause in multiplayer. I.E. if you are in soul form or offline mode, you can pause.[QUOTE="clone01"][QUOTE="trollop_scat"]
Wrong. The ability to pause the game would make invasions unbearable. Either the invader or the host could just pause the game and go eat a sandwich or something...
Or they could just not include it :o
People get by just fine in Demon's Souls, so I don't see what the hubub is about.
Or they could include it for single player. Lets say you are facing a boss, and suddenly you get a phone call from your boss or something. This leaves you with 3 options.
"I will turn off the game and redo the entire boss."
"I will leave the game on and pray the boss doesnt kill me"
"I will ignore the phone call and kill the boss, he can wait"
Either way, you lose. Not being able to pause in Demons Souls when playing single player was a terrible design choice. Being able to pause in multiplayer I could understand, but when playing alone? That is just a dumb.
Either way, it was one of my only 2 complaints about that game, the other was its comlete lack of difficulty. Demons Souls was absurdly easy, enemies were slow, had terrible AI and were usually reapeted the entire act replaced with stronger versions later on. Boss patterns were easy to learn and far too many of them were nothing but pushovers. Dont get me wrong, Demons Souls is a great game, but it is not without flaws. That is why I cant wait for Dark Souls, to see if it fixes the difficulty issue I had with Demons Souls. Hopefully the game wont be a pushover again.
[QUOTE="ioannisdenton"]you are telling me that you actually made some sense from the story and you actually remember some characters?KiZZo1
The story is meant to be evokative. It leaves a big hole for your imagination to fill in. Why do you need each and every game to explain in detail the setting and the lore?
remember the 2 dragons awaitng in the cliffs with 2 corpses awaitng to get looted?
That's exactly what the game teaches you from the very beginning. You can't do everything you want and that you do in other games. In a normal game with a checkpoint that's 5 minutes behind or a save, looting those bodies is mandatory. In DS you can lose much, and therefore behave in a more realistic and cautious way. I probed that dragon, saw that he would fry me and just walked away. Later, when the dragon was not there I looted the bodies. What is so hard to understand about the concept that a dragon is dangerous for a low level character?
Those dragons just added more to figure out and called for more strategy. Instead of "run here and kill this dragon. Loot these bodies" it was like "Hoho! I bet you wanna loot those bodies, but what you gonna do about them dragons? Huh?" And what did I do? I killed the one bastard as I crossed the bridge and then came back and dodged the other's fire. My reward? A purple shield that blocks fire, not a throw away item that the game should just give to you. Love it.you are telling me that you actually made some sense from the story and you actually remember some characters?It is called subtle storytelling, Demons Souls does it well and to be honest, it is my favorite form of storytelling mechanism. I dont know if it is just me, but I find the story much more rewarding to get into that way and the much more memorable. i cant play mario anymore, sorry i got fend with it long ago. last i played was new super mario on Ds. i really like the existence of at least an understable story in games. i should not ahve to read a wiki article explaining the story, if i have to do that something is wrong imo. as i stated again, in the begiining vitality was low hence the difficulty in the earilier levels. as you gained more souls levels game got way easier (as it shoud be). yes 1-2 hit deaths were occuring (excuse my english). you could see the traps yes but somehow you got hit in the first time, remember the 2 dragons awaitng in the cliffs with 2 corpses awaitng to get looted?Risk vs Reward, without risk, the reward just feels empty and unrewarding. also tutorial ...the fact that in dark tendencies's loot was better and some items - crafting materials only dropped in certain tendencies is not explianed anywhere at least in my perception , i had to goodle search that one. that is unacceptable experimentation is key, sometimes games work better if the game doesnt tell you anything, you are thrown into this world with minimal knowledge. the tutorial in the beggining was movement tutorial, big deal, when ia game is suppoed to have in depth combat and stats i expect MORE than just "hey the devs left you a 2 lines tutorial in the ground!!" and please the tutorial told me everything I needed to know, the rest was pretty obvious. voice acting.... everyone was talking as they were asleep, no tension in v.o at all, too linear and too bland for my tastes considering how depressing the world is, it wouldnt make sense if what the characters had tension when they spoke, the VA didnt bother me one bit. if the game is suppoed to have peaking charactera at least make it likeable and not yawnable. also my bigest complaint in the game and i think you cannot argue with that, grinding I beat the game in less than 4 hours, guess how much I grinded?. this game in my eyes is a grinding nightmare I guess this explains the part I coloured blue. i literally played 4-2 or 4-3 (cannot remember) for blodstones AND souls for days!!! as far as i can tell (noone know for certain) dark souls seems t be exatly the same game in these things : story , characters, grinding , combat, gameplay. i am not saying this is bad athing i am stating that they should fix some things this time.ioannisdenton
Replies in red. Dark Souls is clearly not for you, but as for hte rest of us, we are going to have a blast.
you are telling me that you actually made some sense from the story and you actually remember some characters? i cant play mario anymore, sorry i got fend with it long ago. last i played was new super mario on Ds. i really like the existence of at least an understable story in games. i should not ahve to read a wiki article explaining the story, if i have to do that something is wrong imo. as i stated again, in the begiining vitality was low hence the difficulty in the earilier levels. as you gained more souls levels game got way easier (as it shoud be). yes 1-2 hit deaths were occuring (excuse my english). you could see the traps yes but somehow you got hit in the first time, remember the 2 dragons awaitng in the cliffs with 2 corpses awaitng to get looted? also tutorial ...the fact that in dark tendencies's loot was better and some items - crafting materials only dropped in certain tendencies is not explianed anywhere at least in my perception, i had to goodle search that one. that is unacceptable. the tutorial in the beggining was movement tutorial, big deal, when ia game is suppoed to have in depth combat and stats i expect MORE than just "hey the devs left you a 2 lines tutorial in the ground!!" and please. voice acting.... everyone was talking as they were asleep, no tension in v.o at all, too linear and too bland for my tastes. if the game is suppoed to have peaking charactera at least make it likeable and not yawnable. also my bigest complaint in the game and i think you cannot argue with that, grinding. this game in my eyes is a grinding nightmare. i literally played 4-2 or 4-3 (cannot remember) for blodstones AND souls for days!!! as far as i can tell (noone know for certain) dark souls seems t be exatly the same game in these things : story , characters, grinding , combat, gameplay. i am not saying this is bad athing i am stating that they should fix some things this time.ioannisdenton
Yes, just because you didn't care to read descriptions doesn't mean others didn't understand the story (And for the billionth time, read the link in my previous post) and just because you didn't like the characters doesn't mean others didn't. Stop presenting your opinion as a fact. My point was that there are many games that don't focus on characters or story yet are very successful because of their gameplay. Games like Plants vs. Zombies and Mario are a prime example of this. Like I said, you can understand it if you bothered to read it. Yeah, you shouldn't have. You should've cared to read what was inside the game. Even if it was low in the earlier levels, you never died in 1-2 hits. Examples? And when you got killed by them, do tell about your vit points at that time and whether or not you had full health?
You got hit because you were CARELESS. You could dodge those traps, except the Dragon's one (Unless you were good at rolling) easily. I did state that the tendency system wasn't explained very clearly, but it WAS explained. You said that it wasn't explained it all. Wrong, every item dropped in every tendency. In black it was only increased. You honestly want them to change "L1: Block" to "If you press and hold the L1 button with a shield in your left hand, your character will raise his/her shield."? Seriously? They explained the whole combat, there was no need to prolong it. Why do you keep on ignoring every point I make? I said that THEY EXPLAIN WHAT STATS DO, JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T CARE TO READ DOESN'T MEAN THEY DIDN'T. USE THE DAMN INSTRUCTION MANUAL IF YOU CAN'T FIND A SIMPLE THING LIKE THAT.
You want a game about the combat and atmosphere to focus on characters? Herp-a-derp. How was the game linear? You could progress all 5 levels in any way you like, the game didn't force you to complete 1-1, then 1-2, then 2-1, the 2-2, then 2-3, then 3-1 and so on. Yes, I can argue with that, the game is NOT about grinding, it's about SKILL and TRIAL AND ERROR. "Grinding" was optional. If you learned your mistakes and got better, you could pass any point in the game without grinding. Just ask people who completed this game at SL 1.
Geez, I guess I have to repeat myself over and over again. Dark Souls is NOT about story, Dark Souls is NOT about characters, and Dark Souls is NOT about grinding. It's about the Gameplay, Trial and Error, Difficulty and Atmosphere. If story matters so much to you that you have to rant about it in games that are not centered around the story, go rant about Mario, Zelda, Bejewelled, Killzone 3, CoD etc.
The first reviews I read said the game was actually the same as Demon's Souls. In my opinion, this is very good. However, Dark Souls was much more about replaying the same areas over and over again, which scares me a bit...camera issues and frame rate issues also seem to occur from time to time, and the lock-on system, yeah, well, we all know how the lock-on system works.
[QUOTE="clone01"] Or they could just disable pause in multiplayer. I.E. if you are in soul form or offline mode, you can pause.Maroxad
Or they could just not include it :o
People get by just fine in Demon's Souls, so I don't see what the hubub is about.
Or they could include it for single player. Lets say you are facing a boss, and suddenly you get a phone call from your boss or something. This leaves you with 3 options.
"I will turn off the game and redo the entire boss."
"I will leave the game on and pray the boss doesnt kill me"
"I will ignore the phone call and kill the boss, he can wait"
Either way, you lose. Not being able to pause in Demons Souls when playing single player was a terrible design choice. Being able to pause in multiplayer I could understand, but when playing alone? That is just a dumb.
Either way, it was one of my only 2 complaints about that game, the other was its comlete lack of difficulty. Demons Souls was absurdly easy, enemies were slow, had terrible AI and were usually reapeted the entire act replaced with stronger versions later on. Boss patterns were easy to learn and far too many of them were nothing but pushovers. Dont get me wrong, Demons Souls is a great game, but it is not without flaws. That is why I cant wait for Dark Souls, to see if it fixes the difficulty issue I had with Demons Souls. Hopefully the game wont be a pushover again.
There is no single-player. The game is designed from the ground up with the multiplayer in mind. When you start the game, you don't choose to play single player or multiplayer mode. If you are playing WoW, or any other MMO, is there a pause button? No. Do they add a pause option if you are the only player in a particular dungeon instance? No. Just because it is possible to play the game 'single player' by signing out of the network before starting the game doesn't mean they need to add in pause. It's still designed as a multiplayer experience. If you absolutely need to walk away and don't have time to find a safe spot (which even most of the boss-fights had) and don't want to exit, just take the death and roll with it. Since the game was such a push-over, it's not like it would be any trouble to get back to your stain and get your souls back. None of the levels were all that long, once you'd gone through them once.[QUOTE="Maroxad"]
Or they could just not include it :o
People get by just fine in Demon's Souls, so I don't see what the hubub is about.
Or they could include it for single player. Lets say you are facing a boss, and suddenly you get a phone call from your boss or something. This leaves you with 3 options.
"I will turn off the game and redo the entire boss."
"I will leave the game on and pray the boss doesnt kill me"
"I will ignore the phone call and kill the boss, he can wait"
Either way, you lose. Not being able to pause in Demons Souls when playing single player was a terrible design choice. Being able to pause in multiplayer I could understand, but when playing alone? That is just a dumb.
Either way, it was one of my only 2 complaints about that game, the other was its comlete lack of difficulty. Demons Souls was absurdly easy, enemies were slow, had terrible AI and were usually reapeted the entire act replaced with stronger versions later on. Boss patterns were easy to learn and far too many of them were nothing but pushovers. Dont get me wrong, Demons Souls is a great game, but it is not without flaws. That is why I cant wait for Dark Souls, to see if it fixes the difficulty issue I had with Demons Souls. Hopefully the game wont be a pushover again.
There is no single-player offline mode? online mode when not playing with/against others. The game is designed from the ground up with the multiplayer in mind. When you start the game, you don't choose to play single player or multiplayer mode. I am pretty sure you could play offline mode in the asian version, you can do it in the western ones as well if you turn off the internet. If you are playing WoW, or any other MMO, is there a pause button? No because on those you are ALWAYS in the same world as others, with the exception if you enter an instance alone. Do they add a pause option if you are the only player in a particular dungeon instance? No Because there is no need for that, hardly anyone enters an instance alone, compared to Demons Souls you spend quite a lot of time playing alone. Just because it is possible to play the game 'single player' by signing out of the network before starting the game doesn't mean they need to add in pause. It's still designed as a multiplayer experience. If you absolutely need to walk away and don't have time to find a safe spot (which even most of the boss-fights had) and don't want to exit, just take the death and roll with it that still reeks bad design. Since the game was such a push-over, it's not like it would be any trouble to get back to your stain and get your souls back it is more about wasted time and effort than anything because of some irl inconvenience. None of the levels were all that long, once you'd gone through them once.Perhaps the lack of a pause button was not an inconvenience to you, but it was a big inconvenience to me. Just like the lack of pausing in Guild Wars 1 when you are entering an explorable area without any other players.
There is a huge difference between adding a pause button to a game where you are always online in the same world as others and one where chances are, you spend most of your time alone in your own version of the world.
Edit: Diablo 3 got a lot of flack for no online mode as well. Not just Demons Souls.
What do you think the ghosts were? You could see the other players. They could see you. You cut out the best part of the game playing offline. Worst case you could exit to title and the game probably saved a couple seconds before then if you absolutely have to leave, or just use the evacuate spell. Start -> System -> Quit Game. Sends you to the title screen and saves your progress. People are just nitpicking about the stupidest things. Kind of a testament that the stuff people call flaws are so small and commonplace in the ONLINE RPG GENRE.
What do you think the ghosts were? You could see the other players. They could see you. You cut out the best part of the game playing offline. Worst case you could exit to title and the game probably saved a couple seconds before then if you absolutely have to leave, or just use the evacuate spell. People are just nitpicking about the stupidest things. Kind of a testament that the stuff people call flaws are so small and commonplace in the ONLINE RPG GENRE.mbrockwaySorry, but I certainly don't think a pause button is nitpicking. And no, you don't cut out of "best" part of the game by playing in offline mode. You just don't see the messages or the ghosts. Its not too much to ask to put a pause button in a non-multiplayer session.
What do you think the ghosts were? You could see the other players. They could see you. You cut out the best part of the game playing offline. Worst case you could exit to title and the game probably saved a couple seconds before then if you absolutely have to leave, or just use the evacuate spell. People are just nitpicking about the stupidest things. Kind of a testament that the stuff people call flaws are so small and commonplace in the ONLINE RPG GENRE.mbrockway
And exactly how relevant were the ghosts? If I had done the game, you could pause when no player controlled black phantoms or blue phantoms were in your world: If someone would pause the game while not playing with others his ghost would temporarily disappear. Kinda like how my online experience with ghosts was anyway. The best part of Demons Souls was the atmosphere, level design, while pausing the game, the game would look for other targets as opposed to yourself.
Online was another weakness in Demons Souls now that I think of it. It is one of the most backwards designed online componenets I have seen far inferior to what hte likes such as Diablo had years ago.
Think what you want, but I know a fair share of people who considered the lack of pausing to be a legimate flaw, including people on this very thread. I loved Demons Souls btw, for its combat, superb level design, several of the bosses, atmosphere, subtle storytelling, replay value, itemization (platemail weighing more than leather, magic items having more creative bonuses than +X strength, weapons acting differently), ect.
START -> SYSTEM -> EXIT TO TITLE. Go throw answer the door. Say you don't want any. Come back and load and be back where you were. 10 seconds. And yes, you missed out on the best part. Ever invaded someone? Been invaded? Teamed up on a boss? Traded swords or weapons with someone to get the trophies? Fought the summoned player at the Monk boss? Your loss dude.mbrockway
Which is far more inconvenient than you know, just pausing the game. Oh and if facing a boss I believe turning off the game and reloading meant the bosses came back with full health again... nice. At least boss fights arent too long, but inconvenient no pause system is inconvenient.
The multiplayer components of Demons Souls werent that great, PvP was laggy for me and very imbalanced at that and co-operation was pointless since the game was already easy enough alone. Worst of all was the terrible World Tendancy system, which made it extremely difficult to obtain some items when not playing in offline mode.
[QUOTE="TheGuardian03"]What's wrong with the graphics ? they looks better than Skyrim.blackaceLMAO!! No. Demon's Soul was a good game, but Gamespot must haver been on crack when they gave it GOTY. If there weren't other, better titles (like Uncharted 2) that deserved it more, I could understand the award, but there were at least 3 other games (including RDR & SMG2) that should have easily beat out Demon's Souls. Demon's Souls graphics aren't anything special. Assassin's Creeds graphics even look better. Bioshock: Infinite is miles ahead of it graphically. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV_TDxl2UIo Demon Soul's is the best GOTY choice in a long time.
START -> SYSTEM -> EXIT TO TITLE. Go throw answer the door. Say you don't want any. Come back and load and be back where you were. 10 seconds. And yes, you missed out on the best part. Ever invaded someone? Been invaded? Teamed up on a boss? Traded swords or weapons with someone to get the trophies? Fought the summoned player at the Monk boss? Your loss dude.mbrockwayOr, you know, a pause button when in a non-multiplayer session. I wouldn't expect it in multiplayer sessions. I don't see why you need to jump down someone's throat because they think a feature that's been fairly universal in games since the NES era might be a nice idea.
[QUOTE="mbrockway"]START -> SYSTEM -> EXIT TO TITLE. Go throw answer the door. Say you don't want any. Come back and load and be back where you were. 10 seconds. And yes, you missed out on the best part. Ever invaded someone? Been invaded? Teamed up on a boss? Traded swords or weapons with someone to get the trophies? Fought the summoned player at the Monk boss? Your loss dude.clone01Or, you know, a pause button when in a non-multiplayer session. I wouldn't expect it in multiplayer sessions. I don't see why you need to jump down someone's throat because they think a feature that's been fairly universal in games since the NES era might be a nice idea. Sorry but the point of Demons Soul's is to put the fear of God back in the player and pausing would ruin the level of fear the game instills in you to always be on your guard. If you want a pause feature then play many of the other games that have it. That's not what Demons Soul's is about. Demons Soul's is not about pausing!!!
Or, you know, a pause button when in a non-multiplayer session. I wouldn't expect it in multiplayer sessions. I don't see why you need to jump down someone's throat because they think a feature that's been fairly universal in games since the NES era might be a nice idea.[QUOTE="clone01"][QUOTE="mbrockway"]START -> SYSTEM -> EXIT TO TITLE. Go throw answer the door. Say you don't want any. Come back and load and be back where you were. 10 seconds. And yes, you missed out on the best part. Ever invaded someone? Been invaded? Teamed up on a boss? Traded swords or weapons with someone to get the trophies? Fought the summoned player at the Monk boss? Your loss dude.trollop_scat
The only reason people are jumping down your throat is because you're suggesting the developers at From Software made a mistake by omitting a pause function, which is laughable. You just don't get it bro, and I'm not sure you ever will.
It's cool, DS is a "niche" title and it's not meant for everyone. Nintendo games are meant for Everyone which is why all their big games are rated E. You shouldn't feel bad about playing games meant for ten year olds, lots of people do it. Not me, mind you. I wouldn't be caught dead playing casual E rated games. But don't let my high standards intimidate you. You play whatever you like...
They didn't made a mistake its just a bad design choice, when i need to quit my game in order to attend the door, the phone or whatever you know something somewhere went terrible wrong. Multiplayer a problem? well, any time you are invading someone's world or something like that the Pause function shouldn't work, haven't played a Fighter? offline you have a Pause, online you don't, was really that hard to make it like that.
[QUOTE="clone01"] Or, you know, a pause button when in a non-multiplayer session. I wouldn't expect it in multiplayer sessions. I don't see why you need to jump down someone's throat because they think a feature that's been fairly universal in games since the NES era might be a nice idea.madsnakehhh
The only reason people are jumping down your throat is because you're suggesting the developers at From Software made a mistake by omitting a pause function, which is laughable. You just don't get it bro, and I'm not sure you ever will.
It's cool, DS is a "niche" title and it's not meant for everyone. Nintendo games are meant for Everyone which is why all their big games are rated E. You shouldn't feel bad about playing games meant for ten year olds, lots of people do it. Not me, mind you. I wouldn't be caught dead playing casual E rated games. But don't let my high standards intimidate you. You play whatever you like...
They didn't made a mistake its just a bad design choice, when i need to quit my game in order to attend the door, the phone or whatever you know something somewhere went terrible wrong. Multiplayer a problem? well, any time you are invading someone's world or something like that the Pause function shouldn't work, haven't played a Fighter? offline you have a Pause, online you don't, was really that hard to make it like that.
I never had a personal problem with "not being able to pause" however people need to stop acting like a pause feature would've made the game piss easy or some **** :roll:
I never had a personal problem with "not being able to pause" however people need to stop acting like a pause feature would've made the game piss easy or some **** :roll:
Is not the case at all, is just my POV, i'm getting the game regardless this.
I never had a personal problem with "not being able to pause" however people need to stop acting like a pause feature would've made the game piss easy or some **** :roll:
Is not the case at all, is just my POV, i'm getting the game regardless this.
Same here,
Not being able to pause is a bummer. But hardly enough to ruin the experience. All of my favorite games have flaws, Demon's Souls didnt have pausing, poor online and was too easy.
Being able to pause would have been nice, but at least the flaw was pretty well mitigated.
Wow, you must be really hardcore, extreme to the max.I thought I was gonna have to slap these dimwits down but I can see that you guys already took care of that.
You haters want a pause button? Maybe an icecream cone and a hug too? Zelda comes out Nov 11th. Mark it down on your calenders right now. The Wii U should be out sometime in 2012 so the outlook on stale by-the-numbers rehashes is pretty good. Get your wallets ready and by all means, enjoy...
The only reason people are jumping down your throat is because you're suggesting the developers at From Software made a mistake by omitting a pause function, which is laughable. You just don't get it bro, and I'm not sure you ever will.It's cool, DS is a "niche" title and it's not meant for everyone. Nintendo games are meant for Everyone which is why all their big games are rated E. You shouldn't feel bad about playing games meant for ten year olds, lots of people do it. Not me, mind you. I wouldn't be caught dead playing casual E rated games. But don't let my high standards intimidate you. You play whatever you like...
I'm not your "bro." Don't call me that please. If you want to continue being condescending, I'm not going to stop you, but you're certainly not helping your argument. I play all games Demon's Souls included. I've actually beaten it. You can check my PSN ID if you don't believe me. I'm pretty sure I "get it." BTW, Mario Kart DS in your sig is rated "E."
I never had a personal problem with "not being able to pause" however people need to stop acting like a pause feature would've made the game piss easy or some **** :roll:
Is not the case at all, is just my POV, i'm getting the game regardless this.
I was actually sticking up for you.
If Dark Souls Hypothetically had a Pause Feature people would whine as if game was being dumbed down or something.
King's Field series had a pause feature and I found those games far more brutal than Demon's Souls.
I never had a personal problem with "not being able to pause" however people need to stop acting like a pause feature would've made the game piss easy or some **** :roll:
Is not the case at all, is just my POV, i'm getting the game regardless this.
I was actually sticking up for you.
If Dark Souls Hypothetically had a Pause Feature people would whine as if game was being dumbed down or something.
King's Field series had a pause feature and I found those games far more brutal than Demon's Souls.
Indeed, King's Field is far more brutal. Furthermore, many roguelikes are turnbased which means they are essentially already paused. I am pretty certain each and every roguelike out there makes Demon's Souls look like child's play.
I can understand the menus and such happening in real time though. That I believe added to the experience. But have a pause option, would be nice, one where you cant check your inventory, your stats or anything else.
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