@jaydan said:
It's the most hilarious thing I get called a lemming now. People don't even know what I am around here so that really amuses me. :P
That is funny i didn't call you a lemming.
I claimed lemmings get upset for the smallest things.
I accused you of having memory problems which is true.
@i_p_daily said:
@elpresador-911: So are you Legend002's alt, because you both shit post the same garbage.
Hey I will enjoy my Forza games, Sunset Overdrive etc, etc and don't care what they are rated, because lets face it only fanbabys use sites like Metacritic to judge a games worth.
Why do cows play Metacritic all day instead of playing proper games???
Oh and I hate the Gears of War games, so the fact they are rated over 90 means shit to me, and i'm sure the scores mean shit to real gamers also, maybe you should try being a real gamer one day.
Exhibit A..
@i_p_daily said:
I don't care if Bloodborne is a GOTY contender or if it's an AAAE, ABC, or XYZ. I play games I like, you play games you like. Ratings means nothing in the real world, Why do you spend so much time talking about MS and it's games, are you a little insecure or something???
Exhibit B.
@i_p_daily said:
@Legend002 said:
Had to bring this up because people are misleading potential buyers by saying they are the same system having 90% of the same games. That's not possible when Xbone is more than 300 games short of the PS4.
And how many of those 300 games are crap? The PS4 will become the next PS2 if it's not careful, with thousands of games with more than 2/3 being absolute crap.
Quality > Quantity = Every time.
This is a good one and part of exhibit B,how do you establish that a game is crap? Under what measurement?
Yeah scores the same one he downplay.
@i_p_daily said:
Cows and their obsession with scores, don't know what it will score and don't care.
Shouldn't you guys be creating a Dreams hype thread???
I mean some of you cows are calling it GOTY when it not even a game lol.
Exhibit C.
This post is pulled from a thread that is not even 3 months ago,asking if people think crackdown could score at least 75,look how the lemming attack scores and get mad on the process.
So yeah is pretty easy to see lemmings get upset quite easy,and that they downplay score when it serve them,if i was I_P_daily i would not even show on this thread to much running against him.
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