You are an idiot if you think that this will last long, if AT ALL.
True story: By the time these consoles launch there will be new video cards on the market that will demolish anything that the consoles can render. On top of that while you are stuck with what's in the console with no option to upgrade, new PC graphics cards will be introduced EVERY YEAR during the entire console life cycle.
We go through this every time a console launches and you dumbasses still haven't figured it out yet.
Those graphics cards will not be in all PC's on the planet, and it is therefore more costly for dev's to development a game in 3 or 4 iterations of performance for the minimum- medium, and maximum requirements for various PC's. They prefer to develop for a console because of it's singular hardware with a singular install base, no minimum or maximum requirement versions required, they can just max out the games settings for the PS4 or Xbox One for that matter, and thus the game will run. Face it consoles are just better all the way around!!!Not all devs think like that. Take a look at most of Square Enix published games this gen like Sleeping Dogs, the Batman Arkham series, Tomb Raider, etc. They outclass their console counterparts by a large margin graphically and run with better framerates.Â
I don't have to face anything, I know better. As a platform the PC will always be better.Â
I hear people hyping The Last of Us graphics, I played it. Â It looks horrible compared to PC games from years ago, and pretty much every port out as well. Full of jaggies and horrible textures, what they did with the hardware was pretty amazing, but people really need to stop trying to hype up the console graphics as they will be quite dissapointed.
Hope they understand that the consoles were holding back the PC / Ports. Â Now that they are using a more PC-like architecture porting to PC should be even easier. Hell the next-gen consoles are basically a mid-tier gaming PC from a year ago (well the PS4 is, the X1 is like a mid-tier from 2 years ago)
EDIT: Â Listened to a bit more of the interview, they are basically saying you're going to get the Ultra/High settings of the games they have on PC that we been getting for awhile. Â I am playing those games on hardware thats three years old on 1080p with 60+ FPS.
I'm a gamer, I'm not a fanboy of any platform, but comparing the raw power of PC to a Console is just silly. Â Especially if you know the specs already. Â Yeah they are a closed system and easier to develop for, but that only accounts for so much.
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