@cfisher2833 said:
@inb4uall said:
Lol as if. Bioware is has been in a rut. It's this vs Darksouls 2 this year.
He just gets a weird boner from Bioware. Never mind that Dragon Age has one of the most generic, boring fantasy settings in any modern RPG (one of the main reasons I couldn't get into the first one), and never mind that Dragon Age 2 had horrendous dialogue and that Inquisition's has a combat system that doesn't know what it wants to be (because that ALWAYS turns out well)....nope nope nope, Dragon Age is gonna be the best RPG EVER!!! I'll be pleasantly surprised if Inquisition is even good enough to get an 8, let alone beat what are likely far superior games such as Divinity and DS2.
Edit: Just did a little digging. Apparently my spidey sense was right on the money:
According to Matt Goldman, art director for BioWare's Dragon Age II, being generic was an actual design principle for the Dragon Age: Origins art team. While Goldman didn't direct the art department that worked on Origins, he's familiar with the instructions the former team was given: "Actually, the design creative was 'it's generic,' which isn't the most inspirational direction that you could give a team."
And yet if you have read my posts in the past, that was my criticism of Dragon Age Origins, as well as it recycles from other Bioware games. But that doesn't mean it didn't cream Demons Souls in most gaming sites and publications for RPG of the Year in 2009. Gamespot got it right in 2009.
Unless it has a major flaw, or a buggy release, DA: I is the odds on favorite to win RPG of the year, whether you like it or not. Dark Souls II is second. If DAI flops, it will probably be Dark Souls II that is the favorite.
And really, Divinity has some significant flaws that may hold it back from competing with the big boys. Its too obtuse for its own good and its writing holds it back. This could mean that Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity can top it, games that have much better writing teams, as well as taking on Bioware's elite character writing team. And by focusing a bit on writing and not being great, it could lose to a game that does not focus much at all on it like Dark Souls II.
And really, every developer should be thankful TW3 got pushed back because that game would have been the odds on favorite to win RPG of the year.
Here is the thing, unless it flops, put money into the big hyped production winning. They usually do.
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