Don't care.. whether it gets 9 or over 9000 not into turn bases games... the game's good though..
I don't get why people hate turn based games, they offer far more options, freedom, are easier to balance and can be made a lot more challenging.. Anything is better then the real time pause system.. Even games like BG2, it was a mess in, where quite a few fights turned into cluster fvcks with no real positioning.. The dragon fights were notorious for this kind of sh!t.
I'm not hating on turn based games, its just that i vn't got the chance to come around it yet. I used to game on only console as i prefered control over K/M then pc last year with interest only in vs/brawler game like KOF, Guilty Gear at first but games like BF changed my perspective of different genre of games ... and it just happens that i've come to mmo mainly ARPGso far .. . and'll eventually get to TB games and I did play TB games - final fantasy x -2 on ps2 and i did like it and who know i near future i'll love tb games.
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