DMC1 trashes DMC3
Ah, nostalgia. My rose-tinted goggles told me the same thing, until I replayed DMC1 and realized just how clouded by nostalgia they were. The only thing DMC1 did better, IMO, was atmosphere, and architectual design. Brilliant castle and overall island layout. But after playing with the new weapons and styles in DMC3, it was difficult to go back to. From a gameplay standpoint, DMC3 wins, but the prize for best 3D action game still goes to Bayonetta. Deal with it.Not really. I played the series for the first time last year in the span of a month.
Heres the thing, DMC1 was ALOT more than just combat. Like you said, it has the atmosphere, design but thats not all. It also had amazing level design, pacing, puzzles and a connected world. Which really suprised me when i first played it because I was expecting something like what I got in DMC3. Instead I was treated to a game that not only had strong combat but gameplay comparable to Metroid/castlevania/RE which makes sense seeing as it was originally supposed to be RE4.
First thing I will say is DMC3 has the better combat and smoother controls, thats not even debatable. But it sacrifices everything else at the cost of doing so. You now travel in a linear fashion with no puzzles, going from room to room killing things. It almost becomes an arena fighter. Its a great game no doubt but I think people like you are confused as to what the series is meant to be about. I have a feeling after the DMC2 fiasco, Capcom listened to what the fans were saying and heard to main things, combat and cocky dante (which is suprising since due to popular misconception, DMC1 Dante is not even that cocky).
It was the EXACT same situation with Ninja Gaiden minus the crappy sequal (DMC2). Itagaki perfected the combat making it leaps better than NGBs but at the cost of everything else. Like DMC3, it pretty much plays like a linear arena fighter. move forward, clear this area, move forward, clear this area, Boss, repeat. Gone was the connected world/overworld, puzzles and other minor details which at first glance may not seem important, become sorely missed.
I suppose if you look at it from a pure action combat perspective, you could say DMC3 (and NG2) are better than their predecessors at what they do. But the better game? it's not even close and you'll see most scores reflect that.
As to your spoiler, Bayonetta (one of my favourite games this gen) is the perfection of the DMC1/3/4 combat. But it still does not come close to NGB/2. Sorry
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