sorry to burst your bubble but console wars have always been about power. Look at the bit wars in the nineties, the success of the pc in the end nineties and early 2000's, the playstation brand has become so successfull because the ps1 was by far the most powerfull console....
*sigh*...ok then buddy, if you REALLY believe that answer me this one question...
When has introducing a more powerful system into the mix EVER........changed the course of a console war/generation?
And PS1 at the beginning of the generation and was not far more powerful, it was only slightly better at 3D graphics when 3D graphics were in their infancy.
Sega Saturn was far superior in 2D games and had decent 3D capabilities producing some of the most highly praised games of that era like Panzer Dragoon Saga, Virtua Figher 2, House of the Dead and Datona USA which are very compatible PS1's best. Fun fact Sega Saturn was actually overall the more powerful machine but just more difficult to program for.
Also PS1 had EXCLUSIVES like Final Fantasy, Tekken and MGS something else you neglected to reflect on! Lastly is PS1 wasn't a mid gen introduction like Scorpio is so your comparison completely fails here.
You wrote a bunch of shit...but that is all it ends up being. Facts and history are not on your side here.
When has POWER turned the tied of a console generation 32x? N64? xbox? PS Vita? .... Tell me when has this ever happend? lol
The vita is a handheld and wasn't more powerfull than the already existing ps3.
Decent post for the most part, I don't agree with everything but you support your opinion with logical counters. This last part however, I figuered you'd just put 1 and 1 together....yes Vita is a handheld lol so whey are you talking about PS3?
Obviously (in the argument of power wins people over) I was speaking in relationship to Nintendo's leading handheld 3DS....and once again MY argument holds true that the MUCH more powerful Vita didn't turn to tide of war for that market with games being made or people's preference for which system they preferred to buy.
The weak ass 3DS slaughtered PS Vita and it's now a running joke in Systems wars and it's based on this same logic that I am presenting my argument in this thread. "Power" doesn't win console wars or turn the time of favor to a platform simply because of that factor. 3DS had the games, the market space and the 3rd support and that's all there was to it...the same logic applies to PS4 and people who can't see that are in for a rude awakening lol.
That said, I appreciate your post as it was one of the best I've seen on the opposite side of my opinion. Good job.
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