[QUOTE="casharmy"] I would not have made this thread if people didn't openly show prefence and defense of one company over another, as a matter of fact System Wars itself wouldn't exist if this wasn't true. lol, I'm going to refer back to this thead when I catch one of you fools critically jabbing at one company over anothercasharmy
just because someone takes a jab at one company doesnt mean they're standing up for another...smh.
n why stand up for any company? that makes no sense in itself...especially when we're talking about something as pointless as video game console companies. video games are a pastime tool. something to do or entertain urself when ur bored. not a necessity in life at all. why in the world would u stand up for or passionately defend any one of these companies in any real way anyway. they're just games. some people take this way too seriously...n a lot of them have been cows.
like one user said, it'd make more sense to defend the game developers than it does to defend the companies lol.
Yeah, that all sounds good...but if what you are saying is true, why bash a company at all??? The fail I see with all the people trying to act all impartial is that I see everyone bash certian companies in an overwhelming abundance over other companes.They, consequently,mostely onlycomment in a possitive light toward another specif comapny. All you and some others are doing is putting a play on words to try to sound good. If you bash a company but turn a blind eye or make excuses for another comapny it's the same damn thing.
idk, ask someone who does it. i bash on cows n the wild things they say. i havent really went on a company.
i have no problem with Sony and the ps3...just not interested in getting the system yet. the only game i'd want to play is Uncharted, but since even cows are saying the 3rd one isnt that great, a step backwards, purchasing one is on the backburner again.
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