You would be blind not to see it coming with all the work they have put into the single game of the series. Will it be good or not? Thats up for SE to decide not us.
Who knows they could come and suprise the whole industry with a good remake, they really could if they implemented it correct and didn't piss too many people off. a FFVII remake already has stigma of "It will fail" and I hate people like that, what about it would fail? Sure if they did a simple graphics buff it would have rather dated gameplay, if they cahnge the gameplay will anyone really miss the exact same battle system that FFVII had? what if they tweak that same system to make it more freeform and current to other things or even a totally new system that fits the remake perfectly? We don't know how they would handle a remake so should we just assume "It will fail"
Bah to you people. BAH I SAY!
People are entitled to there opinions, and I agree SE is getting rather silly with the spinoffs and remake...but hey there are plenty of people who never got to see these amazing games the first time around or were absent from being alive, so who are we to say "You shouldn't get to experience this as a new game like we all did and be amazed!"? Who are we to tell these companies what to do, they obviously have been doing something right to become a huge name in the industry...and man I'm rambling I'll shutup now.
Long story short, let the companies dig there own grace if they so wish it. This wont effect you in any way, shape, or form if you decide that the remake should stay a classic...then please don't buy the remake. Presto, your memories of a classic game will never be tarnished.
Personally, I probably would pick a remake to see if it was true to the original, but changed it up enough to keep it a compelling purchase for someone who has already owned and played the original. But I'm the kind of guy who will never say no to a type of game until I try it, I decide if I hate it after I play it. IE: Halo...bah.
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