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This topic never gets old, well, unless your an actual 360 gamer that has XBL gold that is. :twisted:
OT, yes but would I rather it be free, indubitably.. :P
[QUOTE="brucecambell"]no need for insults. if you dont like the service then dont use it. dont act like you're better than the people who do pay for it, thats just patheticNo. I dont use any of the features they've added. I just want the simple ability to be able to participate in online matches. That simple ability should be free.
PSN gives you this for free & gives you the option of paying for extra features. This is what XBL should be doing but instead im paying for all these features i dont want or use. They force you to buy everything or nothing. That is complete nonsense
Why am i paying to access a component of a game i already purchased. Im already paying for internet access to my house every month. Also PSN has 90% of what XBL does & its free. We're paying $60 a yr for party chat. I dont even use online enough to get my moneys worth.
Bottom line is only mentally handicapped people will defend being charged for online. Everybody in the gaming industry knows XBL [at least the ability to participate in online matches] should be free. PERIOD.
I never insulted anybody for using the service [ i use the service ]. I insulted the people dumb enough to defend paying money for it. Its OKAY to like the service, its okay to use the service but to defend having to pay for it is absolutely ridiculous.
I don't mind being charged for a premium service but XBL isn't it.
1. If I'm paying for something then I want no ads.
2. If I'm paying then I want dedicated servers.
On the upside, patches and updates are 2 second affairs and that right there pays for itself.
My time is valuable.
PSN sucks.
- First I didn't have network access for about a month
- Then I find out that my user info might have been stolen
- Then I had to download an update that took 20 minutes to download and install.
- I then had to change my password
- and was forced to read a 10 page TOS which basically told me that I no longer had the right to join a class action lawsuit against Sony
Bottom line, get used to paying because life is expensive.
PSN will have to start charging sooner or later anyway.
i'm shocked the poll is so close what with all the ps3 guys being such fakeboys about xbl for the last 6 years.
Ummm... What person who owns a 360 would consider purchasing xbox live but not have a computer? You have to have the internet to play on xbox live. What kind of person has the internet but no computer?vashkeyOn this world many you assume that just because some one has internet they have a PC,in fact i have 3 friends who don't own a PC but have online access to play on their PS3. Even so like i already told you not every one has a card or is willing to buy on the net.
Paying for XBL is like paying to use your own internet, which you already pay for. If they provided dedicated servers to eliminate lag then we might have something. As it stands, it's a complete waste of money and possibly the biggest scam in gaming.
Don't forget the exclusive feeling you get knowing ur a goldmember. That's wrth the $60 in itself rigt there.
It doesnt cost 60 $, cant people use the internet anymore ? :O.. seriously its effing cost about 30-40 $ xbl and exclusive is all cows can nitpick
[QUOTE="vashkey"] Ummm... What person who owns a 360 would consider purchasing xbox live but not have a computer? You have to have the internet to play on xbox live. What kind of person has the internet but no computer?tormentosOn this world many you assume that just because some one has internet they have a PC,in fact i have 3 friends who don't own a PC but have online access to play on their PS3. Even so like i already told you not every one has a card or is willing to buy on the net.
And even them that buy a year over live, doesnt care about the price and really 60 bucks for a year is nothing ever though about that ?
lol love the poll where half the no users dont even have xbox live and never did.
and yes most of the time I find it worth the money...Most of the time.WilliamRLBaker
I know you wil find some of my Halo Reach achievements to be quite interesting,specially those last ones and what do you need to do to get them.
It doesnt cost 60 $, cant people use the internet anymore ? :O.. seriously its effing cost about 30-40 $ xbl and exclusive is all cows can nitpick
Yes it does and that is the official price unless you have a link where MS state that XBLnew price is $30 to $40.
$60 it is.
You know what the sad part is that Gamestop the biggest chain of video game stores and the one that sold the most games and game related stuff including xbox live,has live for $60 online or offline.
No. I dont use any of the features they've added. I just want the simple ability to be able to participate in online matches. That simple ability should be free.
PSN gives you this for free & gives you the option of paying for extra features. This is what XBL should be doing but instead im paying for all these features i dont want or use. They force you to buy everything or nothing. That is complete nonsense
Why am i paying to access a component of a game i already purchased. Im already paying for internet access to my house every month. Also PSN has 90% of what XBL does & its free. We're paying $60 a yr for party chat. I dont even use online enough to get my moneys worth.
Bottom line is only mentally handicapped people will defend being charged for online. Everybody in the gaming industry knows XBL [at least the ability to participate in online matches] should be free. PERIOD.
no need for insults. if you dont like the service then dont use it. dont act like you're better than the people who do pay for it, thats just patheticI never insulted anybody for using the service [ i use the service ]. I insulted the people dumb enough to defend paying money for it. Its OKAY to like the service, its okay to use the service but to defend having to pay for it is absolutely ridiculous.
fair enough. yea id defintely prefer if it was free but i really cant complain about $60 a year when i get so much fun out of the service especially when im gonna spend over $500 in video games this fall lol[QUOTE="Strutten"]
It doesnt cost 60 $, cant people use the internet anymore ? :O.. seriously its effing cost about 30-40 $ xbl and exclusive is all cows can nitpick
Yes it does and that is the official price unless you have a link where MS state that XBLnew price is $30 to $40.
$60 it is.
You know what the sad part is that Gamestop the biggest chain of video game stores and the one that sold the most games and game related stuff including xbox live,has live for $60 online or offline.
yea but gamestop is a ripoff. everyone knows thatIf you have ever played PSN you know that XBL is not worth the money however sometimes when you find deals its better than having silver membership. I just bought 3 months for 9.99 so I can deal with that...I just hate when I go a few months without playing an online game and then look at my bank statement and see MS raping me.
If you have ever played PSN you know that XBL is not worth the money however sometimes when you find deals its better than having silver membership. I just bought 3 months for 9.99 so I can deal with that...I just hate when I go a few months without playing an online game and then look at my bank statement and see MS raping me.
Funny, I had the opposite reaction on PSN.
yea but gamestop is a ripoff. everyone knows thatmems_1224
How is gamestop a rip off.?
They sell games for the price points that console makers say.
Gamestop sell XBL for $60 because that is the official price not matter how you want to spin it,is $60 is not $40.
It doesnt cost 60 $, cant people use the internet anymore ? :O.. seriously its effing cost about 30-40 $ xbl and exclusive is all cows can nitpick
Yes it does and that is the official price unless you have a link where MS state that XBLnew price is $30 to $40.
$60 it is.
You know what the sad part is that Gamestop the biggest chain of video game stores and the one that sold the most games and game related stuff including xbox live,has live for $60 online or offline.
On Live ye the price might be 60 $, but if you got connection on your box, then you surely have a computer also, which is where you buy subscriptions ? you do know there is many many sites that sells live for 30-40 bucks.. also proven many times on sw.. can find you links if you want ?
Nope, it's not worth it for a P2P service esp when PSN has 90% of its features.
Heck, now that I think about it. With all the money I have saved from not having to pay for my online I could probably afford PS4 when it comes out.
And like someone else pointed out. If you want to break it down into months than the PS3 only cost 1 dollar ayear for 600 years. That's not at all expensive. If you can't afford a dollar ayear than you might as well give up gaming :P
No I do not find it to be worth the money. I'm not saying that xbox live doesn't have any advantages mind you, it's much more streamlined and has more features than PSN does. But that doesn't really make it "better", at least not to me. No one really knows why MS charges for online multiplayer and that's because they don't, they simply charge because they can. MS has no reason to do so and the ads on the dashboard should cover whatever cost there would be in the first place.
All I want from an online service is to play my game with my friends without hassle and PSN is perfect with this. Like I said xbox live is better in some ways with features and streamlined, but for the sole purpose of just playing online PSN wins in that area. Both services have there pro's and con's and overall I wouldn't say either one is better than the other really, it's just a prefrence.
But I don't personally find anything about xbox live that warrents the price. Mabey some people do, but I just can't understand it. Both services are good mind you, not bashing the services themselves, just saying that MS has nothing to offer me to pay them just to play over my own internet. Same thing goes with netflix, why do you have to be a Gold member to get netflix? There is no real reason for it, we all know that. And as far as playing online goes they are the same, neither one lags more than the other, they both seem to have the same number of people online, no problem finding matches. So I don't see why I would pay for online multiplayer if I can get it for free?
I wish MS would let Silver members play for free and just leave Gold for all that extra stuff. I doubt very many people would renew thier Gold membership. But I should stress this final point, anyone who tells you that either service is trash hasn't used both. They are both good services and are perfectly fine with online gameplay.
Just comes down to your personal prefrence,
want more features and a better streamlined service (faster updates, easier invitesect..)and don't mind paying? Than go with xbox live.
Want a good free service and don't mind not having those fetures and whatnot, than PSN is the service for you.
I wish MS would let Silver members play for free and just leave Gold for all that extra stuff.ShadowMoses900The biggest incentive would be gone,people actually tell you the service it worth it,and that they pay for party chat,but in real life what they pay for is online play,if silver had free online play,MS would have an incredible tough time tell people to pay $60 dollars for party chat,facebook,tweeter,netflix and hulu,when 3 of those 4 are free every where else even on smart phones.
Same thread everyday.
Yes, obviously millions of people find the money being worth it.
The hermits and cows outnumber the lems so there should be more no's than yes's
[QUOTE="sts106mat"] if online play was free, i probably would not pay just for the gold benefits of it. Its not free and its unlikely to change, they have a good service running and people are willing to pay. the day i stop seeing value in XBL (i.e. no more gears / halo) then i will consider no longer paying. tormentosPeople are not willing to pay people are force to pay,like you admit just now you would probably not pay if Silver had online play,the majority would probably do the same,and MS knows that very well reason why they haven't give online play to silver.
LOL. No one is forced to pay anything, wow. Let me tell you a little secret that is known outside of these forums. No one gives a crap about a measley $5 a month for Xbox Live. The people that seem to care are the ones that aren't paying it. Sounds to me they are just pissed that they can't afford it.
[QUOTE="tormentos"] People are not willing to pay people are force to pay,like you admit just now you would probably not pay if Silver had online play,the majority would probably do the same,and MS knows that very well reason why they haven't give online play to silver.sts106mat
LOL. No one is forced to pay anything, wow. Let me tell you a little secret that is known outside of these forums. No one gives a crap about a measley $5 a month for Xbox Live. The people that seem to care are the ones that aren't paying it. Sounds to me they are just pissed that they can't afford it.
haha, thats basically what i want to type everytime i see these posts. people care way too much that people pay for live.Its true and pathetic.
People are not willing to pay people are force to pay,like you admit just now you would probably not pay if Silver had online play,the majority would probably do the same,and MS knows that very well reason why they haven't give online play to silver.tormentos
LOL. No one is forced to pay anything, wow. Let me tell you a little secret that is known outside of these forums. No one gives a crap about a measley $5 a month for Xbox Live. The people that seem to care are the ones that aren't paying it. Sounds to me they are just pissed that they can't afford it.
haha, thats basically what i want to type everytime i see these posts. people care way too much that people pay for live. i know right. why does he care so much what other people are willing to pay for?? im gonna spend over $500 in games just this fall, even if i paid $60 for live whats an extra $60 for a year of the best online gaming service on consoles?? nothing.LOL. No one is forced to pay anything, wow. Let me tell you a little secret that is known outside of these forums. No one gives a crap about a measley $5 a month for Xbox Live. The people that seem to care are the ones that aren't paying it. Sounds to me they are just pissed that they can't afford it.threadbrennanhuff
Really so i can jump now on XBL without paying.? No.? Oh yeah you have to pay if you want to play online,that is call forcing,if you don't pay you don't play period.
Yes they do,maybe that is the reason why almost 40 million xbox 360 owners don't pay for xbox live.
Yeah i have never pay for xbox live and can't afford it,look at my last Halo Reach achievements and tell how can you get those without xbox live.
[QUOTE="brennanhuff"]LOL. No one is forced to pay anything, wow. Let me tell you a little secret that is known outside of these forums. No one gives a crap about a measley $5 a month for Xbox Live. The people that seem to care are the ones that aren't paying it. Sounds to me they are just pissed that they can't afford it.threadtormentos
Really so i can jump now on XBL without paying.? No.? Oh yeah you have to pay if you want to play online,that is call forcing,if you don't pay you don't play period.
Yes they do,maybe that is the reason why almost 40 million xbox 360 owners don't pay for xbox live.
Yeah i have never pay for xbox live and can't afford it,look at my last Halo Reach achievements and tell how can you get those without xbox live.
40 million dont pay for live, there you said it yourself. they arent forcing you, its a choice. anyone who buys a 360 knows you have to pay to play online. its not something that hidden from people buying it40 million dont pay for live, there you said it yourself. they arent forcing you, its a choice. anyone who buys a 360 knows you have to pay to play online. its not something that hidden from people buying itmems_1224
Yeah and they don't play online,so no paying no gaming online you have to pay obligatory to play online,there ins't anything more forcing than that.
40 million dont pay for live, there you said it yourself. they arent forcing you, its a choice. anyone who buys a 360 knows you have to pay to play online. its not something that hidden from people buying itmems_1224This is correct, and why the whole "forcing" argument is so wrong.
40 million dont pay for live, there you said it yourself. they arent forcing you, its a choice. anyone who buys a 360 knows you have to pay to play online. its not something that hidden from people buying it
Yeah and they don't play online,so no paying no gaming online you have to pay obligatory to play online,there ins't anything more forcing than that.
right but everyone knows if you dont want to pay to play online dont get an xbox.....right but everyone knows if you dont want to pay to play online dont get an xbox.....mems_1224
No not every body knows that,your average mom finding a gift for her son doesn't even know what an xbox 360 is much less that they have to pay for online,but never the less is a pathetic justification saying what you juts say.
Is mandatory to pay if you want to play period,you can spin it all you want bro.
[QUOTE="mems_1224"]40 million dont pay for live, there you said it yourself. they arent forcing you, its a choice. anyone who buys a 360 knows you have to pay to play online. its not something that hidden from people buying itIronBassThis is correct, and why the whole "forcing" argument is so wrong.
The argument is not wrong in any way,if you don't pay you don't play there isn't anything more forcing than that period.
Saying you have a choice doesn't actually change the fact that you have to mandatory pay if you want to take full advantage of the game you already pay for.
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