Most not all and many will just give you a credit if you already open the game,the console or anything you purchase,by the way many will even charge you a 15% restocking fee,so from those $360 1 360 1 game,you could be getting back like $52 dollars less.
Is funny now the xbox 360 fan defence for live is who told you to get a 360,and is your fault to choose the console,what happen to the xbox 360 is teh best experience and the console that every one should get.?
it is the best. but if you wanna be cheap the ps3 is a great alternative :Plol
I personally find both services to be equal overall, the online gameplay is the same but it just depends on what your prefrence is. Xbox live is better integrated and has more features but you have to pay for online MP. PSN is free but lacks some features and isn't aswell integreated.
Again the online gamplay it'self is the exact same, I just think people should make that clear when they say one service is "better" than the other. Because alot of people mistakingly assume your talking about less lag/disconnects on one service or the other, which is untrue as they are the same in that area.
word, its just a matter of preference. i love XBL and dont mind paying $30-40 a year to play it. some people might not find its worth it. thats fine too. different strokes for different folks.
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