Yes I do. It's challenging for sure, but once you learn the ropes it's only hard in boss fights. Other times it just requires craeful thinking and patience
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Yes I do. It's challenging for sure, but once you learn the ropes it's only hard in boss fights. Other times it just requires craeful thinking and patience
[QUOTE="drinkerofjuice"][QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]people think it's insanely hard because you can actually die in dark souls, something that's practically gone from modern games. so yes, it's exaggerated.RyanShazamThis...makes no sense. I don't know what games you're playing. The last Prince of Persia game
The funny thing is you do die its just your not bothered by a game over screen. Insted its the girl catching you. People seem to think since you dont see game over you dont die. Its just cutting out time wasted stating the obvious.
Ah yes those skeletons. Those guys are a pain.
Is there a way to not have them revive? And can you kill that Hydra? That thing scared the shit out of me when I realized it was there haha.
Yes to both. For the skeletons, you need to modify a weapon so that it's holy. That'll keep them down for good. For the Hydra, getting closer to it by dodging its attacks on the way there is a good idea. It eventually starts using physical attacks with its heads, and you can usually find a "sweet spot" where you can stand and attack withouth worrying about getting hit... It's a surprisingly easy enemy when you finally figure out its pattern... But yeah that thing gave me a ton of grief for a while.
The skeletons also stop reviving if you kill the flame lantern guy nearby.Something like demon souls isint super hard it just makes you think more is all. It gives a challenge.
[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"][QUOTE="Blabadon"] wutBlabadonyou heard it. nowadays you have to put an effort if you want to see a game over screen. Nope.I think he's right to a point. Most games these days can be betaen from start to finish with very few game overs. Even in something like the new TR the only reason I died was due to sh!tty QTEs
Nope.I think he's right to a point. Most games these days can be betaen from start to finish with very few game overs. Even in something like the new TR the only reason I died was due to sh!tty QTEs[QUOTE="Blabadon"][QUOTE="BrunoBRS"] you heard it. nowadays you have to put an effort if you want to see a game over screen.seanmcloughlin
You're making me feel bad for dying so much in games.
Is there a way to not have them revive? And can you kill that Hydra? That thing scared the shit out of me when I realized it was there haha.
Yes to both. For the skeletons, you need to modify a weapon so that it's holy. That'll keep them down for good. For the Hydra, getting closer to it by dodging its attacks on the way there is a good idea. It eventually starts using physical attacks with its heads, and you can usually find a "sweet spot" where you can stand and attack withouth worrying about getting hit... It's a surprisingly easy enemy when you finally figure out its pattern... But yeah that thing gave me a ton of grief for a while.
The skeletons also stop reviving if you kill the flame lantern guy nearby.For some reason that didn't happen for me... I'm playing offline so maybe that's why.
Nope.I think he's right to a point. Most games these days can be betaen from start to finish with very few game overs. Even in something like the new TR the only reason I died was due to sh!tty QTEs To a point, and even then, a lot of his argument would involve picking specific samples. My main reasoning against it is difficulty levels. Can't even remember how many times games like MW2 or God of War 3 kicked my ass in combat. Of course, there were instances like what you said about TR in these games too, but not all the time[QUOTE="Blabadon"][QUOTE="BrunoBRS"] you heard it. nowadays you have to put an effort if you want to see a game over screen.seanmcloughlin
No it's a tough game to play without online guidance. Without other people telling you where to go, what you can find, when you are doing damage etc.
It's not portrayed as the most difficult game ever, but it's portrayed as an 'unfair' or 'evil' game. Not necessarily broken but a game developed to be overcome. And it partially achieves this in some cheap ways where it doesn't explain itself well and takes trial and error.
I'm not good at analogies but I would say the way I look at Dark Soul is a little bit like the way I look at a B-movie. There are certain nights when a B-movie is just what you need. It's going to be full of the B-movie type of things, but you know that upfront and that makes it a quality instead of a detriment to the experience.
I don't think that the difficulty is exaggerated. I bet very few people finished Dark Soul. And it's really a good idea to figure out the game together with friends or with some help of the community (like the notes they leave behind). Which makes it more difficult than most games. (In most games that is totally not helpful.)
[QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]I think he's right to a point. Most games these days can be betaen from start to finish with very few game overs. Even in something like the new TR the only reason I died was due to sh!tty QTEs To a point, and even then, a lot of his argument would involve picking specific samples. My main reasoning against it is difficulty levels. Can't even remember how many times games like MW2 or God of War 3 kicked my ass in combat. Of course, there were instances like what you said about TR in these games too, but not all the time[QUOTE="Blabadon"] Nope.Blabadon
I think even Bruno knows it's a slight exaggeration on his part but it still si fairly true.
Most devs make their games a lot easier these days because apparently we as gamers don't finish them to the end anymore, so if they make it too hard or make you die often then maybe you won't see it through to the end and miss all the stuff they made.
That's one thing I don't like about most modern games, devs are so afraid you will miss the stuff they create that they don't let you just play the game how you want. But that's a different discussion for another day :P
[QUOTE="RyanShazam"]Prince of Persia 2008 was the one where you couldn't die.BlabadonYep, and it came out before The Forgotten Sands, which came out in 2010.[QUOTE="Heirren"] What do you mean, nope? He's absolutely right. Losing has become almost non-existent in today's game design. The industry is so big that they want you to buy, finish, and move on to the next game as quickly as possible. Once again, nope. Plenty of other games are challenging and difficult in their own ways. Short games doesn't mean a game is easy, and even if they are getting easier, there are plenty of games that are difficult outside of the Souls games that are also AAA blockbusters. Well name some games, and remember I said "almost". I cant even think of the last time I saw a game-over screen on 360 or ps3. Games this gen just revert you to a last check point, of which there are many. Come to think of it, do "lives" even exist anymore?
[QUOTE="Blabadon"] [QUOTE="Heirren"] Well name some games, and remember I said "almost". I cant even think of the last time I saw a game-over screen on 360 or ps3. Games this gen just revert you to a last check point, of which there are many. Come to think of it, do "lives" even exist anymore?HeirrenWhat's the difference between losing and going back to the last checkpoint? Isn't that what Dark and Demon's Souls do? Also, as demonstrated by SMG, SMG2, and Super Mario 3D Land, lives are an archaic system that add no enjoyment or tension to a game, just an inconvenient way to kick the player back to the menu with more lives. I don't think it's archaic at all--it adds tension and risk to the actions. Mario Galaxy breaks off the tradition because the hub world is filled with 1ups. The checkpoint system of today is there because gaming in general is more casual now.
Checkpoint system is casual? Seriously? I'm not saying it's extreme hardcore or anything but comparing it to the "Save whenever you want" feature it's a little bit trickier than that.
The game is all about information and learning. If you learn from your mistakes the game isn't hard at all... plus there are countless tools and customizations to help you advance through the game in a easy maner. Not only that there is the online option where other people would help you out! only difficult fights on your own are The Four Kings and the Dragon Slayer and Smough. The last boss of the game would have been challenging if you couldn't parry him.
So are there really that many people who would apparently jsut charge on ahead even after dying ten times on an area?
yes. They overestimate the game. For example while fighting a lot of skeletons some people may just keep rushing in thinking they'll just dodge all their attacks pot and kill them instead of backing up and killing them 1 by 1. However the second they're hit they get stunned locked to death and prob try to do it again. I've seen my brother's friends do it because my brother asks them to play it to get a kick out of them lol
The game is all about information and learning. If you learn from your mistakes the game isn't hard at all... plus there are countless tools and customizations to help you advance through the game in a easy maner. Not only that there is the online option where other people would help you out! only difficult fights on your own are The Four Kings and the Dragon Slayer and Smough. The last boss of the game would have been challenging if you couldn't parry him.
So are there really that many people who would apparently jsut charge on ahead even after dying ten times on an area?
yes. They overestimate the game. For example while fighting a lot of skeletons some people may just keep rushing in thinking they'll just dodge all their attacks pot and kill them instead of backing up and killing them 1 by 1. However the second they're hit they get stunned locked to death and prob try to do it again. I've seen my brother's friends do it because my brother asks them to play it to get a kick out of them lol
Hm. Apparently I gave the general populace more credit than they deserve.
The difficulty in both Souls games is criminally exaggerated.
1. The games aren't hard, just punishing.
2. They only feel challenging relative to the average game this gen. If you've been gaming for a long time, these games are nothing in terms of challenge.
Nothing against the games, they're a lot of fun. Some of my favorite games this gen, easily. But people really need to quit acting like they're insanely difficult games. If you want difficulty from a mainstream game this gen, go play Ninja Gaiden 2 on Master Ninja. You will be crawling back to the comfort of the Souls games.
NG2... never have I been happier to play on easy mode.The difficulty in both Souls games is criminally exaggerated.
1. The games aren't hard, just punishing.
2. They only feel challenging relative to the average game this gen. If you've been gaming for a long time, these games are nothing in terms of challenge.
Nothing against the games, they're a lot of fun. Some of my favorite games this gen, easily. But people really need to quit acting like they're insanely difficult games. If you want difficulty from a mainstream game this gen, go play Ninja Gaiden 2 on Master Ninja. You will be crawling back to the comfort of the Souls games.
[QUOTE="sandbox3d"]NG2... never have I been happier to play on easy mode.The difficulty in both Souls games is criminally exaggerated.
1. The games aren't hard, just punishing.
2. They only feel challenging relative to the average game this gen. If you've been gaming for a long time, these games are nothing in terms of challenge.
Nothing against the games, they're a lot of fun. Some of my favorite games this gen, easily. But people really need to quit acting like they're insanely difficult games. If you want difficulty from a mainstream game this gen, go play Ninja Gaiden 2 on Master Ninja. You will be crawling back to the comfort of the Souls games.
Yes its brutal. And at many times, its shamelessly cheap. I took a big hit to my gamer ego playing that game.
obvious troll post. you can beat the souls games without leveling once.Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls II take dedication to grinding it out to level up slowly & make your way through them.
I don't think that the difficulty is exaggerated. I bet very few people finished Dark Soul. And it's really a good idea to figure out the game together with friends or with some help of the community (like the notes they leave behind). Which makes it more difficult than most games. (In most games that is totally not helpful.)KungfuKittenI bet you a lot more people beat it without online assistance or consulting a guide than you may think. I've beaten both games in offline mode without consulting a guide before I even switched on online mode. To be fair... the Asian version of demon's souls didn't even have an English based guide and I didn't know any other English speakers playing it when I beat it. The difficulty is exaggerated - but it's still difficult. Souls fanboys are also the worst, which is why I sort of shied away from talking about the game any more. you want much more difficult games? I could list you much more difficult games.
[QUOTE="NaveedLife"]You gotta either get a weapon with a holy modifier. (There's one by the undead dragon in the valley of drakes) or kill the necromancers in the same catacomb.I am a having a bit of trouble now that it seems to have opened up more. Last time I played (awhile ago) I ended up walking down a foggy forested path that was throwing massive waterballs (fireball like) at me, to reach the end and realize it was a MASSIVE Hyrdra in a lake, which then devoured me. I also tried going one way earlier on and skeletons keep reviving over and over
aaah. I already have that sword by the undead dragon I think. If it is the one laying right next to him. I took it and ran. I was too scared to fight him :P.
The mechanics aren't that difficult, the save system is. If there is quick-saving quick-loading anywhere and anytime in Dark Souls, then the game would be very easy to beat.GhoX
Translation: "If the game was easier, it would be easy to beat" :P
Compared to most games this gen it's pretty hard but it's nothing when you compare it to the NES games :)
Not true.
Compared to most games this gen it's pretty hard but it's nothing when you compare it to the NES games :)
Not true.
Do you mean that this game is harder then a lot of the classic NES games? Because many of them were way harder then Dark Souls is.
Depends on the game. A lot of NES games were hard because they were incredibly short, and they were hard because they were cheap. Dark Souls has very few cheap moments.Compared to most games this gen it's pretty hard but it's nothing when you compare it to the NES games :)
Difficulty is definitely exaggerated.
When I first started the game I did pretty much everything wrong, played the game entirely offline (because f*ck xbox live),attacked the NPC at Firelink Shrine who proceeded to kick my ass about 15 times, then went down to the cemetery and got ganked by skeletons another 15 times, refused to learn any magic because I take the 'role playing' aspect of RPG's way too seriously, stubbornly avoided walkthroughs and guides etc.
Basically I unwittingly made the game about as hard as possible and honestly it still wasn't that bad. Once you figure out the combat basics you very rarely die against regular mobs unless you really screw up, there's a few traps that might kill you the first time you see them, but it's really only the bosses that are the sticking point.
I'm not exactly some elite hardcore gamer, so if I could do it there's no reason anyone else couldn't finish the game with a little patience. I did resort to watching Youtube vids of a couple of bosses after getting killed repeatedly, Capra Demon and Smough/Ornstein I think.
The reaction to the difficulty level is more to do with gamers expectations of modern games, it's got to the point that it's shocking to people when you need to retry certain parts of a game a few times to get past it, but that used to be the norm.
[QUOTE="AcidTango"]Depends on the game. A lot of NES games were hard because they were incredibly short, and they were hard because they were cheap. Dark Souls has very few cheap moments. Very true, if you watch complete runthroughs of those old games you realize most of them only have about 20-30 mins of actual content. Kept me going for weeks as a kid, and I have fond memories, but I'm not sure it would be such a good thing for gaming to go back to that kind of game design.Compared to most games this gen it's pretty hard but it's nothing when you compare it to the NES games :)
[QUOTE="AcidTango"]Depends on the game. A lot of NES games were hard because they were incredibly short, and they were hard because they were cheap. Dark Souls has very few cheap moments.Compared to most games this gen it's pretty hard but it's nothing when you compare it to the NES games :)
Well when it comes to the length of the games Dark Souls is way longer then many of the NES titles. But even though those games are much shorter, trust me when I say I got more frustrated of the difficulty and the cheap deaths of those games then I did with Dark Souls. Don't get we wrong Dark Souls had those as well but back then games were much worse. Now a lot of games today are a walk in the park.
completely exaggerated. The game isn't difficult at all unless you don't learn from your mistakes and keep doing the same thing over and over again.
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