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also i don't like judging games by the mods they get......but im sorry no Half Life 2 thread should go without mentioning how awesome Garry's Mod was. In fact, still is. jg4xchamp
It's a good playground thing on its own, but really, if you want the best mod for the single player campaign, look no further than the Substance mod. It makes the game so damn fun. Takes liberty with the campaign a bit though.
You know what's sick? There are people out there who will actually defend Half-Life 2's vehicle sequences with a straight face :| And some people even claim that HL2 has the best gunplay when it has mediocre gunplay.
I love half life 2, but id like to know how its revolutionary? Because i hear it a lot "whaa, halo isnt revolutionary, it done nothing new. Half life 2 on the other hand..."-DrRobotnik-
Not to start another HL vs Halo argument, but both added things to the genre in their own right. Half-Life can also claim it influenced Halo though.
You know what's sick? There are people out there who will actually defend Half-Life 2's vehicle sequences with a straight face :| And some people even claim that HL2 has the best gunplay when it has mediocre gameplay.II_Seraphim_IIthats called fanboyism....its like the people who say Halo 2 had a good ending....they are lieing and they know it :P although the vehicle sequences weren't bad, the vehicle controls and how they moved was. the actual set pieces could have been more fun, if those damned things controlled better :evil:
It is. But PC Elitists feel the need to do it so i let them get on with it. Rather than accept consoles as an equal, accepting that they've caught up and provide games superior in many cases to there old ways they just blabber on about old games that everyone else lost interest in years ago.
Based on when I played it upon release years ago!
Things I loved:
- The story line
- The variety of settings and how believable the game world is
- The variety of gunplay, puzzles
- The subtle little moments, people you run into along the way
- The graphics (especially the water)
- The scripted set peices and climactic boss fights
- The atmosphere and game universe
Things I didn't love:
- The linear game levels and lack of exploration (although by moving ahead in the game, you did gain a sense of exploration, because it was such a beautifully envisioned apocalypse, I just wanted to go off and explore yet more!)
- Lack of platforming or climbing (again, the game world begs you to want to climb, find secret places and explore)
Edit: I guess for me atleast, I felt that Half-life 2 is one of those rare games that is more than the sum of its parts and trying to explain that to people can be difficult to get across.
You kidding me? The gunplay is one of the most stale things about Half-Life 2.
Underrated? The fanbase are just as vicious as the Halo fanbase and almost as bad as the Fallout fanbase...... you really don't want to go to the Fallout forums man.... it's a hellhole.No it is not overrated. If anything I would say it is underrated, it deserved more than the 9.2 it got here on Gamespot. I mean look at Halo 2, the first Halo was a good game but the second one was NOTHING special, the SP was just terrible IMO (especially compared to the SP of the original Halo). Still it got a score higher than HL2, why ?
For me HL2 is one of the greatest FPS ever, in gameplay, storyline, characters, even the graphics hold up pretty nicely today. I'd say it was and still is deserving of a higher score than it was given.
The only FPS I've played that amazed me more and I had more fun with than Half-Life 2 is the original Half-Life. That game changed FPSs into the way we know them today. And what did that game score ? A ten ? No the same score that was given to Halo 2 *sigh*.R4gn4r0k
I like the first Half-Life more than the second Half-Life.It is. But PC Elitists feel the need to do it so i let them get on with it. Rather than accept consoles as an equal, accepting that they've caught up and provide games superior in many cases to there old ways they just blabber on about old games that everyone else lost interest in years ago.
I still pick up Half-life 2 every now and then, PC games don't age in the same way or at the same rate as console gamesIt is. But PC Elitists feel the need to do it so i let them get on with it. Rather than accept consoles as an equal, accepting that they've caught up and provide games superior in many cases to there old ways they just blabber on about old games that everyone else lost interest in years ago.
I loved the original Half-Life, THAT deserved all the praise it got, but Half-Life 2was overrated. It's a great game and all, but like countless others have already said, it's not the be-all, end-all of shooters. It felt too much like its predecessor, in the same way that Twilight Princess felt far too much like Ocarina of Time. It added some new elements, like the phsyics based puzzles and the gravity gun, but I'd HARDLY consider it the revolutionary masterpiece that Valve fans seem to think it is. I can think of several other games off the top of my head with better gunplay, better story, not to mention better vehicle action (driving in HL2 was so awkward). Which pretty much just leaves the gravity gun and puzzles, which aren't all that exciting anyway.
Yeah I kind of have to agree with this.I got the Orange box a few months back and thought: while Half life 2 is a good game, its not as spectacular as everyone likes to act like it is. Honestly I prefer the first Call of Duty to any of the Half life games but I suppose thats just me. striking_
Of course it isn't now lol. The game is old, has inspired many shooters to copy certain aspects since. Back when it was released though it set the bar pretty darn high!
Based on when I played it upon release years ago!
Things I loved:
- The story line
- The variety of settings and how believable the game world is
- The variety of gunplay, puzzles
- The subtle little moments, people you run into along the way
- The graphics (especially the water)
- The scripted set peices and climactic boss fights
- The atmosphere and game universe
Things I didn't love:
- The linear game levels and lack of exploration (although by moving ahead in the game, you did gain a sense of exploration, because it was such a beautifully envisioned apocalypse, I just wanted to go off and explore yet more!)
- Lack of platforming or climbing (again, the game world begs you to want to climb, find secret places and explore)
Edit: I guess for me atleast, I felt that Half-life 2 is one of those rare games that is more than the sum of its parts and trying to explain that to people can be difficult to get across.
You kidding me? The gunplay is one of the most stale things about Half-Life 2.
Maybe I didn't explain myself fully, the varied nature of the gameplay, the way you switch from survival horror to shoot out with the combine, to solving a puzzle to get to the next part to a vehicle sequence and then a boss battle. Its one long adventure that is very well paced and keeps you entertained.
I honestly dont get 'how' the gunplay is stale. Comparing the actual mechanics of the game against other shooters of the time, I am interested to know specifically what is bad about it especially in considering it against the competition of the time?
that last level with the organic zero point energy field manipulator is still engrained in my head
so much fun
honestly, and i play most games - i still think that game has the best physics engine to date
It was a damn good game that came out, and it raised the bar in many regards, but now it's becoming old news. I feel like people cling to it like an ex they just can't get over. It was fun while it lasted, but what's done is done! Not too mention Valve makes it even harder for folks to let go by releasing these episodes, which by no means is the way any developer should even consider episodic content! If it weren't for them leading everyone by the nose as we all wait for Episode 3 to come out (and hopefully really make some sense out of this chaotic storyline), then I'm sure HL2 would be done with already and HL3 would actually be announced!
sorry crysis has a better physics engine but its still pretty impressive and i do not think its overrated one bit i think its underrated some.that last level with the organic zero point energy field manipulator is still engrained in my head
so much fun
honestly, and i play most games - i still think that game has the best physics engine to date
Maybe I didn't explain myself fully, the varied nature of the gameplay, the way you switch from survival horror to shoot out with the combine, to solving a puzzle to get to the next part to a vehicle sequence and then a boss battle. Its one long adventure that is very well paced and keeps you entertained.
I honestly dont get 'how' the gunplay is stale. Comparing the actual mechanics of the game against other shooters of the time, I am interested to know specifically what is bad about it especially in considering it against the competition of the time?
There is nothing really survival horror in Half-Life 2. The only thing that came close was the bit in Episode One where you had to conserve your flashlight underground so Alyx could help take out the zombies. Ravenholme was just a shooter in a horror setting.
The gunplay is stale because simply shooting things is actually boring in Half-Life. It's a combination of many design factors (A.I/A.I spawning, weapon systems, the actual feeling of shooting an enemy etc), but suffice to say, when you shoot something, it certainly doesn't feel as fun as F.E.A.R, Painkiller, Serious Sam, Call of Duty, and yes, here's some PC heresy, Halo. Chuck on the Half-Life: Substance mod and see just how much more fun the gunplay gets.
Maybe I didn't explain myself fully, the varied nature of the gameplay, the way you switch from survival horror to shoot out with the combine, to solving a puzzle to get to the next part to a vehicle sequence and then a boss battle. Its one long adventure that is very well paced and keeps you entertained.
I honestly dont get 'how' the gunplay is stale. Comparing the actual mechanics of the game against other shooters of the time, I am interested to know specifically what is bad about it especially in considering it against the competition of the time?
There is nothing really survival horror in Half-Life 2. The only thing that came close was the bit in Episode One where you had to conserve your flashlight underground so Alyx could help take out the zombies. Ravenholme was just a shooter in a horror setting.
The gunplay is stale because simply shooting things is actually boring in Half-Life. It's a combination of many design factors (A.I/A.I spawning, weapon systems, the actual feeling of shooting an enemy etc), but suffice to say, when you shoot something, it certainly doesn't feel as fun as F.E.A.R, Painkiller, Serious Sam, Call of Duty, and yes, here's some PC heresy, Halo. Chuck on the Half-Life: Substance mod and see just how much more fun the gunplay gets.
it was survival horror if you did it like me only using the gravity gun lol
It really only raised the bar in physics. :PIt was a damn good game that came out, and it raised the bar in many regards, but now it's becoming old news. I feel like people cling to it like an ex they just can't get over. It was fun while it lasted, but what's done is done! Not too mention Valve makes it even harder for folks to let go by releasing these episodes, which by no means is the way any developer should even consider episodic content! If it weren't for them leading everyone by the nose as we all wait for Episode 3 to come out (and hopefully really make some sense out of this chaotic storyline), then I'm sure HL2 would be done with already and HL3 would actually be announced!
exactly, that doesn't mean it is a bad game though, i just don't feel it is "REVOLUTIONARY STEP FOR FIRST PERSON SHOOTERS" That games quality is never in question, as far as First Person Shooters go, it is the cream of the crop in many areas of the genre but combat, and even that i consider impressive that the game is such a good single player experience with such an average gunplay mechanic. There are games that have better gunplay mechanics, but then the rest of the game is like wtf happened? jg4xchampWell HL2 isnt revolutionary as a whole, though it has some rather revolutionary features and design. Gunplay is certainly not the strongest point of the game, thankfully things like the Gravity gun, and therapods shook things up substantially. However unlike many shooters Half Life 2 doesn't depend on its direct combat alone, which is a huge factor as why the game is as good and individual as it is, and why its so different to the broad collective of shooters in general
Yup Heavenly Sword certainly did - insane production values, though yea it is during pre rendered scenes that it shines.The only game that seems to have better facial animation is Heavenly Sword, and even then it only truly outshines Half-Life 2in the pre-rendered cutscenes. Guess it goes to show how much time Valve put into making lip syncing and facial animation spot-on.
On another side note, I kinda wanna buy Heavenly Sword.I finished it, and it's noDMC/Ninja Gaiden, but it's fun. Maybe when it comes down in price.
I think its pretty astounding that of all games to put so much into facial animations... its in a first person shooter of all genres; however I guess in a first person sense it makes sense in terms of immersion. Guess it goes to show how different design ideals can be across a genre.
Though I still need to play Heavenly Sword - looks great, and I hear great things. Perhaps after getting through Uncharted, Dead Space and EDF 2017.
Otherwise its good to see you posting here Frozen, welcome back!
No way in hell.
I'd rather play HL2 and the entire Episodes all over again, than most of anything out there today.
[QUOTE="AAllxxjjnn"]No. The amazing pacing and level design deserves all the praise it gets.Ontaini thought the boat part ruined the pacing. The hovercraft thing? Yeah it began slow with some puzzles but it was awesome as soon as the chopper started chasing Gordon and dropping bombs.
Absolutely! Probably the most dissaponting game I've ever played.
Oh, and I always find it funny when people call the story "immersive."
A lot of people have been claiming Half-Life 2 as the one of the greatest FPS of all time if not the best FPS of all time and many people claim it asa groundbreaking/revolutionary game, while the idea of it beingone of the best ortheFPS of all time is subjective {I consider ONE of the best} but the game wasn't very revolutionary in the slightest especially compared to it's predessccor.
Half-Life was revolutionary for it's scripted first-person view storytelling, impeccable A.I., seamlessly implemented puzzles, and realistic immersion. Half-Life 2 was an excellent game for having a more in depth story with interesting characters told in a first-person perspective, cinematic set pieces, seamlessly implemented puzzles, realistic immersion, and added an amazing physics engime seamlessly implemented into it's puzzles and gameplay. The gravity was especially awesome where you can use your surrounding objects as projectile weapons to kill enemies.
However, Half-Life 2 wasn't revolutionary as physics based gameplay was already been before in Trespasser which practicly inspired Half-Life 2. Half-Life 2 did it well where Trespasser did it poorly. Not to mention the A.I. in Half-Life 2 is severly dissapointing as enemies are stupid where you can carry a barrel and they will not fire at you, your squad are worse as they're are ineffective in combat and always get in your way in the most annoying fashion. The gunplay wasn't particurly special either as the most of the weapons are standard, the ant-lion pheromone pod was one of the only few unique weapons.
Half-Life 2 is undoubtly an excellent game but don't you guys think it's a bit overpraised compared to the original Half-Life?
no!great game! i didnt get to enjoy this one until 360 released the orange but i finally understand why so many people talk about this game, im dying for an episode 3
A lot of people have been claiming Half-Life 2 as the one of the greatest FPS of all time if not the best FPS of all time and many people claim it asa groundbreaking/revolutionary game, while the idea of it beingone of the best ortheFPS of all time is subjective {I consider ONE of the best} but the game wasn't very revolutionary in the slightest especially compared to it's predessccor.
Half-Life was revolutionary for it's scripted first-person view storytelling, impeccable A.I., seamlessly implemented puzzles, and realistic immersion. Half-Life 2 was an excellent game for having a more in depth story with interesting characters told in a first-person perspective, cinematic set pieces, seamlessly implemented puzzles, realistic immersion, and added an amazing physics engime seamlessly implemented into it's puzzles and gameplay. The gravity was especially awesome where you can use your surrounding objects as projectile weapons to kill enemies.
However, Half-Life 2 wasn't revolutionary as physics based gameplay was already been before in Trespasser which practicly inspired Half-Life 2. Half-Life 2 did it well where Trespasser did it poorly. Not to mention the A.I. in Half-Life 2 is severly dissapointing as enemies are stupid where you can carry a barrel and they will not fire at you, your squad are worse as they're are ineffective in combat and always get in your way in the most annoying fashion. The gunplay wasn't particurly special either as the most of the weapons are standard, the ant-lion pheromone pod was one of the only few unique weapons.
Half-Life 2 is undoubtly an excellent game but don't you guys think it's a bit overpraised compared to the original Half-Life?
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