Hmm I haven't beat Prime and I have beat BioShock, only watched someone play Stalker.
Well Bioshock had easier game-play and a lot more up front story, I found very little back story and or relevant story through the tapes, most of it was suprising at the start, then borderline comatose at the end. Metorid I have reached the drifts so far and despite playing it almost 7 years later then it was realeased it has wow'd me visually and in its unique game-play. Although my computer can run bioshock at max settings Direct-X 9 style the starting scene is all that hit me as " This has never been done before :O!
Bioshocks bosses are little to irrelevant, I was not once ever threatened by anything in Bioshock because I could just revive at a tank if I died, little to now penalty was there. The few times I might have lost a girl because she ran to a hole in the wall I just booted an auto save.Metroid did take me a while to get into, its not an FPS like I was told by a pretty self proclaimed gamer. Its an exploration game with massive worlds, some thing Bioshock lacked to me. Where in Metroid it seemed like I could often go 5 or 6 ways, Bioshock gave me 1 right way and 2 or 3 find loot ways. They were always obvious and rarely held story elements. Where Bioshock had the tapes Metroid had the ruins and the world seemed more alive to me then Bioshocks, like there was history to the world.
Stalker I say from what I have seen played could contest Metroid Prime, but the people sayin Bioshock I think got wound up in hype, Bioshock was a pretty liner * suprising twist * then liner again. There really was only one large surprise also. " Was a man sent to kill? or a slave? " good scene but doesn't make up for the lack of everything else. Plus the final boss * which you could die on* was pretty sad, he reminded me of the 2 warlocks from the Time temple in the desert in LoZ:Oot.
Stalker is pretty amazing and I think I'll go *Pick it up* when ever I finish Prime. Yeah Bioshock SoC they really werent deep and involving games. They were cool with giant bosses or there creative enviroments but go here do this kind of games are kind of FF1 style dont ya think?
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