@ConanTheStoner said:
Yeah, sounds like a gen 6 gaming opinion lol.
I agree that medium settings should provide a solid enough difficulty for a first time play, but it's been a long time since that's held true. These days, medium is usually just brain dead pushover mode. It's the new easy mode.
This game actually isn't too shabby on medium, but I did find myself bumping up the difficulty early on.
Not even just that, but "what's ideal challenge" varies person to person, people who really suck at video games exist. People are way too fucking good for any real reason also happen to play video games. As long as there is a healthy dose of difficulty options, and the game is balanced for it, then simply bump the difficulty. Medium seems boring way to play this game, especially because most modern games that aren't a Platinum Game, From Software, or indie on their default difficulty are a push over. And the Platinum one comes with the caveat of the check points are nooby friendly as **** in those games, the difficulty is you actually good enough to perform well in those games for the scoring systems.
Ultra-Violence seems like the sweet spot for this game. With stuff like Nightmare being there as well.
Not saying the length of the game complaint isn't valid, but I don't necessarily think that's a product of difficulty necessarily. The original Doom is just actually pretty short, concise. Ergo all killer, no filler (not true, but whatever, you get the point). Modern triple A games, lets be real they almost always find ways to go longer than their gameplay ideas should indicate they should, because gamers being the shit stains on the fabric of humanity that they are judge games based on numbers. Be it a review score or how long the game is.
3 hours longer for a RPG might not mean anything, because that genre is slow and plodding as it is. But an action game? 3 hours more for a set of systems meant to be straight forward fun, different reaction entirely if it's just more of the same. Especially when the ramp up in difficulty just comes off lazy, or they come up with a varied scenario and you end up going "who the **** would find this fun? ever?"
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