@worknow222 said:
Wow IGNS Doom review is the biggest load of Shite I have ever read. Yeah sure opinions but WOW!! http://au.ign.com/articles/2016/05/16/doom-review-2?page=2
I won't be bothered to read the full review, but I did read his review in progress the other day.
Can't say I fully disagreed with much of it as most of it was just "huzzah opinions!". He just disliked a lot of things that I do like, so whatever.
But it seems he has a significant misunderstanding of the weapons in the game and a complete misunderstanding of how the glory kill and chainsaw mechanics work to replenish health and ammo respectively.
If you're constantly scrounging around the map for health packs and ammo then you're doing something wrong, plain and simple. The only time I found myself seeking out health packs was when I was on my last leg and severely outnumbered in the bigger fights. Like my health is in the red and getting in for a glory kill against bigger enemies is a risk. During the general flow of the game though, this was never a thing.
As for the weapons, I do agree that the super shotgun does become the go-to weapon for mopping up many enemies at a certain point. It packs a good punch, especially once the double-tap is unlocked, and personally I enjoy getting in close proximity of the enemies so that makes it satisfying to me.
But is it so good that it makes the other weapons irrelevant? Nah. It's severely lacking in range for one, and furthermore it lacks an alternate fire. It doesn't make the regular shotgun irrelevant because the regular shotgun can be equipped with burst fire, or (what I went with) the grenade attachment. Once maxed out that grenade launcher is semi-auto. Then he went on to compare it to the rocket launcher. I do agree that the rocket launcher should pack more of a punch, but again, comparing it to directly to the super shotgun and calling it useless makes no sense. The rocket launcher hits hard from all the way across the arena and once you have that lock on multi burst shot it becomes a beast. And once you've leveled up your suit to handle explosions, you can get pretty stupid with it and decimate enemies point blank.
I could go on, but those were the main points that stuck out to me.
Just seemed like overall the game wasn't really his flavor, again that's fine, but he seemed to lose track of objectivity in the process.
Not sure if that stuff carried over to his full review though, he may have cleaned it up.
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