racing games are so boring
Yup that framerate sucks ass for a racer, it's completely noticeable in the video aswell.
The graphics sure are purdy though... should keep the cows occupied for a while, you know, watching the game.
I am supremely disappointed that they decided on 30fps for the racer. The game does look beautiful but that 30fps is going to feel sluggish compared to other racers.
Their priorities are misplaced. The game can probably do more than 30fps but can't keep 60 stable so they just capped it.
Sense of speed is definitely lacking. It must be those jagged wind sheers killing the fluid sense of speed?
I couldn't resist. :)
If you think that looks better than Forza 5, you are fucking blind. there is virtually no difference besides the FPS.
You have to be blind if you believe that.
You said it yourself, it is no dust particles because right side of the care hovering over the ground:P
Wow if that's the trade off for 30fps I'm happy. Even in its beta stage it looks phenomenal. The A.I looks decent and the environments piss on everything else, Hype raised. This is will do the business until Gran Turismo PS4 annihilates the competition.
The graphics look amazing, and the gameplay looks alot like PGR, which is good!
Does it have a kudos system like PGR? That what do a lot to make this look less like a glorified tech demo and more like an actual game.
Really digging the usual suspects talking about 115KBox in this thread. Special shout out to 106 for blindly not noticing that the sprinklers in about 3 seconds of the video are more animated than the entirety of Forzas crowds. <3 <3 <3. Denial is a river running through Xbot Land.
If you think that looks better than Forza 5, you are fucking blind. there is virtually no difference besides the FPS.
Oh dear, think you might have taken dumbest post of the day with this one. It beats out Forza in every aspect, lighting, reflections, environments, only thing Forza is even close in is car models. No 2D trees and crowds, no pop in, no tiny lod, no prebaked shadows unlike Forza.
Such irony, "fucking blind" LOL
If you think that looks better than Forza 5, you are fucking blind. there is virtually no difference besides the FPS.
@MonsieurX: you did not see the video obviously, but i understand DC brings some butthurt on the table!
bbbut you are a cow.. LOL
So you failed to tell me why exactly it's better than Project Cars
Classic cow avoiding the questions and shouting over and over "lol butthurt"
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