@jessejay420: and there is never a chance evolution studio will make a great game ?
Rare was a great studio...
Mesmerizing. Forza was great no doubt but driveclub or project cars are going to be on top.
PC gamers should note, PS4 gamers are going to give some PC rigs a bit of a test really. Like every start of new gen.
Should just really fork out PS4 on top if your throwing money every monthly quarter to upgrade.
Lighting looks bad as well, I hope thats not how it looks in stock settings. PCars is a completely different game anyways, I'm looking forward to both.
they also have cpus orders of magnitude more powerful than a 1.6ghz jaguar they can target. thats no excuse. they just have untalented artists and a horribly outdated dx9 engine sloppily ported to dx11.
? The PC version of P.CARS will destroy this game.. If you are comparing it to the console version then no they are using the same 1.6ghz jaguar
not in graphics, quite the other way around in that regard
stay blind dude
Project Cars is overrated in visuals as are most PC games. Have a look at what it really looks like in game play :
PC in Ultra settings
Those are some fugly ass paper trees and 2D audience.
Wow that looks like shit compared to what they have shown
The ****? are those painted on headlights?
@spitfire-six: i also want to know what the Cow Hype is for this Game..
is it AAAE,AAE or AE?
Since they are always comparing this game to forza 5,i assume the hype is AAAE?
Sure it looks great and all but if the handling is shite then its going to be. I'm a sim kind of gamer so I want handling that makes you feel like the car has some weight. If it feels like the cars weight about 12 Stone then this game is going to be shit no matter how good it looks.
Dear god DC absolutely smokes Pcars and Forza5 in actual gameplay graphics! Especially Forza5. In fact DC is the only one that has a very CGI feel due to the dynamic global illumination, headlight shadows, insane amount of track details and advanced realtime reflection. It's crazy to think how much more they could improve due release.
lol the same guys who support Tfall, a 32 player online MP only game that only does 720p and is still unable to reach 60 FPS are the same ones saying "30FPSCLub" lmao funny
@Desmonic: Listen mate, i understand that it is an "arcade" racer which is convenient now that its been labeled 30fps. Before that it was compared to Forza the tune has been changing since details are coming out for the game. Im simply asking you all to stand by your original position. Prior to release this was going to compete with Forza it got delayed. Now its being touted as a Arcade Racer but still gets compared to Forza? Is it AAAE hype? When I look at other arcade racers the car bodies still roll, and bounce from suspension this game does not. Im just looking for clarification, this is either a game to compete with forza at aaae hype, or its not so which is it?
@Desmonic: Listen mate, i understand that it is an "arcade" racer which is convenient now that its been labeled 30fps. Before that it was compared to Forza the tune has been changing since details are coming out for the game. Im simply asking you all to stand by your original position. Prior to release this was going to compete with Forza it got delayed. Now its being touted as a Arcade Racer but still gets compared to Forza? Is it AAAE hype? When I look at other arcade racers the car bodies still roll, and bounce from suspension this game does not. Im just looking for clarification, this is either a game to compete with forza at aaae hype, or its not so which is it?
It's always been an arcade racer. I don't know what the fanboys have been saying, but that's the truth.
@Desmonic: Listen mate, i understand that it is an "arcade" racer which is convenient now that its been labeled 30fps. Before that it was compared to Forza the tune has been changing since details are coming out for the game. Im simply asking you all to stand by your original position. Prior to release this was going to compete with Forza it got delayed. Now its being touted as a Arcade Racer but still gets compared to Forza? Is it AAAE hype? When I look at other arcade racers the car bodies still roll, and bounce from suspension this game does not. Im just looking for clarification, this is either a game to compete with forza at aaae hype, or its not so which is it?
Only fanboys (from both sides mind you) compared it Forza. Neither the devs nor the press ever did so. I sure as hell never did it either. It's not "convenient", it is what it is. It was labeled as an arcade experience well before the 30fps thing.
Also hype has nothing to do with it's genre. Or are you telling us only Forza/GT can have AAAE hype as far as racers go?
As for the bolded part, do you have any evidence supporting that? We haven't seen or heard anything about those specific features yet. And if it does not have those features I'm sure it'll be mentioned and taken into account in the reviews, when compared to racers of it's genre. Which is my point. Compare it to games of it's genre, otherwise the comparisons become moot.
There are things arcade racers do that sims don't and vice-versa. The biggest example is that handling differs wildly from one game type to another. Dirt/Grid play nothing like Forza/GT in that regard. Anyone expecting this to play anything like a sim will be obviously disappointed.
I agree that it shouldn't have ever been compared to Forza, the question of what are you all hyping it as was based on the fact that they (not you) were consistently comparing it to Forza. So lets remove that now because it does not apply to you.
When it comes to the suspension, watching the videos you can clearly see that the body of the car is not reacting to the forces of racing. Its not a matter of being a simulation its a matter of being an animator. When cars accelerate they pitch, when they go into a turn they roll. So far from every video I have seen of this game that has been absent. The actual physics being applied is neither here nor there but they went for lots of bells and whistles to miss things like the body of a car reacting. Watch videos of DIRT 3 you can see the subtle animations of the car appearing as if it actually is riding on a surface.
that was a very good quality video download, kudos. DriveClub's graphics look about the level I'd expect, given how Forza 5 runs and looks at 60 fps, on a weaker box.
People are praising the graphics, i'm not sure why. It's really not outstanding. Early on in the clip, there is some very last gen rock terrain, and throughout the footage the trees are pretty weak. That grit on the windscreen effect under the sunlight? Well I've had that in Assetto Corsa for ages.
I also noticed the opponent cars appeared to be completely static on their suspension, i'd expect tyres to move up and down inside wheel arches however I didn't see any of that, though to be fair i doubt the game will release like this.
Not really a game for me because it looks far too arcarish, so another exclusive misses the mark for me. i think this game will sell OK though because the PS4's library has a dearth of content.
Looking good, still a bit unsure about the gameplay and driving physics, but imagine what Polyphony can do on the PS4.
@spitfire-six: i also want to know what the Cow Hype is for this Game..
is it AAAE,AAE or AE?
Since they are always comparing this game to forza 5,i assume the hype is AAAE?
It'll be hyped AA or A like all sony exclusives because even cows know that 90% of their 1st party studios are not AAA standard.
that was a very good quality video download, kudos. DriveClub's graphics look about the level I'd expect, given how Forza 5 runs and looks at 60 fps, on a weaker box.
People are praising the graphics, i'm not sure why. It's really not outstanding. Early on in the clip, there is some very last gen rock terrain, and throughout the footage the trees are pretty weak. That grit on the windscreen effect under the sunlight? Well I've had that in Assetto Corsa for ages.
I also noticed the opponent cars appeared to be completely static on their suspension, i'd expect tyres to move up and down inside wheel arches however I didn't see any of that, though to be fair i doubt the game will release like this.
Not really a game for me because it looks far too arcarish, so another exclusive misses the mark for me. i think this game will sell OK though because the PS4's library has a dearth of content.
lmao did you rly just mention assetto corsa after downplaying drive clubs graphics? that game actually manages to look even worse than forza 5. "last gen rocky terrain". every single pixel on the screen in assetto looks last gen, and every single pixel not making up your car looks last gen in pcars.
that was a very good quality video download, kudos. DriveClub's graphics look about the level I'd expect, given how Forza 5 runs and looks at 60 fps, on a weaker box.
People are praising the graphics, i'm not sure why. It's really not outstanding. Early on in the clip, there is some very last gen rock terrain, and throughout the footage the trees are pretty weak. That grit on the windscreen effect under the sunlight? Well I've had that in Assetto Corsa for ages.
I also noticed the opponent cars appeared to be completely static on their suspension, i'd expect tyres to move up and down inside wheel arches however I didn't see any of that, though to be fair i doubt the game will release like this.
Not really a game for me because it looks far too arcarish, so another exclusive misses the mark for me. i think this game will sell OK though because the PS4's library has a dearth of content.
lmao did you rly just mention assetto corsa after downplaying drive clubs graphics? that game actually manages to look even worse than forza 5. "last gen rocky terrain". every single pixel on the screen in assetto looks last gen, and every single pixel not making up your car looks last gen in pcars.
yes i did, and as a driving game enthusiast I've been enjoying assetto corsa every day for ages - at 60 fps, and also for less than $60 american dollars. depending on the pc's capabilities i think assetto corsa looks better than forza 5, especially with 8xMSAA. also, forza 5 cannot handle field sizes of 20 odd cars. also, assetto corsa would easily be the single best racing simulator i've ever played in two decades - there's lots of calculations there.
yes, driveclub is visually unimpressive. i'm hardly impressed. people were impressed with the grit on the windshield - i've already seen that in assetto corsa. that was what i said. i never claimed assetto corsa was a graphics king, only that things people are finding impressive now have already been done. seriously, that footage of project cars left me underwhelmed.
yes, check out the rocks on the left towards the beginning of the video, and the trees, and the lack of wheel/tyre/ground interaction. it's really nothing special. the lens flare which was praised by so many, is par for the course for me.
i didn't say anything about project cars however that game will look better on pc than ps4. easy victory.
yeah pcars on pc will look better than pcars on ps4, however driveclub on a 400$ ps4 will look better than pcars will look on a 10k pc. driveclub isnt impressive because of dirt on a windshield, its impressive because it has the highest quality lighting and GI, the highest quality shading and materials system, and the highest quality most detailed environments ever created in a racing game, easily outdoing what slightly mad studios is able to accomplish with gpus 3x more powerful.
you mentioning non graphics areas doesnt make sense since this is a thread about graphics
its impressive because it has the highest quality lighting and GI, the highest quality shading and materials system, and the highest quality most detailed environments ever created in a racing game
The amount of fucking tree's in this gives tree simulator for pc a run for it's money.
Anyone that doesn't find this the least bit impressive is straight up trolling, let's be honest. this shit looks dope and that lighting engine is straight up Viagra.
I hope these dudes share some tech tips with Polyphony.
Driveclub 1080p [H][D] >>>>> Forza 1080p [L]ow[D]ef. Lemmings come on post all your forza screenshots lets see them. Don't be ashame! LOL
Anyone that doesn't find this the least bit impressive is straight up trolling
i'd politely disagree.
no trolling here, it looks good, but i'm not impressed. for a 30 fps game i was underwhelmed a touch.
some may argue that the car/wheel/road/suspension interaction is a simulation thing eg: non graphics, but i do have to look at it and it takes away from the immersion.
Anyone that doesn't find this the least bit impressive is straight up trolling
i'd politely disagree.
no trolling here, it looks good, but i'm not impressed. for a 30 fps game i was underwhelmed a touch.
some may argue that the car/wheel/road/suspension interaction is a simulation thing eg: non graphics, but i do have to look at it and it takes away from the immersion.
I'm just not seeing the superiority here.
Anyone that doesn't find this the least bit impressive is straight up trolling
i'd politely disagree.
no trolling here, it looks good, but i'm not impressed. for a 30 fps game i was underwhelmed a touch.
some may argue that the car/wheel/road/suspension interaction is a simulation thing eg: non graphics, but i do have to look at it and it takes away from the immersion.
ummm at the same resolution and with no aa pcars doesnt even get 60 fps on a 780ti, and
shit straight up looks like a barebones ps360 to pc port.
@m3dude1: lol
if only you were attacking a position someone was defending.
also i'm not really bothered by project cars benchmarks at this super early stage. game isn't out yet. i'm not sure any rational human would be bothered.
there is no ps360 game with graphics as good as assetto corsa (each additional car model on the field is 'graphics' as they contain polys. so you need a game which can handle a field of 24 cars for a like-for-like comparison).
of driving games supporting a field of that size, well, even those which were very close to straight up ports - like f1 2011, still look miles better on pc. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-f1-2011-face-off?page=3
anyway feel free to keep hyping sony exclusive (DriveClub) graphics
yeah i mean as far as being able to play in a higher resolution, sure no game on ps360 looks as good, but other than that it looks exactly like a ps360 game. just watched that comparison video at df. lol @ miles better. the 360 side of the video looks as good as assetto would if you lowered the resolution to 720p.
and the age old "performance will magically skyrocket once the games released" argument. hasnt ever happened before, no reason it will happen now.
yeah i mean as far as being able to play in a higher resolution, sure no game on ps360 looks as good, but other than that it looks exactly like a ps360 game. just watched that comparison video at df. lol @ miles better. the 360 side of the video looks as good as assetto would if you lowered the resolution to 720p.
and the age old "performance will magically skyrocket once the games released" argument. hasnt ever happened before, no reason it will happen now.
i'm glad you concede that no xbox 360 / ps3 game could match assetto corsa - that's an honest position.
cool well you sure owned the human who said performance was magically going to "skyrocket" - if only such a human existed.
but i have seen patches elucidate graphics performance improvements. the best one i remember was quake 3.
patches have provided significant performance improvements when fixing something completely broken(like multi gpu support). so yeah i wouldnt be surprised if by release amd catches up to nvidia in pcars for example, as amds performance is just dreadful. you said you dont care about performance in a prerelease product, that means u expect it to be substantially better at release, otherwise why would u write it off at this point.
as for assetto, in terms of resolution, i agree no ps360 title can match it, but the same goes for any pc game. if you were to take the best looking racers on ps360 and simply run them at a higher res, they would look at least as good as assetto
you said you dont care about performance in a prerelease product, that means u expect it to be substantially better at release
not necessarily, no.
they could get worse.
The amount of fucking tree's in this gives tree simulator for pc a run for it's money.
Anyone that doesn't find this the least bit impressive is straight up trolling, let's be honest. this shit looks dope and that lighting engine is straight up Viagra.
I hope these dudes share some tech tips with Polyphony.
I don't know anyone that plays a racing game for it's trees. Seriously, you cows are hyping up the wrong aspects of a racing game.
The amount of fucking tree's in this gives tree simulator for pc a run for it's money.
Anyone that doesn't find this the least bit impressive is straight up trolling, let's be honest. this shit looks dope and that lighting engine is straight up Viagra.
I hope these dudes share some tech tips with Polyphony.
I don't know anyone that plays a racing game for it's trees. Seriously, you cows are hyping up the wrong aspects of a racing game.
We're discussing it's graphics you mongoloid, it also looks fun as well, that sense of speed is definitely on point.
The amount of fucking tree's in this gives tree simulator for pc a run for it's money.
Anyone that doesn't find this the least bit impressive is straight up trolling, let's be honest. this shit looks dope and that lighting engine is straight up Viagra.
I hope these dudes share some tech tips with Polyphony.
I don't know anyone that plays a racing game for it's trees. Seriously, you cows are hyping up the wrong aspects of a racing game.
We're discussing it's graphics you mongoloid.
Really? Topic says "driveclub-hq-gamplay" and yet you cows still hyping the wrong aspect of a racing game. Yes cow, this includes hyping it's graphics above all else which is what cows are doing.
The amount of fucking tree's in this gives tree simulator for pc a run for it's money.
Anyone that doesn't find this the least bit impressive is straight up trolling, let's be honest. this shit looks dope and that lighting engine is straight up Viagra.
I hope these dudes share some tech tips with Polyphony.
I don't know anyone that plays a racing game for it's trees. Seriously, you cows are hyping up the wrong aspects of a racing game.
We're discussing it's graphics you mongoloid.
Really? Topic says "driveclub-hq-gamplay" and yet you cows still hyping the wrong aspect of a racing game. Yes cow, this includes hyping it's graphics above all else which is what cows are doing.
You do realize you can't play the game yourself that's being demo'd in a video right? How the heck is anyone supposed to give an indeph analysis of the gameplay.
It goes without saying the visuals are going to take the forefront, please just stahp with this petty shit already and assume the position rewarded by rug burns, k thanks.
The amount of fucking tree's in this gives tree simulator for pc a run for it's money.
Anyone that doesn't find this the least bit impressive is straight up trolling, let's be honest. this shit looks dope and that lighting engine is straight up Viagra.
I hope these dudes share some tech tips with Polyphony.
I don't know anyone that plays a racing game for it's trees. Seriously, you cows are hyping up the wrong aspects of a racing game.
We're discussing it's graphics you mongoloid.
Really? Topic says "driveclub-hq-gamplay" and yet you cows still hyping the wrong aspect of a racing game. Yes cow, this includes hyping it's graphics above all else which is what cows are doing.
You do realize you can't play the game yourself that's being demo'd in a video right? How the heck is anyone supposed to give an indeph analysis of the gameplay.
It goes without saying the visuals are going to take the forefront, please just stahp with this petty shit already and assume the position rewarded by rug burns, k thanks.
Slow your roll cowboy. Where did I say you needed to give an indepth analysis? I said hyping the graphics above everything and you COULD just a easily be talking about the numerous game play videos out, like the one in this thread. Face it, all cows do is hype graphics. It's been like this for many many years so no need to go into DC mode dude.
Furthermore, where did this belief originate that setting and course design have to take a back seat in a racing game, especially one that's more arcade than sim?
You've never gone for a drive just to look at the scenery? it doesn't have to constantly be Nascar speed ways and shit, there's plenty of room for beauty too.
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