- DirectX 12 reduces CPU overhead significantly compared to DirectX 11, offering up to 50% CPU and 20% GPU performance gains on existing PC hardware.
- Star Wars: Battlefront is the first DirectX 12 title on Xbox One
@blackace said:
Already cancelled my pre-order. lol!! DICE and EA can't program a decent game on Next-Gen consoles even after almost 2 years of programming on it. The fact that they didn't even try to use the Cloud Tech or DX12 with this online only game, just shows us that they really don't care, as long as the Star Wars brand sells millions of copies for them. What a disaster this game turned out to be. Definitely not worth the $60. Gamers who buy the PS4 bundle are going to be in for a rude surprise. I smell another FLOP coming.
@lamprey263 said:
the game rolls out about the same time the big Xbox One update takes place, part of me wonders if the reason it got a 720p beta is because the demo is made to run on the current OS which can't use DX12,and the system update that allows for DX12 utilization doesn't even come into the picture until next month with the system overhaul, if that is indeed the case then it makes sense they'd not bother optimizing the game more just for the Xbox One beta, and instead use the 720p build to address game functionality
@blackace said:
Go back and read the article again. lol!! The latest SDK update includes Win 10 and the full version of DX12. Microsoft said they would be sending out the updates to devs near the end of July. Don't take this as confirmation. We'll just wait and hear from the other 25-30 developers after they get their SDK updates. El Tormo will be doing a LOT of damage control in this thread. lol!! DX12 does nothing!!! LMAO!!
It is confirmed now by MS SWBF is the first true DX12 game on xbox one,which mean last holiday DX12 was already on xbox one,which mean both PS4 and XBO were using better multithreading,which mean both were under equal footing.
The PS4 code not only was faster but also had higher resolution to,so at the end of the day after all the cries of DX12 will change things and after seeing Ronvalencia make a fool on him self defending MS weak hardware and Blackace actually claiming that Dice didn't know how to code a game and that they didn't use DX12 is good to once and for all put this to rest also to @StormyJoe which for years claimed DX12 would help the xbox one,in the end it didn't the gap is here to stay and will never go away the PS4 will be faster than the xbox one even when DX12 is use and even when the PS4 also has a resolution advantage.
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