[QUOTE="dream431ca"][QUOTE="mastershake575"][QUOTE="CB4McGusto"] To many flaws. Future upgrades kills this deal.
That case looks like it can't cool for **** and is probably to small to fit anything other than a 9800GT, or 8800GT GPU. The motherboard sounds crap, isn't good for OC'ing cpu's, and probably has minimal socket support. The PSU most likely has just enough power and although the CPU is decent for right now Core 2 Quads are starting to become the better deal. Also OS? Is 2GB of ram enough for Vista? Will it run Warhead at an average of 40FPS on high in DX10 at atleast 1280x1024?
1. It supports ATX motherboards, over 7 harddrives and it has 3 fans so your wrong 2. Its decent for overclocking and a bios update should give you support to yorkfield, Also socket LGA 775 is being replaced in november so using socket support as a drawback/complain is a VERY bad idea ...... Since everybody right is using 775 or below
3. The powersupply is most likely by ultra which makes pretty decent tier 3 powersupplies and most good quality 430-450w are enough for a 9800GT
4. The E7200 is in the low $100s and it can beat the Q6600 in most games which is almost double the price...... Also it can hit 4ghz on a decent cooler so nope processors fine
5. It comes with an operating system, 2 gigs is plenty, and since it seems to be more optimized than the first than your answer should be defiently yes on the last question
Next time you make a rant about a computer, make sure you know what your talking about
2 Gigs is not enough. Windows Vista alone takes up 1.17 Gigs of system memory. Crysis is a major memory hog. Play Crysis with 2 gigs and be prepared for some choppy gameplay. That 512MB will slightly help, but not much.
Most good computers have PS much more than 500 Watts. Overclocking is a bad idea unless you get the right amount of cooling, which means you will need to upgrade your fans and your PS just to keep up with the extra load.
You might as well just build your own PC from scratch. It will save you a lot of money in the end.
1. I just checked my available physicaly ram and with this tab up im loosing about 350mb.......... Thats not 1.17gigs 2. Its a tier 3 powersupply so its fine. People freak about about watts but effiecienty and amperage on the 12V+ rail are way more important. With high amperage and effiency the ultra powersupply can outperform tier 4-5 600-700w easily so thats not a good point
3. The processor performs around a 3.0ghz core 2 duo conroe so even if you did want to overclock increasing it by .5ghz would be easy on the stock cooler and the case already has enough fans. Not to mention the powersupply would surpase the required power for the video card so that wasn't a good point to make.
I agree, im just disagreeing with people like you who try to bash this computer when theres nothing really wrong with it.....
I agree there is nothing wrong with it, but look at those screenshots of Crysis they are advertising it with. You will not beable to play that game on very high settings smoothly. That is what I'm getting at. For other games, it's great. I prefer to build my own PC's so I can get what I want and at a reasonable price. You are overpaying for that pre-built system. If I were to build that system from scratch, it would be around $400-$500.
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