[QUOTE="Zenkuso"] R.I.P Bioware
You watch people leave and the decline of bioware, how many rpg dev houses has EA killed now...
They try to fill a void in there game lineup but they just end up killing the companies they buy, damn one of the best dev houses and they are now on track to become another zombie corparation :(
That is the worst case scenario here....let's just hope that Bioware does not end up with an internal mutiny over this, as that will lead to the inevitable demise of what Bioware once was....with only the name remaining. But the team a shadow of their former selves.
However, if they stay intact internally, and EA gives them breathing room to develop, then expect EA to have higher quality games that appeal to core audiences. That would be the best case scenario for us gamers. But, if EA wants to take control over Bioware's developmental decisions, then indeed, the future of Bioware games looks bleak to say the least. Mass Effect just may be the real Bioware's last epic hoorah.
Once the acquistion is complete "ALL" development decisions will run through EA management, thats just how EA works.
You make it, we break it!
That should be EAs motto, I can see a few key employees leaving after this cause creative freedom has just gone right out the window. I had total respect for bioware cause they always tried to avoid things like this, but instead of acquiring them directly EA found the loop hole and bought the holdings company that already had them thus acquiring not only bioware but pandemic as well. The whole fanbase for bioware is very disturb about this so much so many are going to simple boycott bioware future games cause we know there games in the future won't be aimed at the key players that bioware has always developed for, instead EA will make sure they shift focus to more casual friendly games which in itself will kill there games in general.
EA has acquired many companies over the years and many in the end folded an had to be incorparated into the EA dev houses, I wouldn't be surprised if this happens again once key employee's inside bioware start the exodus. It always happens in buyouts, vivendi + blizzard = blizzard north team leaving, Dice + EA = 2 head designers leaving & many of the programming staff, westwood + EA = doesn't even have the original team left at all, EA + bullfrog = bullfrogs death completely, EA + richard garriots old dev house = death.
Theres so much evidence to prove that bioware will become a shell of itself that people that think otherwise are kidding themselves, EA doesn't care about the dev houses they just want the IPs its that simple, bioware has just entered...
"The sh|t zone"
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