Like many of you who have already downloaded the Namco/ Nija Theory demo of enslaved onto your 360's yesterday, i was shocked to '' as a friend of mine put it '' find a PS3 game'' running on my xbox 360.
i found the statement odd as i and a few others have ALWAYS known what the ATI graphics chip inside the 360 was capable of WAY back in 2006.
also Enslaved has been unfairly compaired to UNCHARTED 2, with many Sony fans acknowledging Ninja Theorys amazing work as great, but coming short of Uncharted 2's lofty goals in the visuals department.
i think this is just a Knee Jerk reaction to the fact that a former PS3 exclusive developer has clearly made a game as visually stunning as Uncharted 2, but its runing ( and arguably runing BETTER ) on the 360 hardware.
this is an unfair assesment as UC2 and Enslaved are two different games entirely and should be judged on their own merits.
both games use gorgeous high rez textures and look phenominal, but thats as far as the comparisons should go.
ninja theory and irrational games ( Bioshock Infinite ) should be credited with reviving a long thought dead game engine ( Unreal 3 engine ) and producing Amazing Visuals.
the real blow being dealt though is to all the 360 development houses ( Bungie and Epic excluded ) who have languished in mediocrity the past 3 years while PS3 developers have pushed forward with new game engines and new visual fidelity.( Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 etc..)
now this year we will see Castlevania lord of shadows, Enslaved and next year Bioshock Infinity and RAGE, which push the XBOX 360 further than weve ever seen, ( castlevanias graphics in particular are beyond even what Ninja Theory has done with enslaved ).
my question is why did it take this long, and why did the 360 developers take the quick and easy approach instead of pushing the ATI GPU in the 360 to the hieghts we are now seeing?
( we know the answer was money as 360 software has traditionaly made WAY more revenue than its PS3 brethren ) but why shortchange the 360 audience with mediocre visuals when clearly the game ENSLAVED Exposes the 360 as bieng able to do WAY MORE.
to me NINJA THEORY has just laid the guantlet down for Gears of War 3 and every other 360 game in the forseeable future.
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