and of course a machine made by gamers, for gamers.Matching PCs, only possible with gddr5.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
[QUOTE="gpuking"][QUOTE="sts106mat"] LOL. he's officially on suicide watch.tormentosTry harder maybe I'll consider stabbing myself lol. You guys really are pathetic and out of ammo. Don't mind sts106mat since the 720 was leak to be weak sauce he has transform into a butthurt troll.. Look at my signature for reference. He has always been one though he managed to hide it better before.
[QUOTE="sts106mat"]LOL. he's officially on suicide watch. Try harder maybe I'll consider stabbing myself lol. You guys really are pathetic and out of ammo.[QUOTE="Snugenz"]
I never said it was untrue, i just know that gpuking has been crying himself to sleep since the comparison first showed up, now he can sleep soundly.
Pathetic and out of ammo is reposting the same article because your precious little gaming station runs on 1 year old PC hardware :lol:
I'm sure you'll also have an excuse for Battlefield 4 only running oin 720p or Killzone 4 only running at 30fps, right?
PS4 isn't able to play launch titles properly in 1080p with 60fps comfirmed!
[QUOTE="jhonMalcovich"]Well...the article actually was damage-controlling consoles, not PC. PC ran perfectly what ever they threw at it.ÂYeah the article is damage controlling,never mind the fact that there is nothing the 680GTX can do that the 7800 can't,other than having more power which equate to more frames on PC and not to better visuals.. But some how you miss that. There is nothing the 680GTX can do that the PS4 will not do it,at lower resolution with no AA probably or FXAA,because even PhysX the PS4 can do..:lol:The article reasserted my determination to keep sticking to PC next gen.
It´s PS4 who will straggle next gen. If Sony fails, it´s dead, no second chances for Sony.
PC gamers will keep staying in a comfort secure zone playing all multiplats and Kickstarter exclusives.Â
PS4 is just catching up with current gen PCs. Not a thing to boast about.
So basically with 5 years of optimization they might figure out how to make it look half decent with a framerate higher than 15fps :lol:
Dat GDDR5 :lol:
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]Poor lems are entering denial and damage control with full force again after they were fooled by a couple of April fools articles. Lol lems are so gullible.sts106matreally ? where? i am just here to laugh at GPUking and eltormo keep their plates spinning...... They've gone from "PS4 Killzoned crysis3 on PC" to it "its almost the same"
I don't mind this thread. I think this thread has a more apt comparison than that "killzowned" thread since UE4 isn't out yet for both platforms.
[QUOTE="gpuking"][QUOTE="sts106mat"] LOL. he's officially on suicide watch.tormentosTry harder maybe I'll consider stabbing myself lol. You guys really are pathetic and out of ammo. Don't mind sts106mat since the 720 was leak to be weak sauce he has transform into a butthurt troll.. Look at my signature for reference. I know man, all they need right now is more lemming branded bandages for their hurting butts.
[QUOTE="faizan_faizan"] So actually, Consoles really are the ones to blame, They are the ones that push everything back when newer hardware is capable of more. EPIC continues to kiss Sony's ass. While PC does ray tracing and more.tormentosYeah Epic kiss Sony ass,Carmack kiss consoles ass,and Crytek also kiss consoles and sony and MS ass when they say memory was the most important part for graphics.. Funny how people who know and make games are the ones ass kissing and not you.. In the end it will not matter like i told you even lesser card with run those effects i am sure.
Epic kiss Sony ass because they want to sell UE4 to Sony.
Crytec kiss Sony ass because they want to sell Crytec Engine to Sony.
Carmack kiss Sony ass, because he´s an idiot.
But if Sony fails to sell 20M units at launch, nobody will kiss their ass anymore. Sony is on a steep road here.Â
So now everyone agrees that the PS4 will be an unstoppable juggernaut force this gen, good, thought that was a given after February 20th. Heil68
Are you serious. We are on SW. Nobody here agrees with anything.
Epic kiss Sony ass because they want to sell UE4 to Sony.How many Sony IP games run on EU.? Sony make its own engines in house and they are superior to UE by the way. But Epic has been always very honest about hardware because they like hardware,i remember when Mayor Nelson was calling SPE on Cell nothing but useless DSP,when Mark Rein came forward and actually talked about how SPE were better for Physics than than most people gave it credit for,when EPIC actually had a bigger deal with MS than with sony.. The only idiot here is you and the butthurt hermit fallowing you as well,you are not a finger nail as good in any of this things as Epic,Carmak are so your words are just butthhurt crying..Crytec kiss Sony ass because they want to sell Crytec Engine to Sony.
Carmack kiss Sony ass, because he´s an idiot.
But if Sony fails to sell 20M units at launch, nobody will kiss their ass anymore. Sony is on a steep road here.Â
Feature wise I would expect the engines to be the same. How you can use those features is where they will differ.Â
What's great about a big, expansive engine like the Unreal 4 engine is that you can just keep throwing GPU power at it and upping the number of effects dynamically.Â
For example let's imagine a torch burning in the middle of a medieval room lighting the room with global illumination, dropping sparks and embers as particles, and generally looking pretty. Their engine allows you to dynamically change how much intensity the graphical features have, which affects overall GPU useage. So while the PS4 and PC versions will look the same at a base level and run with the same features, the PC version could have a higher setting which makes the torch have more embers that fall from it and increase the detail of the flame while and add a few more passes on the global illumination to get more realistic and accurate lighting while on the PS4 you couldn't do that without some slow down.
So while the engines use the same features, you can layer more features ontop of each other on the PC with greater effect IF the client has the power to handle it.Â
That's what I love about these big, modern engines. They scale very well. They give developers tons of tools and if you have the hardware you can turn up the intensity on a lot of features and layer more detail and rendering on each pass.
Hermits love to talk about GPU they don't support... Like most people here have prove and so how steam stats have.Matching PC hardware that wil be nearly 2 years old by the time the PS4 releases. Once the GTX 7xx and HD 8xxx series are out this year, the gap will continue to get larger and larger.
[QUOTE="jhonMalcovich"]Epic kiss Sony ass because they want to sell UE4 to Sony.How many Sony IP games run on EU.? Sony make its own engines in house and they are superior to UE by the way. But Epic has been always very honest about hardware because they like hardware,i remember when Mayor Nelson was calling SPE on Cell nothing but useless DSP,when Mark Rein came forward and actually talked about how SPE were better for Physics than than most people gave it credit for,when EPIC actually had a bigger deal with MS than with sony.. The only idiot here is you and the butthurt hermit fallowing you as well,you are not a finger nail as good in any of this things as Epic,Carmak are so your words are just butthhurt crying..Crytec kiss Sony ass because they want to sell Crytec Engine to Sony.
Carmack kiss Sony ass, because he´s an idiot.
But if Sony fails to sell 20M units at launch, nobody will kiss their ass anymore. Sony is on a steep road here.Â
Tormentos, you are a such a f*cking moron. I haven´t insulted you in no way (untill now). Do you always call other people idiots when they don´t agree with you ?
[QUOTE="BPoole96"]Hermits love to talk about GPU they don't support... Like most people here have prove and so how steam stats have. Wasn't the UE4 demo being run on a GTX 680? That is why I used that as an example. Steam stats show low hardware but several of the PC gamers on this board, myself included, have very capable PCs.Matching PC hardware that wil be nearly 2 years old by the time the PS4 releases. Once the GTX 7xx and HD 8xxx series are out this year, the gap will continue to get larger and larger.
So basically with 5 years of optimization they might figure out how to make it look half decent with a framerate higher than 15fps :lol:
Dat GDDR5 :lol:
By the time the PS4 has caught up to the 1 year old GTX680, the Nvidia Volta would have been released :lol:
But but the PS4 is under power and even on PC the engine will not look the same..:lol:tormentos
How do you even come to this conclusion, it's a console, which is going to retail at 300-400, idiotic again from people, it's a console which the graphics look amazing from what i've seen, how is it under power, when a high end pc costs 700+ to get the same results so the fact remains the ps4 for the price is over powered.
Tormentos, you are a such a f*cking moron. I haven´t insulted you in no way (untill now). Do you always call other people idiots when they don´t agree with you ?jhonMalcovichYou are the moron who call idiot people who have been making games probably for longer time that you have been gaming or even living,when you were a kid Carmack was doing Doom already... People like you are real idiot,so because the guy say something you don't like he is an idiot,when you are not even qualify to talk about anything he say,you are just a butthurt fanboy.. I could care less what you call me the real moron here is you cry baby.. Oh but but Carmak is and idiot because he doesn't agree with my point of views,so what was the last game you make..:lol:
so this is what your comparing it to then and using this as a guide line and still saying how under powered it is and it should be better
GTX 680 2GB OOOOOO and the cheapest you can buy one for here in the uk is £399
in the us it's $477
seriously ps4 price is being rumoured at £300 / $400, that comes with the case the gpu, the cpu the power supply, the interface, all the other stuff in it.
when you can't even buy just that graphics card, what are we even moaning and arguing about.
[QUOTE="tormentos"]But but the PS4 is under power and even on PC the engine will not look the same..:lol:bezza2011
How do you even come to this conclusion, it's a console, which is going to retail at 300-400, idiotic again from people, it's a console which the graphics look amazing from what i've seen, how is it under power, when a high end pc costs 700+ to get the same results so the fact remains the ps4 for the price is over powered.
The 560TI has the same power as the 680GTX.? Yes No.? Because if this engine doesn't run good on PS4 what make you think that it will run great on anything lower than 680GTX.? If this Engine was done to take full advantage of the 680GTX,probably what 95+% of the GPU out there will run it downgrade.? Because from what i know very few cards top the 680GTX,by the way i also know that most people on steam are on integrated graphics or 560TI or lower GPU,the most common GPU on steam are not close by any chance to the 680GTX,which mean most people will have and even worst experience than the PS4 unless they upgrade to something like 7970 680GTX or better and those GPU cost as much as the complete PS4 system..If the PS4 would have a 680GTX for GPU it will not cost sony 1 quart of what it will cost you,the Xenos was like $100 dollars for MS on 2005 and it was more powerful than a 7800GTX that retailed for $500 dollars. Console makers will never ever pay full price for a GPU or even close,the PS4 GPU is between a 7870 and a 7850,the first is a $200+ GPU,yet sony is say to pay $80 dollars for the GPU+CPU on an APU which is harder to make than both of them this is what your comparing it to then and using this as a guide line and still saying how under powered it is and it should be better
GTX 680 2GB OOOOOO and the cheapest you can buy one for here in the uk is £399
in the us it's $477
seriously ps4 price is being rumoured at £300 / $400, that comes with the case the gpu, the cpu the power supply, the interface, all the other stuff in it.
when you can't even buy just that graphics card, what are we even moaning and arguing about.
[QUOTE="bezza2011"][QUOTE="tormentos"]But but the PS4 is under power and even on PC the engine will not look the same..:lol:tormentos
How do you even come to this conclusion, it's a console, which is going to retail at 300-400, idiotic again from people, it's a console which the graphics look amazing from what i've seen, how is it under power, when a high end pc costs 700+ to get the same results so the fact remains the ps4 for the price is over powered.
The 560TI has the same power as the 680GTX.? Yes No.? Because if this engine doesn't run good on PS4 what make you think that it will run great on anything lower than 680GTX.? If this Engine was done to take full advantage of the 680GTX,probably what 95+% of the GPU out there will run it downgrade.? Because from what i know very few cards top the 680GTX,by the way i also know that most people on steam are on integrated graphics or 560TI or lower GPU,the most common GPU on steam are not close by any chance to the 680GTX,which mean most people will have and even worst experience than the PS4 unless they upgrade to something like 7970 680GTX or better and those GPU cost as much as the complete PS4 system..Still the point being the PS4 is going to cost 300 -400
and a gaming pc which will be on par or better than it will cost over 700+Â
or am i mistaken that we can build a pc with ps4 capabilities with 400, Â
Still the point being the PS4 is going to cost 300 -400
and a gaming pc which will be on par or better than it will cost over 700+Â
or am i mistaken that we can build a pc with ps4 capabilities with 400, Â
Not right now you can't no, but by the time the PS4 launches, possibly.
Both hermits and cows doing a lot of DC here.
Hermits claiming that ps4 is a low end pc,cows claiming that ps4 is some sort of supercomputer.
All BS.
[QUOTE="jhonMalcovich"]Tormentos, you are a such a f*cking moron. I haven´t insulted you in no way (untill now). Do you always call other people idiots when they don´t agree with you ?tormentosYou are the moron who call idiot people who have been making games probably for longer time that you have been gaming or even living,when you were a kid Carmack was doing Doom already... People like you are real idiot,so because the guy say something you don't like he is an idiot,when you are not even qualify to talk about anything he say,you are just a butthurt fanboy.. I could care less what you call me the real moron here is you cry baby.. Oh but but Carmak is and idiot because he doesn't agree with my point of views,so what was the last game you make..:lol:
Carmack is an idiot because one day he speaks pro-PC and pro-Linux and another day he´s pro-consoles.Â
He didn´t make one single good game since Doom 3 (2004), but he talks a lot.
And you cite him a lot too. But what he exactly did for PC or PS in the last years, except Rage ? Nothing.
The guy was working rather on VR than games for the last years.
This is a list of things he said:
John Carmack claims emulation is the key to Linux support, questions native ports (2013)
John Carmack Believes Next-Gen Consoles Will Continue Targeting 30FPS Games (2012)
John Carmack: Treating Consoles Equally Was A Big Mistake (2011)
Carmack: We do not see the PC as the leading platform for games (2011)
We, PC gamers have our reasons to dislike Carmack. You, in change, Sony fanboy, have no reason to defend him, except for his praise for PS4. He didn´t do anything for PS never.
Meh. I'm not looking at middleware for the most technically advanced stuff we're going to see on PS4 anyways, what I really want to see is Witcher 3 on Ps4.
[QUOTE="tormentos"][QUOTE="faizan_faizan"]"More Efficient" LOL. Like any one with a brain actually gonna believe that.faizan_faizanBut but Epic is lying...:lol: I told you so is an early build that ran on hardware that wasn't final epic did not even knew the PS4 will have 8GB of memory,you hermits are so insecure that you think the very first games on PS4 is representative of what the PS4 can do,because we all know that Perfect Dark Zero was a representation of the best the 360 could do,the same with Resistance and the PS3..:lol: You will see UE games on PC using the same effects on lower end card like it has always been,the 680GTX was just a demo,and when you port it to an other card even with more power it will differ,even more on the PS4 case since it doesn't quite work like PC's. So actually, Consoles really are the ones to blame, They are the ones that push everything back when newer hardware is capable of more. EPIC continues to kiss Sony's ass. While PC does ray tracing and more.So stick to PC exclusives. We can't affect those. Problem solved.
Still the point being the PS4 is going to cost 300 -400
and a gaming pc which will be on par or better than it will cost over 700+Â
or am i mistaken that we can build a pc with ps4 capabilities with 400, Â
Not right now you can't no, but by the time the PS4 launches, possibly.
Exactly no we can't, and when it comes out it's only a possibility and i think people forget a game console is for the gamers who want something to play games on easily, and not have a pc where another year or so down the line i'll have to change stuff to get up to date with pc graphics, don't get me wrong i'd much rather be in that game of pc building but convinence of buying a ps4 for that small price which you know is going to last at least 6years of good graphics because companies are trying to get the most out of it, than a pc games which are always trying to push the boundaries and beyond.Â
Both hermits and cows doing a lot of DC here.
Hermits claiming that ps4 is a low end pc,cows claiming that ps4 is some sort of supercomputer.
All BS.
Hermits doesn´t need to DC anything. Is the article who´s DM controlling consoles. PC ran perfectly everything. PS4, instead, tries to keep up as always. I don´t see how hermits could turn out loosing in this comparison. Â
The 560TI has the same power as the 680GTX.? Yes No.? Because if this engine doesn't run good on PS4 what make you think that it will run great on anything lower than 680GTX.? If this Engine was done to take full advantage of the 680GTX,probably what 95+% of the GPU out there will run it downgrade.? Because from what i know very few cards top the 680GTX,by the way i also know that most people on steam are on integrated graphics or 560TI or lower GPU,the most common GPU on steam are not close by any chance to the 680GTX,which mean most people will have and even worst experience than the PS4 unless they upgrade to something like 7970 680GTX or better and those GPU cost as much as the complete PS4 system..[QUOTE="tormentos"][QUOTE="bezza2011"]
How do you even come to this conclusion, it's a console, which is going to retail at 300-400, idiotic again from people, it's a console which the graphics look amazing from what i've seen, how is it under power, when a high end pc costs 700+ to get the same results so the fact remains the ps4 for the price is over powered.
Still the point being the PS4 is going to cost 300 -400
and a gaming pc which will be on par or better than it will cost over 700+Â
or am i mistaken that we can build a pc with ps4 capabilities with 400, Â
I don´t get what´s wrong with paying 700+ for a new PC. Is not that expensive after all in light of extra benefits PC offers. Many people needs PC in their daily lives anyway. Why not make it gaming as well for an addtional cost.
Anyway 700+ PC are serious threat to consoles. Because people are not that stupid after all. They know the difference between PC and console capabilities. You pay more, you get more.
You are downplaying the buying power of the gamers. many of them have PC and consoles.Â
This is an extract from the article.
"On the one hand, seeing a year-old PC demo scaled down a tad to work on PlayStation 4 hardware probably isn't what console gamers would expect, and doesn't quite tally when other developers are talking about PS4Â out-powering most PCs for years to come."
Doesn´t sound like the same to me.
You're kidding, right? Â Neat how you can take an "extract" from the article and then ignore all the words that follow it directly
But it is important to put all of this into context. The DirectX 11 API is very mature while the PS4 tools and APIs are still in their initial stages of development - it's going to take time for devs to fully get to grips with the new hardware. Over and above that, assuming this is the same demo that was shown at the PlayStation 4 reveal, we know for a fact that most studios only received final dev kits in the weeks beforehand, the suggestion being that most of the UE4 work will have been produced on unfinished hardware.From the article
This is an extract from the article.
"On the one hand, seeing a year-old PC demo scaled down a tad to work on PlayStation 4 hardware probably isn't what console gamers would expect, and doesn't quite tally when other developers are talking about PS4Â out-powering most PCs for years to come."
Doesn´t sound like the same to me.
You're kidding, right? Â Neat how you can take an "extract" from the article and then ignore all the words that follow it directly
But it is important to put all of this into context. The DirectX 11 API is very mature while the PS4 tools and APIs are still in their initial stages of development - it's going to take time for devs to fully get to grips with the new hardware. Over and above that, assuming this is the same demo that was shown at the PlayStation 4 reveal, we know for a fact that most studios only received final dev kits in the weeks beforehand, the suggestion being that most of the UE4 work will have been produced on unfinished hardware.From the article
I kinda had a feeling they ditched SVOGI and other features because they was'nt efficient enough, compared to the small visual improvement they gave. Epic wants small and large game companies to use they're engine, so of course it has to be as efficient as possible, but at the same time have great visuals. Tech demo's are allways running some amazing features that looks awesome, but when developers want to use those features in games, they tend to struggle a bit. No matter if it's a console or a PC. So this could be a more realistic version, for both PC and consoles.Â
You are the moron who call idiot people who have been making games probably for longer time that you have been gaming or even living,when you were a kid Carmack was doing Doom already... People like you are real idiot,so because the guy say something you don't like he is an idiot,when you are not even qualify to talk about anything he say,you are just a butthurt fanboy.. I could care less what you call me the real moron here is you cry baby.. Oh but but Carmak is and idiot because he doesn't agree with my point of views,so what was the last game you make..:lol:[QUOTE="tormentos"][QUOTE="jhonMalcovich"]Tormentos, you are a such a f*cking moron. I haven´t insulted you in no way (untill now). Do you always call other people idiots when they don´t agree with you ?jhonMalcovich
Carmack is an idiot because one day he speaks pro-PC and pro-Linux and another day he´s pro-consoles.Â
He didn´t make one single good game since Doom 3 (2004), but he talks a lot.
And you cite him a lot too. But what he exactly did for PC or PS in the last years, except Rage ? Nothing.
The guy was working rather on VR than games for the last years.
This is a list of things he said:
John Carmack claims emulation is the key to Linux support, questions native ports (2013)
John Carmack Believes Next-Gen Consoles Will Continue Targeting 30FPS Games (2012)
John Carmack: Treating Consoles Equally Was A Big Mistake (2011)
Carmack: We do not see the PC as the leading platform for games (2011)
We, PC gamers have our reasons to dislike Carmack. You, in change, Sony fanboy, have no reason to defend him, except for his praise for PS4. He didn´t do anything for PS never.
Once again your an idiot in fact Carmak was the PS3 number 1 flamer and complainer,just so you know even before the PS3 was out he clearly like the 360 more,he even talk about how making games was even easier on 360 than on PC,he doesn't like all consoles or is an ass kisser.. Once again what was the fu**ing last game you make dude.? So Doom was his last good game what was yours troll.? Oh yeah non you are a die hard fanboy who can't see a good complement been made in favor of a consoles,since you are skilless you are not a game designer or even close,i would take John words over your pathetic fanboy cries,so i will take EPIC as well and any other developer even if he make the worst game ever,because you know sh**.:lol:[QUOTE="jhonMalcovich"][QUOTE="tormentos"] You are the moron who call idiot people who have been making games probably for longer time that you have been gaming or even living,when you were a kid Carmack was doing Doom already... People like you are real idiot,so because the guy say something you don't like he is an idiot,when you are not even qualify to talk about anything he say,you are just a butthurt fanboy.. I could care less what you call me the real moron here is you cry baby.. Oh but but Carmak is and idiot because he doesn't agree with my point of views,so what was the last game you make..:lol:tormentos
Carmack is an idiot because one day he speaks pro-PC and pro-Linux and another day he´s pro-consoles.Â
He didn´t make one single good game since Doom 3 (2004), but he talks a lot.
And you cite him a lot too. But what he exactly did for PC or PS in the last years, except Rage ? Nothing.
The guy was working rather on VR than games for the last years.
This is a list of things he said:
John Carmack claims emulation is the key to Linux support, questions native ports (2013)
John Carmack Believes Next-Gen Consoles Will Continue Targeting 30FPS Games (2012)
John Carmack: Treating Consoles Equally Was A Big Mistake (2011)
Carmack: We do not see the PC as the leading platform for games (2011)
We, PC gamers have our reasons to dislike Carmack. You, in change, Sony fanboy, have no reason to defend him, except for his praise for PS4. He didn´t do anything for PS never.
Once again your an idiot in fact Carmak was the PS3 number 1 flamer and complainer,just so you know even before the PS3 was out he clearly like the 360 more,he even talk about how making games was even easier on 360 than on PC,he doesn't like all consoles or is an ass kisser.. Once again what was the fu**ing last game you make dude.? So Doom was his last good game what was yours troll.? Oh yeah non you are a die hard fanboy who can't see a good complement been made in favor of a consoles,since you are skilless you are not a game designer or even close,i would take John words over your pathetic fanboy cries,so i will take EPIC as well and any other developer even if he make the worst game ever,because you know sh**.:lol:Stop foaming at your mouth. :lol: I think you have some sort of rabies.
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