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[QUOTE="rockstar183"][QUOTE="Eltroz"][QUOTE="rockstar183"]thhis game should go to both 360 and ps3 . cuz in the states this game is not going to sell well at all ,and in *** i dont see ppl buying a 360 for this EltrozHave you seen the sales in Japan. I do not see them buying it for PS3 either. cuz there are no games for there market yet . im just saying ppl over there are very brand loyal . thats y over there this game would at least have a chance
greg_splicer until they do that case closedflashattackfinaYes case closed, FF13 has now every chance to come to 360, and trust me, when they are to sell 2-4 more million copies, will certainly happen
wait a minute if ff 13 sells 2-4 mil other would be lower than every other ffflashattackfinaHe said 2-4 million MORE
[QUOTE="flashattackfina"]wait a minute if ff 13 sells 2-4 mil other would be lower than every other ffUltimas_BladeHe said 2-4 million MORE Oblivion sold 2 million in a 10 mill userbase, when FF13 is out, 360 will be at 20 mill, so it will clearly sell 2 million with EASE on 360 alone, they would be really crazy to loose all that money, and since they are not in any way forced to make FF13 only on PS3, simply won't happen Best case is that PS3 gets FF13 as a timd exclusive, but after seeing that PS3 sells only a few thousand more than 360 in Japan too, Square might want FF13 to hit both PS3 and 360 the same time, to maximize profits right there
[QUOTE="Ultimas_Blade"][QUOTE="flashattackfina"]wait a minute if ff 13 sells 2-4 mil other would be lower than every other ffgreg_splicerHe said 2-4 million MORE Oblivion sold 2 million in a 10 mill userbase, when FF13 is out, 360 will be at 20 mill, so it will clearly sell 2 million with EASE on 360 alone, they would be really crazy to loose all that money, and since they are not in any way forced to make FF13 only on PS3, simply won't happen Best case is that PS3 gets FF13 as a timd exclusive, but after seeing that PS3 sells only a few thousand more than 360 in Japan too, Square might want FF13 to hit both PS3 and 360 the same time, to maximize profits right there
Can I have your crystal ball please? I want to see what the DSLite 4 looks like.
[QUOTE="Shazenab"]Well to be fair lemmings keep on going on about how Final Fantasy XIII is going multi platform.greg_splicerOf course there is a HUGE difference, FF13 is now ANNOUNCED OFFICIALLY to come to 360, since they ANNOUNCED that the series is no longer exlcusive to PS3, BUT Eternal Sonata was never even hinted for PS3 See now, FF13 is coming to 360, Eternal Sonata is not coming to PS3
Yes, you are wrong, since thye announced the series asmultiplatform, and FF13 is in that series, it comes to 360, simple as that They NEVER EVER said that each game in the series will be exclusive tosome platform, unless you have a LINKY to prove it[/QFinal Fantasy XIII is NOT multiplatform, but the series of FFXIII games, called Fabula Nova Crystallis contains games on different platforms, but each game in the series is EXCLUSIVE to one platform. Hope that clears up the misconception. Correct me if i'm wrong, but it hasn't been announced that FFXIII is multiplatform.
link? i don't see one
I posted the links on the FIRST PAGE!Ultimas_Blade
Can you post the link to any reputable gaming site like IGN or Gamespot that has an official FF13 for 360 page? What about a link to a preorder for FF13 on the 360? Surely those pages would be available if this game was now officially on the 360.
[QUOTE="Ultimas_Blade"]I posted the links on the FIRST PAGE!ramey70
Can you post the link to any reputable gaming site like IGN or Gamespot that has an official FF13 for 360 page? What about a link to a preorder for FF13 on the 360? Surely those pages would be available if this game was now officially on the 360.
Never said it was coming to the 360, just that it is non exclusive to the PS3. Also, one of the links is from Gamespot.[QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="Ultimas_Blade"]I posted the links on the FIRST PAGE!Ultimas_Blade
Can you post the link to any reputable gaming site like IGN or Gamespot that has an official FF13 for 360 page? What about a link to a preorder for FF13 on the 360? Surely those pages would be available if this game was now officially on the 360.
Never said it was coming to the 360, just that it is non exclusive to the PS3. Also, one of the links is from Gamespot.
But not a link to Gamespot announcing the game itself as coming to the 360 or an actual FF13 for 360 page correct?
[QUOTE="Ultimas_Blade"][QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="Ultimas_Blade"]I posted the links on the FIRST PAGE!ramey70
Can you post the link to any reputable gaming site like IGN or Gamespot that has an official FF13 for 360 page? What about a link to a preorder for FF13 on the 360? Surely those pages would be available if this game was now officially on the 360.
Never said it was coming to the 360, just that it is non exclusive to the PS3. Also, one of the links is from Gamespot.
But not a link to Gamespot announcing the game itself as coming to the 360 or an actual FF13 for 360 page correct?
I never claimed that it was coming ot the 360! What are you getting at? It is non exclusive at the moment and the LIKELY candidates are the 360 and PC.They pulled the listed, because it was a mistake. Why waste PR resources on foolishness? And finally, you seem to have a good crystal ball there.First of all, why would the ESRB rate a game which does not exist? Second, why are Namco Bandai keeping so tight lipped when asked about the PS3 version? Finally, the 360 version will flop in Japan.
[QUOTE="Ultimas_Blade"][QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="Ultimas_Blade"]I posted the links on the FIRST PAGE!ramey70
Can you post the link to any reputable gaming site like IGN or Gamespot that has an official FF13 for 360 page? What about a link to a preorder for FF13 on the 360? Surely those pages would be available if this game was now officially on the 360.
Never said it was coming to the 360, just that it is non exclusive to the PS3. Also, one of the links is from Gamespot.
But not a link to Gamespot announcing the game itself as coming to the 360 or an actual FF13 for 360 page correct?
I never claimed that it was coming ot the 360! What are you getting at? It is non exclusive at the moment and the LIKELY candidates are the 360 and PC.They pulled the listing, because it was a mistake. Why waste PR resources on foolishness? And finally, you seem to have a good crystal ball there.First of all, why would the ESRB rate a game which does not exist? Second, why are Namco Bandai keeping so tight lipped when asked about the PS3 version? Finally, the 360 version will flop in Japan.
Who really cares though? Most games this gen are going multiplatform due to costs.
The systems themselves still give you a reason to buy different games though, because a multiplat on Wii won't control the same as PS3 counterpart ala Godfather.
[QUOTE="Ultimas_Blade"] They pulled the listing, because it was a mistake. Why waste PR resources on foolishness? And finally, you seem to have a good crystal ball there.-Spock-
Why waste PR resources? I seem to remember exactly the same situation regarding Oblivion's move to PS3 and those ridiculous Assassins Creed and Devil May Cry 4 fiascos.
And as for my crystal ball, it's usually correct. Do you really think the game will sell well in Japan on such a disliked console? Blue Dragon just about met Sakaguchi's sales predictions, and that was a very high profile titles on the Famitsu chart. The same cannot be said for Trusty Bell though, which would easily double its sales if released on the PS3 too. It's all business.
Like FF13 would make triple the sales if it comes to 360, than PS3 only
greg_splicer how do you know that ff 13 sell triple if it was on the 360
remember ff sells more in japan than usa and europe so how would it sell it sell triple without jp
greg_splicer how do you know that ff 13 sell triple if it was on the 360
remember ff sells more in japan than usa and europe so how would it sell it sell triple without jp
Triple or more is a 100% sure thing
1. The 360 install base will be double th one of PS3, as things are now will be triple, but i give you double to be fair
2. The 360 game attachement rate is 5.7, nearly more than 2x the PS3 one, meaning about double the sales for every game, and FF13 is not a small name one
3. So, 20.000.000 users on 360, that about 3-4 million will get the game, in the worst case scenario
Now how many copies can PS3 sell in its 10.000.000 users ? 2 millions would be a max i think, FF12 sold 4 million to ...120 million users !!!!
So most probable sales, 1 million for PS3 worldwide, 3 million for 360 again worldwide
Another thing Greg you said about FF XII. You said FF XII sold 4 millions for 120 million PS2 users. Yes according to video game charts FF XII sold 4 million copies. But i guess you never heard about PIRATE GAMES. Majority PS2 owners outside USA, UK & Jpn prefer pirate games for your information. If both original & pirate FF XII game combine I`m100% sure the sales is 60 million copies. Not just FF XII, Gow, MGS and others major PS2 titles. Heri012
Sig worthy stuff right there.
[QUOTE="Shazenab"]Well to be fair lemmings keep on going on about how Final Fantasy XIII is going multi platform.greg_splicerOf course there is a HUGE difference, FF13 is now ANNOUNCED OFFICIALLY to come to 360, since they ANNOUNCED that the series is no longer exlcusive to PS3, BUT Eternal Sonata was never even hinted for PS3 See now, FF13 is coming to 360, Eternal Sonata is not coming to PS3
Yes, you are wrong, since thye announced the series asmultiplatform, and FF13 is in that series, it comes to 360, simple as that They NEVER EVER said that each game in the series will be exclusive tosome platform, unless you have a LINKY to prove itFinal Fantasy XIII is NOT multiplatform, but the series of FFXIII games, called Fabula Nova Crystallis contains games on different platforms, but each game in the series is EXCLUSIVE to one platform. Hope that clears up the misconception. Correct me if i'm wrong, but it hasn't been announced that FFXIII is multiplatform.
So basically even mobile phones will get FFXIII because of your logic. And the mobile phone games will come to Xbox 360 as well.
[QUOTE="greg_splicer"][QUOTE="Shazenab"]Well to be fair lemmings keep on going on about how Final Fantasy XIII is going multi platform.jsnepoOf course there is a HUGE difference, FF13 is now ANNOUNCED OFFICIALLY to come to 360, since they ANNOUNCED that the series is no longer exlcusive to PS3, BUT Eternal Sonata was never even hinted for PS3 See now, FF13 is coming to 360, Eternal Sonata is not coming to PS3
Yes, you are wrong, since thye announced the series asmultiplatform, and FF13 is in that series, it comes to 360, simple as that They NEVER EVER said that each game in the series will be exclusive tosome platform, unless you have a LINKY to prove itFinal Fantasy XIII is NOT multiplatform, but the series of FFXIII games, called Fabula Nova Crystallis contains games on different platforms, but each game in the series is EXCLUSIVE to one platform. Hope that clears up the misconception. Correct me if i'm wrong, but it hasn't been announced that FFXIII is multiplatform.
So basically even mobile phones will get FFXIII because of your logic. And the mobile phone games will come to Xbox 360 as well.
Of course they would, IF it could be ported, but it can't, FF13 can only reach the "other platforms" as they said, PC, and 360, that is all, the mobile might reach DS or PSP though
greg_splicer how do you know that ff 13 sell triple if it was on the 360
remember ff sells more in japan than usa and europe so how would it sell it sell triple without jp
Triple or more is a 100% sure thing
1. The 360 install base will be double the one of PS3, as things are now will be triple, but i give you double to be fair
2. The 360 game attachement rate is 5.7, nearly more than 2x the PS3 one, meaning about double the sales for every game, and FF13 is not a small name one
3. So, 20.000.000 users on 360, that about 3-4 million will get the game, in the worst case scenario
Now how many copies can PS3 sell to its users ? 2 millions would be a max i think, FF12 sold 4 million to ...120 million users !!!!
So most probable sales, 1 million for PS3 worldwide, 3 million for 360 again worldwide
Also where did you get that FF sells in Japan better than the rest of the world, in fact the most profit comes from outside japan, if vgcharts is to be believed
greg think about it SE is a japanese company why choose 360 if they can choose wii,ds,psp and ps2 to release these other titles in the ff 13 universeflashattackfina
Because FF13 on ANY of those would look like pac-man ??? Their best looking game can ONLY go to PC or /an 360 to look same, if it goes to .. .Wii, will have to be a different game completly
At the moment it is "non-exclusive". Obviously the only real candidates are the PC and Xbox 360. Here are the Links:[QUOTE="DriftMax"]Just wondering but I must have missed the FFXIII going multiplat can I please have a link for it?Ultimas_Blade
Final Fantasy XIII directorMotomu Toriyama
Sony Computer Entertainment France president Georges Fornay
Read the interview, not the website. Toriyama said that "The Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy 13 Project is not exclusive to the PS3 and Cell phones." Not just "FF13 isnt exclusive to PS3"
I agree with the 2nd one though.
[QUOTE="flashattackfina"]greg_splicer how do you know that ff 13 sell triple if it was on the 360
remember ff sells more in japan than usa and europe so how would it sell it sell triple without jp
Triple or more is a 100% sure thing
1. The 360 install base will be double the one of PS3, as things are now will be triple, but i give you double to be fair
2. The 360 game attachement rate is 5.7, nearly more than 2x the PS3 one, meaning about double the sales for every game, and FF13 is not a small name one
3. So, 20.000.000 users on 360, that about 3-4 million will get the game, in the worst case scenario
Now how many copies can PS3 sell to its users ? 2 millions would be a max i think, FF12 sold 4 million to ...120 million users !!!!
So most probable sales, 1 million for PS3 worldwide, 3 million for 360 again worldwide
Also where did you get that FF sells in Japan better than the rest of the world, in fact the most profit comes from outside japan, if vgcharts is to be believed
Stop !@#$ing crying and wait til the game actually comes out. We will see then if it is multiplat or not.
Greg you such a loser fanboy. You think 360 sales is bigger in Japan if FF XIII also for the 360? Gimme a break. You`re not bussiness analyst expert you just a blind and ignorant fanboy. Oh yeah another one thing. SE announce that the whole FF XIII project is not PS3 & mobile exclusive. So the only console that cross your mind is 360? You must live in Cave. I bet you never heard Wii, NDS & PSP. 360 sales are below flop in Japan so what other excuse you think that SE will sacrifice their most popular RPG for the 360? Heri012
I bet common logic is not a thing you have at large quantities
Why they will make FF13 for 360 and not .... Wii ??? Because NONE of the multiplatform 360/PS3 games are for Wii, NOT ONE, for a DAMN GOOD REASON, Wii has garbage hardware and can't handle them, are you even serious about that argument ?
And yes FF13 would sell 2x-3x the copies of PS3 WORLDWIDE because simply put it has more buyers to buy the damn game OBVIOUSLY, one does not have to be an analyst to know that 3x the install base and 2x the game attachment rate will sell 2x-3x the copies
And keep in mind FF13 is one of the most well known names around, if Oblivion sold 2 million to 10 mill users, FF13 would easilyl sell 3-4 million to 20 million users at the time of its release on 360
[QUOTE="Heri012"]Greg you such a loser fanboy. You think 360 sales is bigger in Japan if FF XIII also for the 360? Gimme a break. You`re not bussiness analyst expert you just a blind and ignorant fanboy. Oh yeah another one thing. SE announce that the whole FF XIII project is not PS3 & mobile exclusive. So the only console that cross your mind is 360? You must live in Cave. I bet you never heard Wii, NDS & PSP. 360 sales are below flop in Japan so what other excuse you think that SE will sacrifice their most popular RPG for the 360? greg_splicer
I bet common logic is not a thing you have at large quantities
Why they will make FF13 for 360 and not .... Wii ??? Because NONE of the multiplatform 360/PS3 games are for Wii, NOT ONE, for a DAMN GOOD REASON, Wii has garbage hardware and can't handle them, ae you even serious about that argument ?
Madden? har har You fail
[QUOTE="Ultimas_Blade"]At the moment it is "non-exclusive". Obviously the only real candidates are the PC and Xbox 360. Here are the Links:[QUOTE="DriftMax"]Just wondering but I must have missed the FFXIII going multiplat can I please have a link for it?zzzaaa
Final Fantasy XIII directorMotomu Toriyama
Sony Computer Entertainment France president Georges Fornay
Read the interview, not the website. Toriyama said that "The Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy 13 Project is not exclusive to the PS3 and Cell phones." Not just "FF13 isnt exclusive to PS3"
I agree with the 2nd one though.
Clear;y meaning that FF13 is not exclusive to PS3 and the mobile game is not excluisve to the mobile platform, so FF13 coming to 360,pc and the mobile one to PSP or DS
[QUOTE="greg_splicer"][QUOTE="zzzaaa"][QUOTE="Ultimas_Blade"]At the moment it is "non-exclusive". Obviously the only real candidates are the PC and Xbox 360. Here are the Links:[QUOTE="DriftMax"]Just wondering but I must have missed the FFXIII going multiplat can I please have a link for it?zzzaaa
Final Fantasy XIII directorMotomu Toriyama
Sony Computer Entertainment France president Georges Fornay
Read the interview, not the website. Toriyama said that "The Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy 13 Project is not exclusive to the PS3 and Cell phones." Not just "FF13 isnt exclusive to PS3"
I agree with the 2nd one though.
Clear;y meaning that FF13 is not exclusive to PS3 and the mobile game is not excluisve to the mobile platform, so FF13 coming to 360,pc and the mobile one to PSP or DS
Ok.. I dont care if I get banned... You're one of the stupidest people on this forum.
And why is that, because i am not a blind PS3 fanboy, and see the facts are they are presented, and not as i would like to be in my little fanboy imagination ?
You know boy, if the case was not as i say,they would simply say "we have other games in the NBova series that will be on other platforms", would NEVER EVER use the words "NOT", "PS3" and "EXCLUSIVE", those were not needed as you clearly see, unless you HAVE to say them to make clear that it is PS3 that lost the exclusive
[QUOTE="zzzaaa"][QUOTE="greg_splicer"][QUOTE="zzzaaa"][QUOTE="Ultimas_Blade"]At the moment it is "non-exclusive". Obviously the only real candidates are the PC and Xbox 360. Here are the Links:[QUOTE="DriftMax"]Just wondering but I must have missed the FFXIII going multiplat can I please have a link for it?greg_splicer
Final Fantasy XIII directorMotomu Toriyama
Sony Computer Entertainment France president Georges Fornay
Read the interview, not the website. Toriyama said that "The Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy 13 Project is not exclusive to the PS3 and Cell phones." Not just "FF13 isnt exclusive to PS3"
I agree with the 2nd one though.
Clear;y meaning that FF13 is not exclusive to PS3 and the mobile game is not excluisve to the mobile platform, so FF13 coming to 360,pc and the mobile one to PSP or DS
Ok.. I dont care if I get banned... You're one of the stupidest people on this forum.
And why is that, because i am not a blind PS3 fanboy, and see the facts are they are presented, and not as i would like to be in my little fanboy imagination ?
You know boy, if the case was not as i say,they would simply say "we have other games in the NBova series that will be on other platforms", would NEVER EVER use the words "NOT", "PS3" and "EXCLUSIVE", those were not needed as you clearly see, unless you HAVE to say them to make clear that it is PS3 that lost the exclusive
"In fact, the Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy 13 Project isnt just limited to three titles - there are many different aspects. In terms of the formats we're reaching , as well, it's not simply exclusive to the PS3 and mobile phones. In Latin, Fabula Nova Crystallis means "New Crystal Story" and we're using that as a base for the project, but there are many characters and legends branching off from this main story and universe. Its a huge project"
greg they stated that the ff 13 Fabula crystal project is not exclusive is not only ps3 think about why would they announce a game that suppose to multi without the mentioning the system flashattackfina
Because there are many games going to many platforms ? That must be it
greg they stated that the ff 13 Fabula crystal project is not exclusive is not only ps3 think about why would they announce a game that suppose to multi without the mentioning the system flashattackfina
Um, where? Read the first paragraph, it spells it out right there.
In news that is sure to rock the gaming world it has been confirmed that Final Fantasy XIII, the blockbuster RPG highly anticipated by millions of fans of the series, will not be an exclusive game for the PlayStation 3 console.PS3Center ArticleIt is FFXIII that is nonexclusive, because they did not say "Fabula Nova Crystallis", "RPGs", or "games".
[QUOTE="flashattackfina"]greg they stated that the ff 13 Fabula crystal project is not exclusive is not only ps3 think about why would they announce a game that suppose to multi without the mentioning the system Ultimas_Blade
Um, where? Read the first paragraph, it spells it out right there.
In news that is sure to rock the gaming world it has been confirmed that Final Fantasy XIII, the blockbuster RPG highly anticipated by millions of fans of the series, will not be an exclusive game for the PlayStation 3 console.PS3Center ArticleIt is FFXIII that is nonexclusive, because they did not say "Fabula Nova Crystallis", "RPGs", or "games".
Oh but they did. What else is the "Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy 13 project is not limited to 3 games" Followed by "Are not just exclusive to the PS3 and mobile phones" means? :?
Once again.. The website !@#$ed up. Read the interview, I posted a link to the scan.
Square enix just said FF 13 is going to last 10 years and read Motomu Toriyama of Square Enix stated in the April Edition of Australian PlayStation Magazine that the Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII series will not be limited to the PlayStation 3 and mobile phones, as there are other games in the series that will be introduced to other consoles.[17]flashattackfina
Anybody know the unlucky number in Japan is? 4. I bet that is the reason why 13 is lasting for 10 years.
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