[QUOTE="Devilwillcry"][QUOTE="greg_splicer"][QUOTE="hotdaisy18"][QUOTE="greg_splicer"][QUOTE="hotdaisy18"] [QUOTE="greg_splicer"]There are some that do not consider it obvious, they suggest that PS3 somehow will sell as many FF13 as 360, even though 360 has trple the install base, and double the game attach rategreg_splicer
Trust me when I say this. And take some deep breaths while you're at it. By the time FFXIII is released, PS3 will have at least double its userbase. So let's pretend. Spring 2008. PS3 units out around 8 million. That number alone justifies that a game can stay exclusive to a console. It'll have a huge sells to start. And it can be a system seller. Sony knows this and would be willing to pay SE for that exclusiveness.
Now if...and this is a big IF, FFXIII was being released this year, yes. It'd be multiplat easy. Hands down. No questions asked. This is why a lot of people are questioning MGS4. The fact that it is coming out this year. If MGS4 was a 2008 release, then I'd have no doubt in my mind that it would stay to the PS3. Just look at what happened with DMC4. 2007 release. Small userbase for the PS3. Yeah. Capcom isn't dumb. PS3 games of 2007 Cows should be worried about After that, then they can take a small breather. 2008 is going to be very very awesome for gaming. For all consoles. PS3, Wii, and 360.
Sony can pay for 3-4 million sales lost on 360 ? Are you sure ? Because even if PS3 is indeed 8 mill by that time, 360 will easilyl be 16 mill+, closer to 18 mill in reality, since the system sellers this year alone are counteless, on PS3 none
But let's pretend 360 will be just double the PS3 install base, and let's pretend the attach rate is same, still 360 is 2x the sales than PS3, so how could Sony pay them for 2 times more the profit they make for the game ? That seems impossible, they could as well buy the company then
People that say FF13 will remain PS3 excluisve, because sales to 8mill users, probably 1-2 million that is, are enough, just forget that 1-2 million sales are NOT enough, when you can have a total of 3-5 million sales if you move to 360 too, the difference is HUGE
It's all speculation right now. You and I both don't know what's going to happen. So why even argue it? There's no facts to what you and I can say on the issue. Opinions that no doubt will clash and in the end, where does it get us? No where. Because in the end, we both don't know what's going to happen. I really don't care where the game goes. I have all the consoles so I have nothing to sweat it over with. And each console has exclusives that I will happily enjoy. So you keep on going on about those silly sales figures of yours because no one cares. All I care about is what the game is going to look like in the end. And enjoy playing it.
Memo to self: "It's fun to argue with a fanboy once in a while. If you speak in reasonable terms. Because we all know, in SW, the fanboy is never right. But fun to laugh at."
You clearly do not understand my motives why i want FF13 on 360. Eventually i will definatly buy a PS3, for White Knight nad Drake, probably even before FF13 arrives
Now why i care for FF13 to come to 360 ? Clearly because i want one what could be one of my most favourite next gen titles to look as best as possibly can, simple as that, on PS3 the whole project will fail to impress graphicslly, already there are no shaders used at all, what makes Mass Effect NPC's amazing, and even those 2 year old Lost odyssey pics stunning, shader, do not appear at all in FF13 pics
Also AA, HDR and colors would be VASTLY better on 360, and textures could be 2x the resolution, because of the far more ram on 360, and EDRAM, plus PS3 has washed out rendering for all its games, the Nvidia GPU is plain and simple bad, i have asked around PC forums, and i can CONFIRM, ATI is supposed to render thing FAR better, with more next gen contrasts and vivid colorsm unlike Nvidia that had to add a saturation control by software, NOT possible to have on PS3 !!!!
I can confirm this, since right now i have a TI4600 video card from Nvidia
So, here is why i want 360 to get FF13, not because i have something against PS3, only it has subpar hardware, and would want my FF13 amazing, not mediocre
Listen, you obviously are in your own little world right now. I think everyone knows that the PS3 is just slightly more powerful than the 360, it just can't be show right away because it is also more difficult to develop for. If you are not impressed with what has been shown of FFXIII so far..I don't know what will impress you. It is easily the best looking console game shown so far and everything that has been shown is ussing the white engine, which is based on the cell, so I think you are just being a little to skeptical of the PS3 hardware.
All i see of PS3 for now
1. Downgraded as HELL exclusive titles, like Lair and HS that have garbage graphics and textures
2. Oblivion on PS3 having no AA, worst HDR, some lower res textures, washed out colors/shadow/HDR
3. ALL multipltaforms looking from equal to FAR FAR worst on PS3, especially SC4, Enchanted Arms and Fear look like a generation behind
4. Splinter Cell 5 can't be done on PS3
5. The darkness developers sai 360 will have better textures due to more ram
6. Colin DIRT is delayed MONTHS for PS3, runs amazing on 360
7. FF13 pics lack ANY shaders at all, look at Mass Effect NPC's, he faces look 3D, not on FF13, same with souroundings, flat textures everywhere, and the downgrade of what we have seen is a given, ALL PS3 games got downgraded
8. Assaisns Creed is running on 360, PS3 version we have seen nothing of
So, after the above ONSLAUGHT, how am i supposed to believe that MAGICALLY PS3 will have as good textures/ HDR, colors, lighting, shaders as 360 version ? NO WAY
Lair is the next step forward, it looks as good as Gears and is on a massive scale with loads of things going on in the background all in real time, oh and just so you know Julian Eggbert said that the game is not posssible on the 360, Have you seen the draw distance it has? Like I said it is still early for the PS3, and the fact that it looks this good this early with the fact that it has a more complex architechture than 360, shows that the machine is far mroe capable than the 360. Yeah, I remember the crappy GUN and THUG2 and Madden games the 360 had, where everyone claimed that the Xbox version looked better, give the developers time. I don't know why you think Hevenly Sword looks like crap, its called having an art style. The game looks very nice right now, and the game play sounds intriguing. I am sick of arguing about this, you can keep your hopes up for FFXIII on the 360, but its not gonna happen. It is just too reliant on the cell. I will be enjoying it on day 1, you can be bitter and hope for a port, but Sqaure never ports, their not Capcom. As mediocre as you think the PS3 may make it with this "mythical" power the 360 holds over it, I will be enjoying the best looking console game to date in 2008. The UE3 engine is only the first step of the next gen, the white engine is the next step. It is also hard to understand your argument when some developers are saying this:
"But like I said, MGS4 is aimed for the movie theatre, it's aimed for the PS3, so the game's scenario and graphics need this theatre-type hardware. It's when a producer has a game that can work on the 'DVD level' that a game will go multiplatform", he says. Sorry kids. Your "OMGMGS4360" banners will have to come out another day. - Hideo Kojima
apparently the 360 can only deliver a "DVD-level" experience, while the PS3 can deliver a "home-theatre" like experince. anyways, I have not heard any developer say anything along those lines, in favor of the 360. so take it as you will, I am going to bed so respond if you want, I won't be reading it.
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