[QUOTE="hotdaisy18"] [QUOTE="greg_splicer"]There are some that do not consider it obvious, they suggest that PS3 somehow will sell as many FF13 as 360, even though 360 has trple the install base, and double the game attach rategreg_splicer
Trust me when I say this. And take some deep breaths while you're at it. By the time FFXIII is released, PS3 will have at least double its userbase. So let's pretend. Spring 2008. PS3 units out around 8 million. That number alone justifies that a game can stay exclusive to a console. It'll have a huge sells to start. And it can be a system seller. Sony knows this and would be willing to pay SE for that exclusiveness.
Now if...and this is a big IF, FFXIII was being released this year, yes. It'd be multiplat easy. Hands down. No questions asked. This is why a lot of people are questioning MGS4. The fact that it is coming out this year. If MGS4 was a 2008 release, then I'd have no doubt in my mind that it would stay to the PS3. Just look at what happened with DMC4. 2007 release. Small userbase for the PS3. Yeah. Capcom isn't dumb. PS3 games of 2007 Cows should be worried about After that, then they can take a small breather. 2008 is going to be very very awesome for gaming. For all consoles. PS3, Wii, and 360.
Sony can pay for 3-4 million sales lost on 360 ? Are you sure ? Because even if PS3 is indeed 8 mill by that time, 360 will easilyl be 16 mill+, closer to 18 mill in reality, since the system sellers this year alone are counteless, on PS3 none
But let's pretend 360 will be just double the PS3 install base, and let's pretend the attach rate is same, still 360 is 2x the sales than PS3, so how could Sony pay them for 2 times more the profit they make for the game ? That seems impossible, they could as well buy the company then
People that say FF13 will remain PS3 excluisve, because sales to 8mill users, probably 1-2 million that is, are enough, just forget that 1-2 million sales are NOT enough, when you can have a total of 3-5 million sales if you move to 360 too, the difference is HUGE
In case you haven't noticed, SE are very loyal nationalists to Japan, I think they'd rather die than put FFXIII on an American console. But go ahead, and keep hoping....your just setting yourself up for disappointment. If every developer truly wants to maximize profit, and make everything exclusive to 360 or multiplat, than why is Ninja Giaden Sigma, a full on remake built from the ground up for the PS3, remaining an exclusive, after lemmings swore it would go mulitplat. Trust me, that game was not cheap to make either, easily as big a budget as DMC4 has.
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