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Can I have your copy of Halo 3? Because it seems you have already played it...
Anyway, making assumptions doesn't win you arguements.
Also, someone show him that thread about Halo 3 yesterday (I think it was called "Halo 3: What is it?").
Thank you SO much. I've been saying this in every Halo 3 post and getting flamed for it, and all the lemmings will probably do that to you as well. Truth it, Halo 3 IS a generic shooter.
Call me a hater all you want, I have it preordered and will definately play it because of the multiplayer community, but it is truly a very generic shooter.
Please expalin why crysis is so innovative.sonicarethe innovation is from how much you have to spend ona PC so it can play it.
Halo brought an epic storyline to the table. :| Honestly, i'm happy with that. Most FPS games have little storyline at all, and often the plot is simply an excuse to throw you into certain battlefields a la PDZ and Gears of War. Halo is a genuinely deep, expansive universe to get lost in however. You play to find out what happens next, not just to shoot stuff in the face.
Halo 2 also brought about an incredibly innovative matchmaking and party system which hasn't been matched to this day.
I would hardly call it generic. A game that doesn't straight up innovate in every single way is not necessarily generic.
I don't think Halo 3 will bring anything completely new to the table. It will be an evolution of the groundwork behind the first two games, which were an evolution of the established concepts in the genre.
However, the implementation of these established concepts along with the general direction have always made Halo be anything but "generic". I'm inclined to think most people who argue otherwise either have never played it extensively enough to fully appreciate it or have played only the PC version.
Ooo! Can I get in on that?! I want a copy of Halo 3!! Oh wait... It's not out... Riiiiight, I see what you did there, you crafty MADVLAD ;)Can I have your copy of Halo 3? Because it seems you have already played it...
Can I have your copy of Halo 3? Because it seems you have already played it...
Anyway, making assumptions doesn't win you arguements.
Also, someone show him that thread about Halo 3 yesterday (I think it was called "Halo 3: What is it?").
This: oppinion. I am not trying to argue anything. This is all oppinion. I saw that Halo 3 thread. I posted in it. My point remains. If you don't agree that games are for fun, then I pity you.
[QUOTE="MADVLAD123"]Can I have your copy of Halo 3? Because it seems you have already played it...
Anyway, making assumptions doesn't win you arguements.
Also, someone show him that thread about Halo 3 yesterday (I think it was called "Halo 3: What is it?").
This: oppinion. I am not trying to argue anything. This is all oppinion. I saw that Halo 3 thread. I posted in it. My point remains. If you don't agree that games are for fun, then I pity you.
You're basing your opinion off nothing. That's my point. Your just making ASSUMPTIONS that Halo 3 is generic. You have never played it before.
Halo brought an epic storyline to the table. :| Honestly, i'm happy with that. Most FPS games have little storyline at all, and often the plot is simply an excuse to throw you into certain battlefields a la PDZ and Gears of War. Halo is a genuinely deep, expansive universe to get lost in however. You play to find out what happens next, not just to shoot stuff in the face.
Halo 2 also brought about an incredibly innovative matchmaking and party system which hasn't been matched to this day.
Very well put. Most fps are far from innovaitve - the basic gameplay is very similar in a lot of them. But each of them have their own unique features, controls, and perks that help to separate them. Halo had a captivating storyline, unique universe, solid gameplay, good graphics, very good enemyand friendlyAI,excellent console controls, well done multiplayer, etc. etc. etc. All of that combined for an experience that was far from "generic." I've played very few shooters that were truly "innovative" -> how do you redefine the fps genre? But I've played many that, like halo, were well done.
LOLZ is halo the first game you ever played?how old are you?Halo brought an epic storyline to the table. :| Honestly, i'm happy with that. Most FPS games have little storyline at all, and often the plot is simply an excuse to throw you into certain battlefields a la PDZ and Gears of War. Halo is a genuinely deep, expansive universe to get lost in however. You play to find out what happens next, not just to shoot stuff in the face.
Halo 2 also brought about an incredibly innovative matchmaking and party system which hasn't been matched to this day.
was't halo the first to do the health system? also the ability to throw nades was cool without changing guns...killtactics
a 1996 Pc game called tErra Nova did the recharging shield first...
Halo brought an epic storyline to the table. :| Honestly, i'm happy with that. Most FPS games have little storyline at all, and often the plot is simply an excuse to throw you into certain battlefields a la PDZ and Gears of War. Halo is a genuinely deep, expansive universe to get lost in however. You play to find out what happens next, not just to shoot stuff in the face.
Halo 2 also brought about an incredibly innovative matchmaking and party system which hasn't been matched to this day.
Whether the storyline was good or bad is subjective. I will agree with you that, Halo has a story wheras many games dont. And I do agree that the matchmaking system is an accomplishment. And I believe your points coincide with mine: games are for fun. They dont have to be new or crazy.
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]LOLZ is halo the first game you ever played?how old are you? You must not know much about Halo.Halo brought an epic storyline to the table. :| Honestly, i'm happy with that. Most FPS games have little storyline at all, and often the plot is simply an excuse to throw you into certain battlefields a la PDZ and Gears of War. Halo is a genuinely deep, expansive universe to get lost in however. You play to find out what happens next, not just to shoot stuff in the face.
Halo 2 also brought about an incredibly innovative matchmaking and party system which hasn't been matched to this day.
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]LOLZ is halo the first game you ever played?how old are you?Halo brought an epic storyline to the table. :| Honestly, i'm happy with that. Most FPS games have little storyline at all, and often the plot is simply an excuse to throw you into certain battlefields a la PDZ and Gears of War. Halo is a genuinely deep, expansive universe to get lost in however. You play to find out what happens next, not just to shoot stuff in the face.
Halo 2 also brought about an incredibly innovative matchmaking and party system which hasn't been matched to this day.
Ninja-Vox could be 7 years old and he would still be more mature than you. Your just making yourself look like a jerk. So settle down.
[QUOTE="organic_machine"][QUOTE="MADVLAD123"]Can I have your copy of Halo 3? Because it seems you have already played it...
Anyway, making assumptions doesn't win you arguements.
Also, someone show him that thread about Halo 3 yesterday (I think it was called "Halo 3: What is it?").
This: oppinion. I am not trying to argue anything. This is all oppinion. I saw that Halo 3 thread. I posted in it. My point remains. If you don't agree that games are for fun, then I pity you.
You're basing your opinion off nothing. That's my point. Your just making ASSUMPTIONS that Halo 3 is generic. You have never played it before.
Yes. There is such a thing as a non logical argument. There is such a thing as an educated guess. I am not claiming facts. Juts my oppinion. Yes, I am making assumptions. I admit that. For all I know, Crysis and Bioshock could be the biggest flops of the century. I dont know until I have played them. But I have done my research. I know previews are not enough.
Halo: CE was definitely innovative, much in the way GeoW was--small changes to gameplay mechanics that worked very well. The rechargable health system (albeit only partial) w/ the shields was pretty new, as was the limited weapons stash, the good collection of playable vehicles that actually were interesting to use, etc. The storyline was also very compelling.
Compared to that, Halo 2 had basically no innovation, just different weapons, maps, worse storyline. Halo 3 hopefully improves on the storyline part, giving us a truly epic conclusion to the series. But it probably won't have too many gameplay innovations, since we would have heard about them by now.
That being said, Crysis just seems like Far Cry w/ much much better graphics (it's not an innovation to say you can cut down trees w/ your gun and drop them on your enemies). Bioshock looks fairly innovative with the small collection of distinct entities that have their own behavior that you can manipulate to your advantage (getting Big Daddies to fight the splicers or vice versa, for instance).
Bioshock and crysis are not innovative..FlockofSpagheti
Crysis I understand, but Bioshock looks very unique. Will all of its new ideas gel and come together? We shall see... but it isn't generic or run of the mill...
[QUOTE="D0013ER"][QUOTE="Ecity_OfH"]Yea Heavenly Sword makes Halo 3 look like a Wii game!sadikovic
Why does it seem like every time a good bit of PS3 news comes around there's suddenly a surge of new fanboy/troll accounts?
As Tupac once said "Thats just the way it is"
Ah yes, Tupac was wise beyond his years...:P
Halo brought an epic storyline to the table. :|
Not really. Halo has a very generic storyline.
Halo 3 will be a great game, but the only thing seperating it from Call of Duty will be the storyline, which many people who play it will ignore ... daqua_99I am curious to know how you justify such a statement. I mean, what does that even mean? Could I say, "Halo 3 will be a gerat game, but the only thing seperating it from Killzone 2 will be the storyline"?
I agree with the TC here. Halo 3, so far, hasn't shown anything really "revolutionary" like the first one did. But, I am totally happy playing a game that does what it does better than anything else out there. So as long as Halo 3 does everything really well, I am ok with the basic improvements most sequels enjoy (better graphics, better AI, improved physics, bigger levels, etc)
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]Halo brought an epic storyline to the table. :|
Not really. Halo has a very generic storyline.
No it doesn't. Play games before you bash them. I'm not even going to bother explaining why you're wrong because you haven't even played the game we're discussing.....
[QUOTE="TrueReligion_"][QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]Halo brought an epic storyline to the table. :|
Not really. Halo has a very generic storyline.
What are we using as the basis of comparison when calling it a generic storyline?
the smashing story of unreal tournament.
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]Halo brought an epic storyline to the table. :|
Not really. Halo has a very generic storyline.
Did you learn the word "Generic" today? You seem to be using it all the time. It has an unique Sci- Fi storyline which millions of people love.
I agree with the TC here. Halo 3, so far, hasn't shown anything really "revolutionary" like the first one did. But, I am totally happy playing a game that does what it does better than anything else out there. So as long as Halo 3 does everything really well, I am ok with the basic improvements most sequels enjoy (better graphics, better AI, improved physics, bigger levels, etc)
Bingo. People treat the word "generic" as if it were some evil phrase. No, generic can be a great thing. Being generic is what made games like Painkiller And Timesplitters great. Also, to people whining about my Crysis comment: this thread is not about Crysis. It is about Halo 3. Sure, I mentioned Crysis, but that was only to make a point. The point being that Halo 3 will be fun regardless of games like Crysis and Bioshock.
What are we using as the basis of comparison when calling it a generic storyline?
In terms of originality or innovation. I know these two words are brought up alot here, and I hate to use them--but the fact is that Halo does not have a very original storyline. It does not innovate story-telling in any way. However, that does not mean Halo has a bad storyline. It does not mean Halo's story line isn't captivating or intriguing: the only thing is that it's not original; it brought nothing to the table storywise. People give Bungie too much credit for their storyline in Halo--it's definitely great, but it doesn't deserve all the praise people give it around here.
I agree with the TC in that games dont have to be innovative to be good... they just have to be fun. Halo is far from generic however, and just because it doesn't revolutionise the FPS genre doesn't mean it's "generic". To say that is to say pretty much every shooter ever made since wolfenstein is "generic".
Generic by definition is a standard, average, run-of-the-mill affair - and halo sure aint generic.
[QUOTE="MADVLAD123"]Can I have your copy of Halo 3? Because it seems you have already played it...
Anyway, making assumptions doesn't win you arguements.
Also, someone show him that thread about Halo 3 yesterday (I think it was called "Halo 3: What is it?").
This: oppinion. I am not trying to argue anything. This is all oppinion. I saw that Halo 3 thread. I posted in it. My point remains. If you don't agree that games are for fun, then I pity you.
Look are opinion is not the problem. The problem is that you bring nothing to the table to support your opinion. You cant just sit there, and say something is generic because of what fanboys claim. You have not played the final release of the game. There for how you to know what kind of innovation, or new stuff it might bring? You should fix how you post then people wont bash you.
[QUOTE="TrueReligion_"][QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]Halo brought an epic storyline to the table. :|
Not really. Halo has a very generic storyline.
No it doesn't. Play games before you bash them. I'm not even going to bother explaining why you're wrong because you haven't even played the game we're discussing.....
No need to get offensive. I never bashed Halo's storyline. All I said was that it isn't very original. I never said it was told in a poor manner. I'm a big Halo fan--and I've read all the books. There's no need to get but-hurt.
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