[QUOTE="g0ddyX"]Another thread about sales...
Let the games do the talking lol.
You can't play sales.
Ok, 3DS has a better current/upcoming library than the vita, and like the DS is positioned to stomp in terms of library too.... So...Just to quash any rumors and innuendo about the Playstation Vita's launch line up. Have a look at the titles available at launch below,
1. Escape Plan (Sony, America To-Be-Determined)
2. Everybody's Golf (Sony)
3. F1 2011
4. FIFA Football (Europe TBD)
5. Gravity Rush (America TBD)
6. Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational (America TBD)
7. Hustle Kings (Sony)
8. Little Deviants (Sony)
9. Michael Jackson: The Experience (Europe TBD)
10. ModNation Racers: Road Trip (Sony)
11. MotorStorm RC (Sony)
12. Reality Fighters (Sony)
13. Ridge Racer Vita (entitled simply "Ridge Racer")
14. Shinobido 2: Tales of the Ninja
15. Super Stardust Delta (America TBD)
16. Top Darts (Sony, America TBD)
17. Touch My Katamari
18. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (Europe TBD)
19. Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Sony)
20. Unit 13 (Sony)
21. WipEout 2048 (Sony)
22. Army Corp of Hell (Square Enix RPG just confirmed for EU Launch)
23. Plants vs Zombies (Launch or Launch Period?)
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