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Okay no wait, THIS is post 400.charizard1605
Could that thread be on its way to pull another arbitor?
So basically "Sony is doomed!!"tomarlynYep.
Yes, but it's a lot more harmless than the arbitor threadCould that thread be on its way to pull another arbitor?
:lol: :lol: :lol: What did I say? WHAT DID I SAY? And you all called me a troll... I told you... Nintendo couldn't sell a handheld at $249, neither can Sony. It's called COMMON SENSE PEOPLE.RulerofGondor
Well to be fair, we are talking about a company that tried to sell a home console for almost a grand.
[QUOTE="RulerofGondor"]:lol: :lol: :lol: What did I say? WHAT DID I SAY? And you all called me a troll... I told you... Nintendo couldn't sell a handheld at $249, neither can Sony. It's called COMMON SENSE PEOPLE.charizard1605Oh boy, look who's here...
I'm seeing a second life given to this thread now. :cool:
[QUOTE="RulerofGondor"]:lol: :lol: :lol: What did I say? WHAT DID I SAY? And you all called me a troll... I told you... Nintendo couldn't sell a handheld at $249, neither can Sony. It's called COMMON SENSE PEOPLE.glimpus
Well to be fair, we are talking about a company that tried to sell a home console for almost a grand.
It's not about that. Sony is a great company that has made some really great consoles and games. But the handheld market is the domain of one comapny and one company only and that is the King of Gaming, Nintendo. If the Handheld Gods had trouble selling a handheld at $250, people really thought SONY would be able to get away with that? :lol: I mean, really? Wow. When will you folks learn? It's like the PSP vs DS all over again except at least the PSP stood some chance.Oh boy, look who's here...[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="RulerofGondor"]:lol: :lol: :lol: What did I say? WHAT DID I SAY? And you all called me a troll... I told you... Nintendo couldn't sell a handheld at $249, neither can Sony. It's called COMMON SENSE PEOPLE.archvile_78
I'm seeing a second life given to this thread now. :cool:
I can't see this ending well.[QUOTE="glimpus"][QUOTE="RulerofGondor"]:lol: :lol: :lol: What did I say? WHAT DID I SAY? And you all called me a troll... I told you... Nintendo couldn't sell a handheld at $249, neither can Sony. It's called COMMON SENSE PEOPLE.RulerofGondor
Well to be fair, we are talking about a company that tried to sell a home console for almost a grand.
It's not about that. Sony is a great company that has made some really great consoles and games. But the handheld market is the domain of one comapny and one company only and that is the King of Gaming, Nintendo. If the Handheld Gods had trouble selling a handheld at $250, people really thought SONY would be able to get away with that? :lol: I mean, really? Wow. When will you folks learn? It's like the PSP vs DS all over again except at least the PSP stood some chance.[QUOTE="archvile_78"][QUOTE="charizard1605"] Oh boy, look who's here...charizard1605
I'm seeing a second life given to this thread now. :cool:
I can't see this ending well. It's because the people on this forum are all idiots like you who don't have the balls to face the plain cold hard truth even when it stares them in the face. COMMON SENSE. Is it too much to expect it of you all?[QUOTE="glimpus"][QUOTE="RulerofGondor"]:lol: :lol: :lol: What did I say? WHAT DID I SAY? And you all called me a troll... I told you... Nintendo couldn't sell a handheld at $249, neither can Sony. It's called COMMON SENSE PEOPLE.RulerofGondor
Well to be fair, we are talking about a company that tried to sell a home console for almost a grand.
It's not about that. Sony is a great company that has made some really great consoles and games. But the handheld market is the domain of one comapny and one company only and that is the King of Gaming, Nintendo. If the Handheld Gods had trouble selling a handheld at $250, people really thought SONY would be able to get away with that? :lol: I mean, really? Wow. When will you folks learn? It's like the PSP vs DS all over again except at least the PSP stood some chance. You know what-? Actually, nevermind. It's not worth it.Herp derp derp, your posts are so funny. They make so much sense :roll:NINTENDO IS BETR SONY IS WURSE
[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="archvile_78"]I can't see this ending well. It's because the people on this forum are allidiots like you who don't have the balls to face the plain cold hard truth even when it stares them in the face. COMMON SENSE. Is it too much to expect it of you all?I'm seeing a second life given to this thread now. :cool:
Wait, there's a COLD HARD TRUTH when it comes to video games?
You should have seen his threads yesterday. Anyway, I'm out. Night fellows. Thread was great fun.I'm going out in a limb here, but I'm starting to think that this new guy just mighhhhhht be a dick.
[QUOTE="glimpus"]You should have seen his threads yesterday. Anyway, I'm out. Night fellows. Thread was great fun.I'm going out in a limb here, but I'm starting to think that this new guy just mighhhhhht be a dick.
Good night, Chaz. You deserver some sleep :P
Died before it launched. But personally, I think 350k is great. I only predicted 250k myself. But hopefully Vita sales drop off post-holiday season and then we can get that price cut and we can all enjoy Persona 4 together.Eponique
Why you want to enjoy something that you consider dead? ^^'
Numbers are great for Vita if it sold more thne PSP and nearly got the same as 3DS, it look like 360/Ps3 situation to me, which is not bad for both
[QUOTE="glimpus"][QUOTE="RulerofGondor"]:lol: :lol: :lol: What did I say? WHAT DID I SAY? And you all called me a troll... I told you... Nintendo couldn't sell a handheld at $249, neither can Sony. It's called COMMON SENSE PEOPLE.RulerofGondor
Well to be fair, we are talking about a company that tried to sell a home console for almost a grand.
It's not about that. Sony is a great company that has made some really great consoles and games. But the handheld market is the domain of one comapny and one company only and that is the King of Gaming, Nintendo. If the Handheld Gods had trouble selling a handheld at $250, people really thought SONY would be able to get away with that? :lol: I mean, really? Wow. When will you folks learn? It's like the PSP vs DS all over again except at least the PSP stood some chance.I rofled with ""king of gaming"....
Thats why your Wii is dead (95%? in coma? ) because your KING took all your money when sold x2 what others did (PS3/X360) and then bye bye ! Yeah true king! Have you ever seen PSone/PS2 die prematurely and not support their fans atleast 2 years into next gen ? Thats what a true king does. Care about his people ..Now dont get disturbed. Its fact.
I think the problem was that as far as launch titles go there's not much that Japanese gamers are interested in. If it launched with a Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter or Gran Turismo we'd see a big difference in sales.
[QUOTE="theuncharted34"]The problems are outlined in the OP: 'Famitsu reports that the system sold 321,000 units since its launch, which is less than half of the rumored 700,000 shipment. For comparison's sake, it did manage to outsell the PSP's launch window numbers (166,000), but failed to outdo even the 3DS (which sold 371,000). The situation is further excaberated when one considers that the 3DS only had an inital shipment of 400,000, and that it launched in February, which is the driest and slowest month for video game hardware and software sales in Japan, compared to the Vita, which launches in December in the frenzy of the holiday season.' No 700k figure has been confirmed, it's all rumours. Also so what? DS > PSP sales. 3DS had the 3D gimmick, luckily I pulled out just before launch, I had pre-order down and all.That's pretty close to what the 3ds sold at launch.
There's no problem here.
[QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="Slashless"] Glad you finally realized this :)charizard1605Do I care? Nope...Handheld gaming sucks. Come on now... handheld gaming is awesome... the DS and PSP thoroughly spank every home console this generation :| How about no.
[QUOTE="mmmwksil"][QUOTE="AtariKidX"] Who do that and how........??AtariKidX
It's in the name, Atari. :lol:
The Free Encyclopedia. Anyone can edit it.
How.......?? WitchcraftBecause 54% of stock didn't sell. And its getting outsold by the 3DS this month in Japan. Sure, it outsold its predecessor but its predecessor ended up being outsold by 80 million units. You never know with these numbers, be it good/bad. But as is, when 50% of stock doesn't sell, that doesn't bode wellBecoming rather Bi-polar TC, or is this a joke thread?
Its completely outperformed its predecessor so how is it a failure?
Same for the 3DS, Its outperforming its predecessor too, where are all these doom threads coming from......?
Oh yeah, Fanboys.
[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="theuncharted34"]The problems are outlined in the OP: 'Famitsu reports that the system sold 321,000 units since its launch, which is less than half of the rumored 700,000 shipment. For comparison's sake, it did manage to outsell the PSP's launch window numbers (166,000), but failed to outdo even the 3DS (which sold 371,000). The situation is further excaberated when one considers that the 3DS only had an inital shipment of 400,000, and that it launched in February, which is the driest and slowest month for video game hardware and software sales in Japan, compared to the Vita, which launches in December in the frenzy of the holiday season.' okay not to make you look like an idiot but the 3DS sold well during the driest month of gaming, meaning there really wasn't anything on the market for people to buy so might as well get a 3DS and the ps vita almost reached 3DS sales during the month where consumers are spending like crazy for the holidays?........... yeah i don't see the problem hereThat's pretty close to what the 3ds sold at launch.
There's no problem here.
i dont see it like that the 3ds sold in the driest month meaning nobody buy games then its the total opposite of selling in the holidays
okay not to make you look like an idiot but the 3DS sold well during the driest month of gaming, meaning there really wasn't anything on the market for people to buy so might as well get a 3DS and the ps vita almost reached 3DS sales during the month where consumers are spending like crazy for the holidays?........... yeah i don't see the problem here[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"][QUOTE="charizard1605"] The problems are outlined in the OP: 'Famitsu reports that the system sold 321,000 units since its launch, which is less than half of the rumored 700,000 shipment. For comparison's sake, it did manage to outsell the PSP's launch window numbers (166,000), but failed to outdo even the 3DS (which sold 371,000). The situation is further excaberated when one considers that the 3DS only had an inital shipment of 400,000, and that it launched in February, which is the driest and slowest month for video game hardware and software sales in Japan, compared to the Vita, which launches in December in the frenzy of the holiday season.'Mario1331
i dont see it like that the 3ds sold in the driest month meaning nobody buy games then its the total opposite of selling in the holidays
there is nothing to buy, meaning people have extra dough to spend where as during the holiday season people are at their most at spending and seeing that the ps vita almost reached 3DS numbers when their at way different months is awesome for sony and even the article from gamespot is saying its doing great where as this guy is saying it underperformed, but then again cows did this say thing to the sheep so i guess[QUOTE="glimpus"][QUOTE="RulerofGondor"]:lol: :lol: :lol: What did I say? WHAT DID I SAY? And you all called me a troll... I told you... Nintendo couldn't sell a handheld at $249, neither can Sony. It's called COMMON SENSE PEOPLE.RulerofGondor
Well to be fair, we are talking about a company that tried to sell a home console for almost a grand.
It's not about that. Sony is a great company that has made some really great consoles and games. But the handheld market is the domain of one comapny and one company only and that is the King of Gaming, Nintendo. If the Handheld Gods had trouble selling a handheld at $250, people really thought SONY would be able to get away with that? :lol: I mean, really? Wow. When will you folks learn? It's like the PSP vs DS all over again except at least the PSP stood some chance.Didn't the PSP launch at $249?
okay not to make you look like an idiot but the 3DS sold well during the driest month of gaming, meaning there really wasn't anything on the market for people to buy so might as well get a 3DS and the ps vita almost reached 3DS sales during the month where consumers are spending like crazy for the holidays?........... yeah i don't see the problem here[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"][QUOTE="charizard1605"] The problems are outlined in the OP: 'Famitsu reports that the system sold 321,000 units since its launch, which is less than half of the rumored 700,000 shipment. For comparison's sake, it did manage to outsell the PSP's launch window numbers (166,000), but failed to outdo even the 3DS (which sold 371,000). The situation is further excaberated when one considers that the 3DS only had an inital shipment of 400,000, and that it launched in February, which is the driest and slowest month for video game hardware and software sales in Japan, compared to the Vita, which launches in December in the frenzy of the holiday season.'Mario1331
i dont see it like that the 3ds sold in the driest month meaning nobody buy games then its the total opposite of selling in the holidays
Launch systems sell to the early adopters no matter when they launch. Trying to read anything into dates is futile until the initial rush dies down.
[QUOTE="Zaibach"]Because 54% of stock didn't sell. And its getting outsold by the 3DS this month in Japan. Sure, it outsold its predecessor but its predecessor ended up being outsold by 80 million units. You never know with these numbers, be it good/bad. But as is, when 50% of stock doesn't sell, that doesn't bode wellBecoming rather Bi-polar TC, or is this a joke thread?
Its completely outperformed its predecessor so how is it a failure?
Same for the 3DS, Its outperforming its predecessor too, where are all these doom threads coming from......?
Oh yeah, Fanboys.
I believe that SCE stated it shipped 500k to Japan. The 700k figure claim came from rumors.
Another thread about sales...
Let the games do the talking lol.
You can't play sales.g0ddyX
This thread actually warrants being shut down for the amount of tangental discussions (that have little to do with the discussion of sales figures) and people naming other forum user(s).
So lemme get this straight. The 3DS's launch has only a 50k edge over Vita's launch, and that's supposed to be an "overwhelming landslide victory" for 3DS? Funnier still, Vita launching now meant it had to go up against a now $169 3DS, and it STILL got comparable numbers to 3DS which launched in a period where it had no direct competition. That's kind of like saying Fighter A is better than Fighter B because Fighter A fought slightly better against a inanimate punching bag than Fighter B did against a live opponent fully capable of fighting back.
Great numbers considering vita is alot more expensive than 3DS in launch
Yep PSvita costs 40000 yen with 32gb memory card
3DS was only 25000 yen
With a memory card it would be more expensive regardless, but you don't need a 32GB.Ok, 3DS has a better current/upcoming library than the vita, and like the DS is positioned to stomp in terms of library too.... So...Another thread about sales...
Let the games do the talking lol.
You can't play sales.
[QUOTE="g0ddyX"]Ok, 3DS has a better current/upcoming library than the vita, and like the DS is positioned to stomp in terms of library too.... So... Nice trolling dude.Another thread about sales...
Let the games do the talking lol.
You can't play sales.WreckEm711
So lemme get this straight. The 3DS's launch has only a 50k edge over Vita's launch, and that's supposed to be an "overwhelming landslide victory" for 3DS? Funnier still, Vita launching now meant it had to go up against a now $169 3DS, and it STILL got comparable numbers to 3DS's launching in a period where it had no direct competition. That's kind of like saying Fighter A is better than Fighter B because Fighter A fought slightly better against a inanimate punching bag than Fighter B did against a live opponent fully capable of fighting back.
A more illustrative analogy would be more like a Looney Tunes episode where Bugs Bunny reaches down into a hole and pulls out a carrot. Than Elmer Fudd reaches down into the same hole and a darangedTaz come out to totally go nuts on him.
I am not sure about the basis of a strong sales debut because the sales figures are done in really different times and under different circumstances but, I see where your (And others) analogy and interpertation of these numbers comes from.
Ok, 3DS has a better current/upcoming library than the vita, and like the DS is positioned to stomp in terms of library too.... So... Nice trolling dude. Can't Handle the truth? *looks at level* nvm, not worth the time :lol:[QUOTE="WreckEm711"][QUOTE="g0ddyX"]
Another thread about sales...
Let the games do the talking lol.
You can't play sales.themajormayor
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