Ah yes let's flood their twitter, youtube and facebook pages, because we want Nintendo to close them down just like with the Nsider forums.
Amazon, IGN article, forums and emails sure, but this is so childish I hope Nintendo keeps friend codes and doesn't release these games.
Nintendo doesn't want to be associated with this type of internet nonsense. What's next, harassing NoA employees in real life?
Now I want these games, but I would prefer watching these morons suffer more, and even if this causes them to not buy a Wii U, good riddance. You do realize that they are forced to say no to prevent these types of things in the future. Just do what I am, live in Europe :P
This, what you call "childish", is a from of protest and activism that has been used for decades by the most famous and respected people in the history of our world. This is not harassment and won't turn to harassment. This is just upset fans trying to get their voices heard. Under your logic, people like Gandhi and MLK were upset children who should have ultimately been suppressed by their governments. They broke numerous laws, yelled loudly, definitely caused a stir, all just to grab attention and prove a point. This is a form of peaceful protest that is just magical in my eyes and many others. To see a community of so many unlike individuals band together peacefully, for a cause they believe in, is just uplifting no matter what it's for. I'm not saying at all that what Gandhi and MLK were fighting for is, in any way, on the same level as what we are hoping to achieve. Then again, neither are we marching 240 miles to Nintendo's headquarters with thousands of fans to strike; we are not risking out lives; we are not practicing any form of civil disobedience. We are getting our voices heard in the most peaceful, cost effective way (for Nintendo) that we know. We are trying to get Nintendo to acknowledge us; we are trying to prove to Nintendo that Xenoblade does have an audience.
"Flooding" Nintendo's various internet pages is just another form of us fans trying to communicate with Nintendo. It is us trying to get Nintendo to understand how we feel as a whole and to understand we are serious about what we want. This is far from internet nonsense. These are Nintendo fans trying to talk to Nintendo. If you think Nintendo won't take what thousands of their fans are saying seriously, and will just dismiss all this as internet nonsense, then, to me, that just seems highly illogical. Internet nonsense is the stuff you see on System Wars everyday. When multiple individuals, groups, and high profile media sites, all of a single community, are trying to grab the attention of a single entity, that is not nonsense :| That is what I have been echoing this entire time. This is protest. This is people trying to prove a point. This is people trying to be heard.
Well said. I hope Nintendo respond some time soon.No BS. I wonder how Reggie would spin this one.
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