[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="-Traveller-"]Fairly true, however there are many Japanese people living in NA, and worldwide.I just had to lol at his complete generalisation with that one.xsubtownerx
Even if we don't speak Japanese, Nippon wa oosh kushi (excuse my Romaji). I find that JP VO is far more pleasing to the ears than the coarse dialogue english VOs pump out. And what makes you think they won't have it in the game for the 360 version? Last time I checked, Lost Odyssey had plenty of different VO. If Mistwalker can do, why can't SE? This whole article reeks of media misinformation. Or taking things out of context like they usually do.It was in the FF XIII Q & A with IGN.
IGN: A number of people have asked whether the original Japanese voice track will be available in the Western release of the game.
Yoshinori Kitase: Regarding Dissidia, because it's a UMD, the voice takes alot of memory - if we wanted to make that choice available, we wouldn't be able to squeeze it onto one disk - so at the moment it's not possible.IGN:
And for Final Fantasy XIII might that be an option?
Yoshinori Kitase: Obviously, when we talk about XIII it's for PS3 and Xbox - with PS3 being on Blu ray there would be enough memory, but on Xbox probably not. At the moment we're thinking of releasing the voice in English only. Are there many people who would like to play with Japanese voices?
Lost Odyssey and FF XIII are entirely different games, using different engines, textures etc, etc. SO they may genuinely not have enough room.
However I think if it was on, however many disks, then they should be able to put the Japanese VA on there also.
Either way, it's not a huge deal.
Or, it could just be one of those things that is lost in translation.
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