[QUOTE="darthogre"][QUOTE="IronBass"][QUOTE="jonnyt61"] One of the Lemmings big hyped RPG's... And it's only 10 hours.
RPG-Lite FTL...
Nope. The previewer played it in 10 hours.
Secondly, MGS 1 was about 3 hrs, and it still one of the best games ever made.
If a game is good, and if it has good replay value, lengh is not that big problem.
Because MGS is an RPG......what a terrific comparison.
I don't play MGS trying to get the same experience as when I play RPGs.
Again, what you think if FF13 turned out to be 10 hrs long? I'm sure your opinion would suddenly be 10 hrs is too short.
Eh... what has to do FF13 with the topic? I thought we were taking of Too Human.
Mass Effect was about 14hrs, and it is still a masterpiece. I also expect a lot of side quests in Too Human, and some additional content downloadable (just like ME), so I still think it deserves a chance.
And again, the previewer SAID that HE played it in 1o hrs. It could change depending on the player.
The preview actually said if you feel so inclined you could beat it in a little over 10 hours. "If you're so inclined, you can slam through Too Human's campaign in a little over ten hours"
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