KZ3 is proof that PS3 is nearing its celling even when 1st party is dealing with it.Its just appearent that beside better textures and MLAA,KZ3 looks extremely close to KZ2,and UC3 looks very close to UC2.
Anyway,its so clear that 360 and PS3 are so close in power,its even boring to argue about that.
Not when Naughty Dog keeps insisting the PS3 has more to give.
Sorry, and no offense, but I'll take Naughty Dog on their word over conjecture.
I mean afterall, if anyone deserves to be listened to and believed its Naughty Dog.
At anyrate, XBOX 360 has proven it doesn't have the power....its proven it over and over and over again.
Nothing more to say, really
When it stops doing Sub HD retail exclusives, it will have proven itself worthy of a discussion of equal power.
You gonna take a word from developer that last gen said that you cant max system and its all about how to use the best way whats you got.Than fast forward to this gen they say "We use 30% of ps3 power" "Than we use 100% of ps3 power,we maxed it" "Than(even if it looks exactly the same as UC2) they say we have limitless power" :roll: ?
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