It seems to me as though TC is DC'ing his own thread by posting videos of Move where it has failed to work correctly in retaliation to posters here. This started as a posting about Forza 4 Kinect :P
Um actually the retaliation started when Cows started saying how incredibly laggy Forza was, when Move at times is much worse.
I said that as well, going by that video of course. It does seem to be laggy, or the videos aren't matched up correctly (which would be odd).
You are bringing Move into your own thread that wasn't about Move, and from what i've read nobody spoke about -- who you were replying to; Millerlight and ferretgamer. Unless i;m mistaken of course. Feel free to post the quote chains if so.
They were talking about Kinect and you rebutted with videos of Move. That's DC'ing.
I mentioned this in my original post.... I was addressing the Move as well....
"Looks accurate to me, and showcases the possibilities for KINECT. PS Move on the other hand we've seen already. It's called the Wii."
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