[QUOTE="Evo310whp"]cause we all know the most powerful console won last gen:roll:
NES and SNES were the most powerful consoles for their times, and won.
Neo Geo > SNES
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[QUOTE="subrosian"][QUOTE="PwnageAnimal"][QUOTE="Evo310whp"]cause we all know the most powerful console won last gen:roll:
NES and SNES were the most powerful consoles for their times, and won.
Nothing ever beats the SNES period.
[QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="subrosian"][QUOTE="PwnageAnimal"][QUOTE="Evo310whp"]cause we all know the most powerful console won last gen:roll:
NES and SNES were the most powerful consoles for their times, and won.
Nothing ever beats the SNES period.
"You need a pair of these (pictured: Metallic Balls), to play one of these." (neo geo pictured)
there where so many others. Some went as far as being sexually provocativeÂ
another blow to the lemmings.. tis just gettin worse and worse for them everyday
last time i checked its the PS3 thats losing the console war
[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]Lemmings will say, "these guys don´t know what their talking about!". Has any dev stated the 360 as being more powerfull?Nugtoka
I think its funny that only Sony exclusive developers tout the ps3 as more powerful. All non biased Dev's say its pretty much a wash.
They're maken the game for PC and 360 too.:shock:[QUOTE="e20Dylan"]another blow to the lemmings.. tis just gettin worse and worse for them everyday
last time i checked its the PS3 thats losing the console war
They already loss it after it have been out in 6 month. i Well i guess with your mighty logic Nin have already won the consol war
after completely destroyed both Xbox360 and ps3 in sales.
[QUOTE="PwnageAnimal"][QUOTE="Evo310whp"]cause we all know the most powerful console won last gen:roll:
NES and SNES were the most powerful consoles for their times, and won.
When i bought Halo 2 last gen i got bored within a week , i justed hated that the gameplay was so arcady and unbalanced. i can get shot 20 times but one Melee from a gun would kill me , yeah i had enough of it, one of my favorite games was Timesplitters 2 cause i know the devs were behind Perfect Dark and Goldeneye and the Multiplayer was really really fun , short after i found out about Timesplitters Future perfect and i traded in Halo 2 after like 1 week for Timesplitters Future Perfect, i can no say am gonna try my hardest to buy a PS3 this Xmas season for Haze alone. No one makes a betetr Console FPS than Free Radical Design you can say bu bu teh Halo then i'll just say Perfect Dark, Golden eye and Timesplitters Future Perfect. looks like PS3 just got a contender to go against Halo cause any real gamer knows about free radical design and will be tempeted to play Haze expecially since it's going away from the Timesplitters ways wich even though had great gameplay the story never meshed and Haze looks to fix that . i can bet if Free radical does a good enough job Haze will get AAA.peacebringer1st off i love timesplitters and cant wait for the 4th game. 2nd in no way did Timesplitters own Halo. I love both but Halo is the best console FPS out there with no contest. Your only reason on why it sucked was because you infact were bad at the game. Melee, grenades, and guns have been a part of FPS forever. Timesplitters is the true arcade oldschool type shooter. Thats why you love it. Its a throwback to goldeneye and perfect dark. Halo is a more traditional shotter. Thats why they are so different. Also Halo has a lot of depth in a campaign and different multiplayer games like oddball, juggernaut, ctf, assault, territories, rumble pit, one on one, team slayer, team swat, etc. Halo is an awesome console FPS, what u just said is an opinion. Showing a bit of fanboyism. I say fanboy because you do tend to bash the 360 and Halo on this forum. Halo has proven itselft time and time again wether its sales, or scores on gamespot, or scores anywhere else.
[QUOTE="subrosian"][QUOTE="PwnageAnimal"][QUOTE="Evo310whp"]cause we all know the most powerful console won last gen:roll:
NES and SNES were the most powerful consoles for their times, and won.
actually hes right Neo Geo was stronger than SNES. and i believe the sega master system was stronger than NES
[QUOTE="peacebringer"]When i bought Halo 2 last gen i got bored within a week , i justed hated that the gameplay was so arcady and unbalanced. i can get shot 20 times but one Melee from a gun would kill me , yeah i had enough of it, one of my favorite games was Timesplitters 2 cause i know the devs were behind Perfect Dark and Goldeneye and the Multiplayer was really really fun , short after i found out about Timesplitters Future perfect and i traded in Halo 2 after like 1 week for Timesplitters Future Perfect, i can no say am gonna try my hardest to buy a PS3 this Xmas season for Haze alone. No one makes a betetr Console FPS than Free Radical Design you can say bu bu teh Halo then i'll just say Perfect Dark, Golden eye and Timesplitters Future Perfect. looks like PS3 just got a contender to go against Halo cause any real gamer knows about free radical design and will be tempeted to play Haze expecially since it's going away from the Timesplitters ways wich even though had great gameplay the story never meshed and Haze looks to fix that . i can bet if Free radical does a good enough job Haze will get AAA.jg4xchamp1st off i love timesplitters and cant wait for the 4th game. 2nd in no way did Timesplitters own Halo. I love both but Halo is the best console FPS out there with no contest. Your only reason on why it sucked was because you infact were bad at the game. Melee, grenades, and guns have been a part of FPS forever. Timesplitters is the true arcade oldschool type shooter. Thats why you love it. Its a throwback to goldeneye and perfect dark. Halo is a more traditional shotter. Thats why they are so different. Also Halo has a lot of depth in a campaign and different multiplayer games like oddball, juggernaut, ctf, assault, territories, rumble pit, one on one, team slayer, team swat, etc. Halo is an awesome console FPS, what u just said is an opinion. Showing a bit of fanboyism. I say fanboy because you do tend to bash the 360 and Halo on this forum. Halo has proven itselft time and time again wether its sales, or scores on gamespot, or scores anywhere else.
[QUOTE="peacebringer"]When i bought Halo 2 last gen i got bored within a week , i justed hated that the gameplay was so arcady and unbalanced. i can get shot 20 times but one Melee from a gun would kill me , yeah i had enough of it, one of my favorite games was Timesplitters 2 cause i know the devs were behind Perfect Dark and Goldeneye and the Multiplayer was really really fun , short after i found out about Timesplitters Future perfect and i traded in Halo 2 after like 1 week for Timesplitters Future Perfect, i can no say am gonna try my hardest to buy a PS3 this Xmas season for Haze alone. No one makes a betetr Console FPS than Free Radical Design you can say bu bu teh Halo then i'll just say Perfect Dark, Golden eye and Timesplitters Future Perfect. looks like PS3 just got a contender to go against Halo cause any real gamer knows about free radical design and will be tempeted to play Haze expecially since it's going away from the Timesplitters ways wich even though had great gameplay the story never meshed and Haze looks to fix that . i can bet if Free radical does a good enough job Haze will get AAA.jg4xchamp1st off i love timesplitters and cant wait for the 4th game. 2nd in no way did Timesplitters own Halo. I love both but Halo is the best console FPS out there with no contest. Your only reason on why it sucked was because you infact were bad at the game. Melee, grenades, and guns have been a part of FPS forever. Timesplitters is the true arcade oldschool type shooter. Thats why you love it. Its a throwback to goldeneye and perfect dark. Halo is a more traditional shotter. Thats why they are so different. Also Halo has a lot of depth in a campaign and different multiplayer games like oddball, juggernaut, ctf, assault, territories, rumble pit, one on one, team slayer, team swat, etc. Halo is an awesome console FPS, what u just said is an opinion. Showing a bit of fanboyism. I say fanboy because you do tend to bash the 360 and Halo on this forum. Halo has proven itselft time and time again wether its sales, or scores on gamespot, or scores anywhere else.
well Haze atleast have better graphic then Halo3
do lemmings ever take into account the ps3 has been out for 6 months. would that be too much logic for them?e20Dylan
  So has the Wii, is that too much logic for you?
 As for the topic, the PS3 has higher "peak" power than the other consoles, but is bottlenecked by its architecture.
 The 7900 GTX had more raw horsepower than the X1900 XTX, but the X1900 XTX outperformed the 7900 GTX because it was more efficient. Same deal with the PS3 and 360.
 Besides, he didn't even mention the 360 in his comment.
[QUOTE="e20Dylan"]do lemmings ever take into account the ps3 has been out for 6 months. would that be too much logic for them?Nagidar
  So has the Wii, is that too much logic for you?
 As for the topic, the PS3 has higher "peak" power than the other consoles, but is bottlenecked by its architecture.
 The 7900 GTX had more raw horsepower than the X1900 XTX, but the X1900 XTX outperformed the 7900 GTX because it was more efficient. Same deal with the PS3 and 360.
 Besides, he didn't even mention the 360 in his comment.
Yeah i guess you know more then a DEV.
[QUOTE="e20Dylan"]Exacally there hipcrits and very loud too they have sig about it but Cows are not even bringint to lite the issue that the PS2 is outselling the 360 they don't have sigs about that cause they have class. The GBA is a last gen handheld and the PS2 is a last gen console both still competitive because of there price and because they have more games. People who bring up GBA>PS3 i totally lose respect for there opinion cause if they can't put 2 and 2 together that 1 is 80 bucs with thousands of games and the other is 600 with a handfull of games cause it was just released. there no reason if the Xbox 360 is gonna win this gen it should be outsold by last gen consoles, the Wii doesn't have a problem with that? Sony is still marketing the PS2 and there not 100% commited to the PS3 yet but when they do PS3 will outsell every console except Wii and DS.could careless if the GBA outsells the ps3 at this point. it was just released 6-7 months ago... it will come out on top just like the ps2 did. GBA does not scare me nor does the 360.. open your eyes
[QUOTE="Nagidar"][QUOTE="e20Dylan"]do lemmings ever take into account the ps3 has been out for 6 months. would that be too much logic for them?Rip870
  So has the Wii, is that too much logic for you?
 As for the topic, the PS3 has higher "peak" power than the other consoles, but is bottlenecked by its architecture.
 The 7900 GTX had more raw horsepower than the X1900 XTX, but the X1900 XTX outperformed the 7900 GTX because it was more efficient. Same deal with the PS3 and 360.
 Besides, he didn't even mention the 360 in his comment.
Yeah i guess you know more then a DEV.
  Wow, you sure got me there, disprove me than smart guy.
 I even said, the PS3 has more power, but is less efficient than the 360, is it that hard to understand?
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="peacebringer"]When i bought Halo 2 last gen i got bored within a week , i justed hated that the gameplay was so arcady and unbalanced. i can get shot 20 times but one Melee from a gun would kill me , yeah i had enough of it, one of my favorite games was Timesplitters 2 cause i know the devs were behind Perfect Dark and Goldeneye and the Multiplayer was really really fun , short after i found out about Timesplitters Future perfect and i traded in Halo 2 after like 1 week for Timesplitters Future Perfect, i can no say am gonna try my hardest to buy a PS3 this Xmas season for Haze alone. No one makes a betetr Console FPS than Free Radical Design you can say bu bu teh Halo then i'll just say Perfect Dark, Golden eye and Timesplitters Future Perfect. looks like PS3 just got a contender to go against Halo cause any real gamer knows about free radical design and will be tempeted to play Haze expecially since it's going away from the Timesplitters ways wich even though had great gameplay the story never meshed and Haze looks to fix that . i can bet if Free radical does a good enough job Haze will get AAA.ragrdoll211st off i love timesplitters and cant wait for the 4th game. 2nd in no way did Timesplitters own Halo. I love both but Halo is the best console FPS out there with no contest. Your only reason on why it sucked was because you infact were bad at the game. Melee, grenades, and guns have been a part of FPS forever. Timesplitters is the true arcade oldschool type shooter. Thats why you love it. Its a throwback to goldeneye and perfect dark. Halo is a more traditional shotter. Thats why they are so different. Also Halo has a lot of depth in a campaign and different multiplayer games like oddball, juggernaut, ctf, assault, territories, rumble pit, one on one, team slayer, team swat, etc. Halo is an awesome console FPS, what u just said is an opinion. Showing a bit of fanboyism. I say fanboy because you do tend to bash the 360 and Halo on this forum. Halo has proven itselft time and time again wether its sales, or scores on gamespot, or scores anywhere else.
1st off i love timesplitters and cant wait for the 4th game. 2nd in no way did Timesplitters own Halo. I love both but Halo is the best console FPS out there with no contest. Your only reason on why it sucked was because you infact were bad at the game. Melee, grenades, and guns have been a part of FPS forever. Timesplitters is the true arcade oldschool type shooter. Thats why you love it. Its a throwback to goldeneye and perfect dark. Halo is a more traditional shotter. Thats why they are so different. Also Halo has a lot of depth in a campaign and different multiplayer games like oddball, juggernaut, ctf, assault, territories, rumble pit, one on one, team slayer, team swat, etc. Halo is an awesome console FPS, what u just said is an opinion. Showing a bit of fanboyism. I say fanboy because you do tend to bash the 360 and Halo on this forum. Halo has proven itselft time and time again wether its sales, or scores on gamespot, or scores anywhere else.[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="peacebringer"]When i bought Halo 2 last gen i got bored within a week , i justed hated that the gameplay was so arcady and unbalanced. i can get shot 20 times but one Melee from a gun would kill me , yeah i had enough of it, one of my favorite games was Timesplitters 2 cause i know the devs were behind Perfect Dark and Goldeneye and the Multiplayer was really really fun , short after i found out about Timesplitters Future perfect and i traded in Halo 2 after like 1 week for Timesplitters Future Perfect, i can no say am gonna try my hardest to buy a PS3 this Xmas season for Haze alone. No one makes a betetr Console FPS than Free Radical Design you can say bu bu teh Halo then i'll just say Perfect Dark, Golden eye and Timesplitters Future Perfect. looks like PS3 just got a contender to go against Halo cause any real gamer knows about free radical design and will be tempeted to play Haze expecially since it's going away from the Timesplitters ways wich even though had great gameplay the story never meshed and Haze looks to fix that . i can bet if Free radical does a good enough job Haze will get AAA.Rip870
well Haze atleast have better graphic then Halo3
good for Haze. but do graphics mean a game is better. Gears has the best graphics right now. Is it better than MGS, Shadow of The Collossaus, Resident Evil 4, Ocarina of Time, Metroid Prime, God of War, Halo, Halo 2, Half Life, etc. No. graphics dont mean its always the best. its gameplay, story, and depth. Halo has all 3. Halo 2 had a bad ending to the campaing, but bungie is putting in a lot of work on it. ANd i bet it will be awesome. I just hate how everybody here is "pleas im a real gamer and Halo is overrated" no real gamer doesnt appreciate what a great game is. I dont enjoy rpgs and could care less for God of War. But i respect and accept the fact that games like Final Fantasy and God of War are excellent games.Quote:
How is it to develop on PS3? What can you do with this console that you couldn't do with previous-gen consoles?
[SE] It's great. Working on PS3 has allowed us to create vastly superior environments that verge on photorealism - full-screen effects, High Dynamic Range (HDR) and obscenely complex shaders. Its more challenging than ever before, but the power is greater than anything else that's out there.
not more powerful than the Pc, what a NOOB
[QUOTE="Rip870"]1st off i love timesplitters and cant wait for the 4th game. 2nd in no way did Timesplitters own Halo. I love both but Halo is the best console FPS out there with no contest. Your only reason on why it sucked was because you infact were bad at the game. Melee, grenades, and guns have been a part of FPS forever. Timesplitters is the true arcade oldschool type shooter. Thats why you love it. Its a throwback to goldeneye and perfect dark. Halo is a more traditional shotter. Thats why they are so different. Also Halo has a lot of depth in a campaign and different multiplayer games like oddball, juggernaut, ctf, assault, territories, rumble pit, one on one, team slayer, team swat, etc. Halo is an awesome console FPS, what u just said is an opinion. Showing a bit of fanboyism. I say fanboy because you do tend to bash the 360 and Halo on this forum. Halo has proven itselft time and time again wether its sales, or scores on gamespot, or scores anywhere else.[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="peacebringer"]When i bought Halo 2 last gen i got bored within a week , i justed hated that the gameplay was so arcady and unbalanced. i can get shot 20 times but one Melee from a gun would kill me , yeah i had enough of it, one of my favorite games was Timesplitters 2 cause i know the devs were behind Perfect Dark and Goldeneye and the Multiplayer was really really fun , short after i found out about Timesplitters Future perfect and i traded in Halo 2 after like 1 week for Timesplitters Future Perfect, i can no say am gonna try my hardest to buy a PS3 this Xmas season for Haze alone. No one makes a betetr Console FPS than Free Radical Design you can say bu bu teh Halo then i'll just say Perfect Dark, Golden eye and Timesplitters Future Perfect. looks like PS3 just got a contender to go against Halo cause any real gamer knows about free radical design and will be tempeted to play Haze expecially since it's going away from the Timesplitters ways wich even though had great gameplay the story never meshed and Haze looks to fix that . i can bet if Free radical does a good enough job Haze will get AAA.jg4xchamp
well Haze atleast have better graphic then Halo3
good for Haze. but do graphics mean a game is better. Gears has the best graphics right now. Is it better than MGS, Shadow of The Collossaus, Resident Evil 4, Ocarina of Time, Metroid Prime, God of War, Halo, Halo 2, Half Life, etc. No. graphics dont mean its always the best. its gameplay, story, and depth. Halo has all 3. Halo 2 had a bad ending to the campaing, but bungie is putting in a lot of work on it. ANd i bet it will be awesome. I just hate how everybody here is "pleas im a real gamer and Halo is overrated" no real gamer doesnt appreciate what a great game is. I dont enjoy rpgs and could care less for God of War. But i respect and accept the fact that games like Final Fantasy and God of War are excellent games.No does game you mention is great but still Haze destroy Halo3 when it comes to graphic.
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="Rip870"]1st off i love timesplitters and cant wait for the 4th game. 2nd in no way did Timesplitters own Halo. I love both but Halo is the best console FPS out there with no contest. Your only reason on why it sucked was because you infact were bad at the game. Melee, grenades, and guns have been a part of FPS forever. Timesplitters is the true arcade oldschool type shooter. Thats why you love it. Its a throwback to goldeneye and perfect dark. Halo is a more traditional shotter. Thats why they are so different. Also Halo has a lot of depth in a campaign and different multiplayer games like oddball, juggernaut, ctf, assault, territories, rumble pit, one on one, team slayer, team swat, etc. Halo is an awesome console FPS, what u just said is an opinion. Showing a bit of fanboyism. I say fanboy because you do tend to bash the 360 and Halo on this forum. Halo has proven itselft time and time again wether its sales, or scores on gamespot, or scores anywhere else.[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="peacebringer"]When i bought Halo 2 last gen i got bored within a week , i justed hated that the gameplay was so arcady and unbalanced. i can get shot 20 times but one Melee from a gun would kill me , yeah i had enough of it, one of my favorite games was Timesplitters 2 cause i know the devs were behind Perfect Dark and Goldeneye and the Multiplayer was really really fun , short after i found out about Timesplitters Future perfect and i traded in Halo 2 after like 1 week for Timesplitters Future Perfect, i can no say am gonna try my hardest to buy a PS3 this Xmas season for Haze alone. No one makes a betetr Console FPS than Free Radical Design you can say bu bu teh Halo then i'll just say Perfect Dark, Golden eye and Timesplitters Future Perfect. looks like PS3 just got a contender to go against Halo cause any real gamer knows about free radical design and will be tempeted to play Haze expecially since it's going away from the Timesplitters ways wich even though had great gameplay the story never meshed and Haze looks to fix that . i can bet if Free radical does a good enough job Haze will get AAA.Rip870
well Haze atleast have better graphic then Halo3
good for Haze. but do graphics mean a game is better. Gears has the best graphics right now. Is it better than MGS, Shadow of The Collossaus, Resident Evil 4, Ocarina of Time, Metroid Prime, God of War, Halo, Halo 2, Half Life, etc. No. graphics dont mean its always the best. its gameplay, story, and depth. Halo has all 3. Halo 2 had a bad ending to the campaing, but bungie is putting in a lot of work on it. ANd i bet it will be awesome. I just hate how everybody here is "pleas im a real gamer and Halo is overrated" no real gamer doesnt appreciate what a great game is. I dont enjoy rpgs and could care less for God of War. But i respect and accept the fact that games like Final Fantasy and God of War are excellent games.No does game you mention is great but still Haze destroy Halo3 when it comes to graphic.
 Neither game is finished yet, when they're released, than we can talk about which game is better at what.
[QUOTE="Evo310whp"][QUOTE="e20Dylan"]another blow to the lemmings.. tis just gettin worse and worse for them everyday
You are such annoying person. Question do you actually live in SA, texas
i live 45 minutes away from SA i live in austin and i go to spurs games
Figures... But I hope you guys beat the crap out of the Jazz, and sweep them. Spurs, and Detroit sounds like a great match up. My Warriors dropped the ball bigtime. Each console has it's advantages, one has a better CPU, and the other has a better GPU. Also other is one is difficult to develop for the other easier to developer for. There both totally different approaches, which is best, only time will tell. But I think Wii, which I hate to say it but, is going to obliterate both MS, and Sony in sales.[QUOTE="Rip870"]1st off i love timesplitters and cant wait for the 4th game. 2nd in no way did Timesplitters own Halo. I love both but Halo is the best console FPS out there with no contest. Your only reason on why it sucked was because you infact were bad at the game. Melee, grenades, and guns have been a part of FPS forever. Timesplitters is the true arcade oldschool type shooter. Thats why you love it. Its a throwback to goldeneye and perfect dark. Halo is a more traditional shotter. Thats why they are so different. Also Halo has a lot of depth in a campaign and different multiplayer games like oddball, juggernaut, ctf, assault, territories, rumble pit, one on one, team slayer, team swat, etc. Halo is an awesome console FPS, what u just said is an opinion. Showing a bit of fanboyism. I say fanboy because you do tend to bash the 360 and Halo on this forum. Halo has proven itselft time and time again wether its sales, or scores on gamespot, or scores anywhere else.[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="peacebringer"]When i bought Halo 2 last gen i got bored within a week , i justed hated that the gameplay was so arcady and unbalanced. i can get shot 20 times but one Melee from a gun would kill me , yeah i had enough of it, one of my favorite games was Timesplitters 2 cause i know the devs were behind Perfect Dark and Goldeneye and the Multiplayer was really really fun , short after i found out about Timesplitters Future perfect and i traded in Halo 2 after like 1 week for Timesplitters Future Perfect, i can no say am gonna try my hardest to buy a PS3 this Xmas season for Haze alone. No one makes a betetr Console FPS than Free Radical Design you can say bu bu teh Halo then i'll just say Perfect Dark, Golden eye and Timesplitters Future Perfect. looks like PS3 just got a contender to go against Halo cause any real gamer knows about free radical design and will be tempeted to play Haze expecially since it's going away from the Timesplitters ways wich even though had great gameplay the story never meshed and Haze looks to fix that . i can bet if Free radical does a good enough job Haze will get AAA.jg4xchamp
well Haze atleast have better graphic then Halo3
good for Haze. "but do graphics mean a game is better". Gears has the best graphics right now. Is it better than MGS, Shadow of The Collossaus, Resident Evil 4, Ocarina of Time, Metroid Prime, God of War, Halo, Halo 2, Half Life, etc. No. graphics dont mean its always the best. its gameplay, story, and depth. Halo has all 3. Halo 2 had a bad ending to the campaing, but bungie is putting in a lot of work on it. ANd i bet it will be awesome. I just hate how everybody here is "pleas im a real gamer and Halo is overrated" no real gamer doesnt appreciate what a great game is. I dont enjoy rpgs and could care less for God of War. But i respect and accept the fact that games like Final Fantasy and God of War are excellent games.Today I saw Gameplay video of HAZE believe it or not unfortunetally in bad quality But the gameplay was amazing, it looked like the cgi KillZone has in E3 2005.Wait until tommorow or today (timing difference :)Â )Â cuz they will show this gameplay video on LCDs.
Yes, the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360, but far from being even close to what the PC can do. You know why? 'Tis because the PC is upgraded every day. Throughout 6 years, the PC has about 3 new graphics cards that improve. Consoles have to stick with what they've got for 4-6 years.
Face it, console lovers, PC is, and always will be more powerful. It-is-a-fact.Â
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="Rip870"]1st off i love timesplitters and cant wait for the 4th game. 2nd in no way did Timesplitters own Halo. I love both but Halo is the best console FPS out there with no contest. Your only reason on why it sucked was because you infact were bad at the game. Melee, grenades, and guns have been a part of FPS forever. Timesplitters is the true arcade oldschool type shooter. Thats why you love it. Its a throwback to goldeneye and perfect dark. Halo is a more traditional shotter. Thats why they are so different. Also Halo has a lot of depth in a campaign and different multiplayer games like oddball, juggernaut, ctf, assault, territories, rumble pit, one on one, team slayer, team swat, etc. Halo is an awesome console FPS, what u just said is an opinion. Showing a bit of fanboyism. I say fanboy because you do tend to bash the 360 and Halo on this forum. Halo has proven itselft time and time again wether its sales, or scores on gamespot, or scores anywhere else.[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="peacebringer"]When i bought Halo 2 last gen i got bored within a week , i justed hated that the gameplay was so arcady and unbalanced. i can get shot 20 times but one Melee from a gun would kill me , yeah i had enough of it, one of my favorite games was Timesplitters 2 cause i know the devs were behind Perfect Dark and Goldeneye and the Multiplayer was really really fun , short after i found out about Timesplitters Future perfect and i traded in Halo 2 after like 1 week for Timesplitters Future Perfect, i can no say am gonna try my hardest to buy a PS3 this Xmas season for Haze alone. No one makes a betetr Console FPS than Free Radical Design you can say bu bu teh Halo then i'll just say Perfect Dark, Golden eye and Timesplitters Future Perfect. looks like PS3 just got a contender to go against Halo cause any real gamer knows about free radical design and will be tempeted to play Haze expecially since it's going away from the Timesplitters ways wich even though had great gameplay the story never meshed and Haze looks to fix that . i can bet if Free radical does a good enough job Haze will get AAA.bad82man82
well Haze atleast have better graphic then Halo3
good for Haze. "but do graphics mean a game is better". Gears has the best graphics right now. Is it better than MGS, Shadow of The Collossaus, Resident Evil 4, Ocarina of Time, Metroid Prime, God of War, Halo, Halo 2, Half Life, etc. No. graphics dont mean its always the best. its gameplay, story, and depth. Halo has all 3. Halo 2 had a bad ending to the campaing, but bungie is putting in a lot of work on it. ANd i bet it will be awesome. I just hate how everybody here is "pleas im a real gamer and Halo is overrated" no real gamer doesnt appreciate what a great game is. I dont enjoy rpgs and could care less for God of War. But i respect and accept the fact that games like Final Fantasy and God of War are excellent games.Today I saw Gameplay video of HAZE believe it or not unfortunetally in bad quality But the gameplay was amazing, it looked like the cgi KillZone has in E3 2005.Wait until tommorow or today (timing difference :)Â )Â cuz they will show this gameplay video on LCDs.
Once again eyecandy wise its better than Halo. But gameplay looked good also. I expect that from the team that makes one of my favorite underrated series in Timesplitters. But overall I prefer Halo in gameplay. Both will be excellent, There should be no reason either of them is bashed. I could care less if Haze looks better or Halo looks better. As long as the gameplay as there and its not just some shallow eye candy like the rest of the games this gen. Then im happy.[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="Rip870"]1st off i love timesplitters and cant wait for the 4th game. 2nd in no way did Timesplitters own Halo. I love both but Halo is the best console FPS out there with no contest. Your only reason on why it sucked was because you infact were bad at the game. Melee, grenades, and guns have been a part of FPS forever. Timesplitters is the true arcade oldschool type shooter. Thats why you love it. Its a throwback to goldeneye and perfect dark. Halo is a more traditional shotter. Thats why they are so different. Also Halo has a lot of depth in a campaign and different multiplayer games like oddball, juggernaut, ctf, assault, territories, rumble pit, one on one, team slayer, team swat, etc. Halo is an awesome console FPS, what u just said is an opinion. Showing a bit of fanboyism. I say fanboy because you do tend to bash the 360 and Halo on this forum. Halo has proven itselft time and time again wether its sales, or scores on gamespot, or scores anywhere else.[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="peacebringer"]When i bought Halo 2 last gen i got bored within a week , i justed hated that the gameplay was so arcady and unbalanced. i can get shot 20 times but one Melee from a gun would kill me , yeah i had enough of it, one of my favorite games was Timesplitters 2 cause i know the devs were behind Perfect Dark and Goldeneye and the Multiplayer was really really fun , short after i found out about Timesplitters Future perfect and i traded in Halo 2 after like 1 week for Timesplitters Future Perfect, i can no say am gonna try my hardest to buy a PS3 this Xmas season for Haze alone. No one makes a betetr Console FPS than Free Radical Design you can say bu bu teh Halo then i'll just say Perfect Dark, Golden eye and Timesplitters Future Perfect. looks like PS3 just got a contender to go against Halo cause any real gamer knows about free radical design and will be tempeted to play Haze expecially since it's going away from the Timesplitters ways wich even though had great gameplay the story never meshed and Haze looks to fix that . i can bet if Free radical does a good enough job Haze will get AAA.Rip870
well Haze atleast have better graphic then Halo3
good for Haze. but do graphics mean a game is better. Gears has the best graphics right now. Is it better than MGS, Shadow of The Collossaus, Resident Evil 4, Ocarina of Time, Metroid Prime, God of War, Halo, Halo 2, Half Life, etc. No. graphics dont mean its always the best. its gameplay, story, and depth. Halo has all 3. Halo 2 had a bad ending to the campaing, but bungie is putting in a lot of work on it. ANd i bet it will be awesome. I just hate how everybody here is "pleas im a real gamer and Halo is overrated" no real gamer doesnt appreciate what a great game is. I dont enjoy rpgs and could care less for God of War. But i respect and accept the fact that games like Final Fantasy and God of War are excellent games.No does game you mention is great but still Haze destroy Halo3 when it comes to graphic.
Haze looks better. But Halo 3 in no way looks bad. Its an improvement from 2. And the final build will look better I will bet on that. Free Radical did a great job with Haze in terms of Graphics, but overall I still believe Halo will be King of console shooters. If it will be beaten, still remains to be seen.Yes, the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360, but far from being even close to what the PC can do. You know why? 'Tis because the PC is upgraded every day. Throughout 6 years, the PC has about 3 new graphics cards that improve. Consoles have to stick with what they've got for 4-6 years.
Face it, console lovers, PC is, and always will be more powerful. It-is-a-fact.
All of a sudden Lems become hermits:lol:Â
[QUOTE="wapahala"]Yes, the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360, but far from being even close to what the PC can do. You know why? 'Tis because the PC is upgraded every day. Throughout 6 years, the PC has about 3 new graphics cards that improve. Consoles have to stick with what they've got for 4-6 years.
Face it, console lovers, PC is, and always will be more powerful. It-is-a-fact.
All of a sudden Lems become hermits:lol:
How do you know he's a lemming, especially when his statement is directed at "console lovers?" Oh that's right, you don't. Â
 Your only reason on why it sucked was because you infact were bad at the game. jg4xchamp
Why do people think this? Just because someone didn't like Halo, the ONLY possible reason is because they were bad??? Please, that is ignorance through the roof. Halo just wasn't that great. In fact, had it not been praised to high heaven by everyone around you, but rather everyone said that they hated it, guess what? You would hate it too. You know why Halo was such a success? Because everyone talked about how great it was at the TIME it came out. Timing was the only reason for the success of Halo. Thats it.
[QUOTE="wapahala"]Yes, the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360, but far from being even close to what the PC can do. You know why? 'Tis because the PC is upgraded every day. Throughout 6 years, the PC has about 3 new graphics cards that improve. Consoles have to stick with what they've got for 4-6 years.
Face it, console lovers, PC is, and always will be more powerful. It-is-a-fact.
All of a sudden Lems become hermits:lol:Â
Just like all of a sudden COWS become graphics whores...hmmm. Interesting how the mind of fanboys work.[QUOTE="miss_kitt3n"][QUOTE="wapahala"]Yes, the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360, but far from being even close to what the PC can do. You know why? 'Tis because the PC is upgraded every day. Throughout 6 years, the PC has about 3 new graphics cards that improve. Consoles have to stick with what they've got for 4-6 years.
Face it, console lovers, PC is, and always will be more powerful. It-is-a-fact.
All of a sudden Lems become hermits:lol:
How do you know he's a lemming, especially when his statement is directed at "console lovers?" Oh that's right, you don't.
I mean some of the other posters too. look.Â
well what do you expect. In most cases, complexity = POWA!Solid-CELL
which explains why that on day 1 of the Xbox release its graphics destroyed the PS2 - as yet we havent seen the PS3 beat the X360 in graphics- yet its supposed to be miles more powerful- maybe it is more powerful but it doesnt look by much & if so- who cares?
the Cows go on & on about how more powerful the PS3 is, how the console will show its top graphics sometime in the future, how the good games will materialise later this year or next year etc etc
lets add a dose of realism to this- so far Xbox360 has the better lineup of games & so far has the better graphics- now the Ps3 if it does indeed turn out to be more powerful- it wont be by much- like i said before- the original xbox destroyed the PS2 in the graphics department from day 1- now the PS3 is supposed to be 2x more powerful than X360(we know that it isnt- but Sony will tell u different) & its simply not showing anything more advanced than what the X360 can do. in the future sometime when the developers finally manage to crack the cell- then & only then will the PS3 start to pull ahead - but still it will be limited by its weaker GPU & less RAM etc so at the end of the day- while the Lemmings are talking about the present- the Cows are living in some kind of dream world hoping for the future...
[QUOTE="miss_kitt3n"][QUOTE="wapahala"]Yes, the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360, but far from being even close to what the PC can do. You know why? 'Tis because the PC is upgraded every day. Throughout 6 years, the PC has about 3 new graphics cards that improve. Consoles have to stick with what they've got for 4-6 years.
Face it, console lovers, PC is, and always will be more powerful. It-is-a-fact.
All of a sudden Lems become hermits:lol:Â
Just like all of a sudden COWS become graphics whores...hmmm. Interesting how the mind of fanboys work.so because ps3 users want good graphics its a bad thing? we know what the ps3 will achieve given time.. Â
[QUOTE="Vyse_The_Daring"][QUOTE="miss_kitt3n"][QUOTE="wapahala"]Yes, the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360, but far from being even close to what the PC can do. You know why? 'Tis because the PC is upgraded every day. Throughout 6 years, the PC has about 3 new graphics cards that improve. Consoles have to stick with what they've got for 4-6 years.
Face it, console lovers, PC is, and always will be more powerful. It-is-a-fact.
All of a sudden Lems become hermits:lol:
How do you know he's a lemming, especially when his statement is directed at "console lovers?" Oh that's right, you don't.
I mean some of the other posters too. look.
MS fans who don't admit that the PS3 is more powerful than the 360 are in a state of denial that gets sadder daily. They're just as bad as the Sony nut-jobs who insisted they didn't see a difference between Halo 2 and every PS2 game ever released. WeeWeeJumbo
 Power is one thing, power + efficiency is another.
MS fans who don't admit that the PS3 is more powerful than the 360 are in a state of denial that gets sadder daily. They're just as bad as the Sony nut-jobs who insisted they didn't see a difference between Halo 2 and every PS2 game ever released. WeeWeeJumbo
Is more powerfull?
Till now only if you talk about power consumption!Â
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