Free Radical admits that the PS3 has more power than ANY console that's out

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#201 peacebringer
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They never directly stated that PS3 has more power than 360. In fact, NO unbiased developer has said that the PS3 is more powerful than the 360, because we all know the 360 is more powerful.


Free radical and Ubisoft are unbiased they have no ties to anyone. so i guess a unbiased dev has stated it's more powerfull.
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#202 DementedDragon
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POWER WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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#203 a_ratchet_fan
Member since 2006 • 2207 Posts

the Cows go on & on about how more powerful the PS3 is, how the console will show its top graphics sometime in the future, how the good games will materialise later this year or next year etc etc

lets add a dose of realism to this- so far Xbox360 has the better lineup of games & so far has the better graphics- now the Ps3 if it does indeed turn out to be more powerful- it wont be by much- like i said before- the original xbox destroyed the PS2 in the graphics department from day 1- now the PS3 is supposed to be 2x more powerful than X360(we know that it isnt- but Sony will tell u different) & its simply not showing anything more advanced than what the X360 can do. in the future sometime when the developers finally manage to crack the cell- then & only then will the PS3 start to pull ahead - but still it will be limited by its weaker GPU & less RAM etc so at the end of the day- while the Lemmings are talking about the present- the Cows are living in some kind of dream world hoping for the future...



They already said that the PS3 is difficult to develop for.  In other words, the developers that make **** looking games & ports, like Ubisoft, don't invest the time to figure out how to make the most out of the PS3's hardware.  Instead, they apply general developing crutches to the PS3, and as we can see, the results aren't satisfactory.

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#204 PS3_3DO
Member since 2006 • 10976 Posts

They never directly stated that PS3 has more power than 360. In fact, NO unbiased developer has said that the PS3 is more powerful than the 360, because we all know the 360 is more powerful.



Free radical and Ubisoft are unbiased they have no ties to anyone. so i guess a unbiased dev has stated it's more powerfull.

Didn't Ubisoft say that the new Splinter Cell couldn't be done on the PS3?

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#205 peacebringer
Member since 2006 • 3371 Posts

They never directly stated that PS3 has more power than 360. In fact, NO unbiased developer has said that the PS3 is more powerful than the 360, because we all know the 360 is more powerful.



Free radical and Ubisoft are unbiased they have no ties to anyone. so i guess a unbiased dev has stated it's more powerfull.

Didn't Ubisoft say that the new Splinter Cell couldn't be done on the PS3?

I think thats differant , SC is being made on a Windows Format(PC and 360) the PS3 uses Linux and you can not get a Windows game to run on linux for the life of you. thats what Ubisoft said.
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#206 Private_Vegas
Member since 2007 • 2783 Posts

I thought it was a widely accepted fact that PS3 had the hardware/processing power advantage. Besides, even if I didn't already think PS3 was the most powerful, since when does Free Radical have final say in such matters? They hold no more credability than any other developer, even less with me since I had never heard of them before this thread.

Edit: Ah the Timesplitters crew.... I stand by my statement. Timesplitters never really WOW'd me.

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#207 peacebringer
Member since 2006 • 3371 Posts

I thought it was a widely accepted fact that PS3 had the hardware/processing power advantage. Besides, even if I didn't already think PS3 was the most powerful, since when does Free Radical have final say in such matters? They hold no more credability than any other developer, even less with me since I had never heard of them before this thread.Private_Vegas

Golden Eye

Pefrect Dark

Timesplitters series... wow. 

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#208 Private_Vegas
Member since 2007 • 2783 Posts

[QUOTE="Private_Vegas"]I thought it was a widely accepted fact that PS3 had the hardware/processing power advantage. Besides, even if I didn't already think PS3 was the most powerful, since when does Free Radical have final say in such matters? They hold no more credability than any other developer, even less with me since I had never heard of them before this thread.peacebringer

Golden Eye

Pefrect Dark

Timesplitters series... wow. 

They did Golden Eye? Wow indeed. But then again I never did pay attention to the developers and publisher back in those days. I just played whatever tickled my fancy.

I still stick to my statement. Just another Developer, no more credable than the next.

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#209 Silvereign
Member since 2006 • 3006 Posts

Lemmings will say, "these guys don´t know what their talking about!". Has any dev stated the 360 as being more powerfull?Eddie-Vedder



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#210 demoralizer
Member since 2002 • 2023 Posts

[QUOTE="themyth01"] The xbox360 version will probably look better too. The xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 as it's been already proven by the games. peacebringer

At least this game no matter what system its released for will look better than Halo 3.

You don't know that, you can assume it look better than Halo 3 BETA graphics but you don't know that it will look better than Halo 3. If Halo 3 comes out looking like the E3 trailers, more than a few will have been proven wrong.

Haze is in Beta(heck prob alpha) too and it already looks betetr so if Halo 3 is gonna look better cause it's still in Beta then so is haze. thats just plain logic. gears looked great in Beta Halo doesn't just accept thats how it's gonna look. the games coming out monther earlier than expected there not changing the GFX much since there already testing for bugs. If Haze and Halo 3 are both in beta and Haze looks betetr then it's still gonna look betetr when released cause both devs still have time to make the gfx betetr but Haze is further along so it's easier for it to look betetr Halo 3 to look betetr at launch will first have to match what Haze look like now in beta.

You haven't seen Halos single player yet. Logic would tell you there isn't sufficient info to make a conclusion. You can have all the logic in the world to back up your theory, but in the end it's still an assumption.

The PS3 cost more it should have better looking games, unfortunately we've been waiting to see if the PS3 can do what Sony or any Devs claim.

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#211 Silvereign
Member since 2006 • 3006 Posts

[QUOTE="Solid-CELL"]well what do you expect. In most cases, complexity = POWA!Pro_wrestler

Simplicity & Power is weaker than Complexity & Power.:)


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#212 peacebringer
Member since 2006 • 3371 Posts

[QUOTE="Private_Vegas"]I thought it was a widely accepted fact that PS3 had the hardware/processing power advantage. Besides, even if I didn't already think PS3 was the most powerful, since when does Free Radical have final say in such matters? They hold no more credability than any other developer, even less with me since I had never heard of them before this thread.Private_Vegas

Golden Eye

Pefrect Dark

Timesplitters series... wow.

They did Golden Eye? Wow indeed. But then again I never did pay attention to the developers and publisher back in those days. I just played whatever tickled my fancy.

I still stick to my statement. Just another Developer, no more credable than the next.

free radical was formed after Perfect dark the devs got tired of having to make games the way other people wanted to and since theywere in control of the FPS games they felt they were doing all the work so they may as well go solo. at that time they were under the Rare name, thats why if you've ever played time Splitters you'll notice i feels alot like Perfect Dark when you pause it has the health on the left and the body armor meaters on the right. I disagree with you some devs are more credible than others, ever heard of Peter Molyneux? this guy always says his games gonna be the second coming of Jesus and they always are border line good. some devs lie out there teeth but Free radical is a Legitimate source , just look what they pulled out of the limited N64 hardware and cart size and epic game in the form of Perfect Dark no dev at the time could have made that game, with such limited Space on a 64 meg cart while PS games where using 2 to 3 disc.
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#213 istreakforfood
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Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were WOW games during its time. I cant say much about TS it still a good game but not WOW or innovating good. I have to say halo > Goldeneye/PD atm. Havent really found a game to take Halo's crown as king of FPS.
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#214 peacebringer
Member since 2006 • 3371 Posts

[QUOTE="themyth01"] The xbox360 version will probably look better too. The xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 as it's been already proven by the games. demoralizer

At least this game no matter what system its released for will look better than Halo 3.

You don't know that, you can assume it look better than Halo 3 BETA graphics but you don't know that it will look better than Halo 3. If Halo 3 comes out looking like the E3 trailers, more than a few will have been proven wrong.

Haze is in Beta(heck prob alpha) too and it already looks betetr so if Halo 3 is gonna look better cause it's still in Beta then so is haze. thats just plain logic. gears looked great in Beta Halo doesn't just accept thats how it's gonna look. the games coming out monther earlier than expected there not changing the GFX much since there already testing for bugs. If Haze and Halo 3 are both in beta and Haze looks betetr then it's still gonna look betetr when released cause both devs still have time to make the gfx betetr but Haze is further along so it's easier for it to look betetr Halo 3 to look betetr at launch will first have to match what Haze look like now in beta.

You haven't seen Halos single player yet. Logic would tell you there isn't sufficient info to make a conclusion. You can have all the logic in the world to back up your theory, but in the end it's still an assumption.

The PS3 cost more it should have better looking games, unfortunately we've been waiting to see if the PS3 can do what Sony or any Devs claim.

thats where my 15 years of gaming tells me that the first year of a console life the power of the system is not even tapped i want you to find a game on the PS2 from it's first year that looks as good as god Of war 2, i want you to find me a game that came out in the first year of the 360's life that looks as good as gears of war, the fact that the PS3 has been out only 6 months and the games look like the 360 counter part mean in the coming years the games will look betetr cause PS3 first 6 months games = 360's 1 year and 6 month games. Find me a title on the 360 that came out on Launch that Matches Resistance Fall of man. you guys compared Resistance to gears wich game out after the 1st year ended we call that 2nd gen titles. PS3  first gen titles are compariable to Xbox 360's 2nd gen titles thats proof in it's own, but i learn on SW lemmings don't care about proof.

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#215 ironcreed
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I still say one of the fps games coming out for the ps3 will be better than Halo 3 by being graphically better and offering just as much in gameplay and other stuff if not more.odin2019


Agreed, and I think that Haze is a pretty darn good candidate to end up, not only looking better, (which I think it will easily based on what we have seen of Halo 3) but might just be comparable gameplay wise, and maybe even better in certain areas as well. It will not have the Halo hype or sales of course, but that certainly does not mean that it cannot or will not end up being an overall BETTER GAME.

Hype based off of the popularity of Halo 1 & 2  is what is selling Halo 3....despite it looking to be more of the "same ole', same ole'". Even alot of pros within the industry are saying exactly this about Halo 3. Alot of them are just not very impressed with the game, as it still has the same old look, and the same old formula. Multi-player wise, that will of course be fine, but for the game as WHOLE, and in looks like it will not bring anything new to the table other than a spit shine on Halo 2 graphics, a couple of new weapons, and a bubble sheild.

Not trying to hate on Halo, as I dig the series, and plan on picking up Halo 3 myself. I just think that for the kind of BIG NAME title that Halo 3 is, that maybe it's hype just got a little too big for what Bungie will give us this time around. I think I speak for alot of people when I say that so far, it looks mediocre at best, and is falling far short of what alot of people where expecting for a release as huge as Halo 3. The hype, and expectations of the game has surpassed the reality of "what it really is" so to speak.

Back on topic, I am just going to go ahead and roll the dice and call that HAZE will smoke Halo 3 graphics wise, and story wise. And it will be at least on par, if not better than Halo 3 gameplay wise in ceratain areas. The only edge I will clearly give to Halo 3 is online play, and of course sales and popularity. Halo is, afterall, the casual shooter of choice. Regardless, I am just having fun and throwing out a prediction here, so nobody take it the wrong way, alright?;) 



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#216 istreakforfood
Member since 2004 • 7781 Posts
i didnt like fable, but seems a lot of ppl enjoyed playing that game. Peter Molyneux he made a lot of false promises before fable was released. I personally dont like him nor the fable game, but oh well that is part of business. Same thing can be said about Sony or Guerrilla's "halo killer" Killzone.
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#217 peacebringer
Member since 2006 • 3371 Posts

[QUOTE="odin2019"]I still say one of the fps games coming out for the ps3 will be better than Halo 3 by being graphically better and offering just as much in gameplay and other stuff if not more.ironcreed


Agreed, and I think that Haze is a pretty darn good candidate to end up, not only looking better, (which I think it will easily based on what we have seen of Halo 3) but might just be comparable gameplay wise, and maybe even better in certain areas as well. It will not have the Halo hype or sales of course, but that certainly does not mean that it cannot or will not end up being an overall BETTER GAME.

Hype based off of the popularity of Halo 1 & 2 is what is selling Halo 3....despite it looking to be more of the "same ole', same ole'". Even alot of pros within the industry are saying exactly this about Halo 3. Alot of them are just not very impressed with the game, as it still has the same old look, and the same old formula. Multi-player wise, that will of course be fine, but for the game as WHOLE, and in looks like it will not bring anything new to the table other than a spit shine on Halo 2 graphics, a couple of new weapons, and a bubble sheild.

Not trying to hate on Halo, as I dig the series, and plan on picking up Halo 3 myself. I just think that for the kind of BIG NAME title that Halo 3 is, that maybe it's hype just got a little too big for what Bungie will give us this time around. I think I speak for alot of people when I say that so far, it looks mediocre at best, and is falling far short of what alot of people where expecting for a release as huge as Halo 3. The hype, and expectations of the game has surpassed the reality of "what it really is" so to speak.

Back on topic, I am just going to go ahead and roll the dice and call that HAZE will smoke Halo 3 graphics wise, and story wise. And it will be at least on par, if not better than Halo 3 gameplay wise in ceratain areas. The only edge I will clearly give to Halo 3 is online play, and of course sales and popularity. Halo is, afterall, the casual shooter of choice. Regardless, I am just having fun and throwing out a prediction here, so nobody take it the wrong way, alright?;)



Your right but another thing is people like New, some people get bored of the same franchise year after year they here about something "New" and thats enough reason to play it. ook at Street fighter it can't even outsell anything anymore people are tired of it and only the real fans buy it, everyone else rather buy something new. and i think Haze brings that to the table too
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#218 demoralizer
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[QUOTE="themyth01"] The xbox360 version will probably look better too. The xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 as it's been already proven by the games. peacebringer

At least this game no matter what system its released for will look better than Halo 3.

You don't know that, you can assume it look better than Halo 3 BETA graphics but you don't know that it will look better than Halo 3. If Halo 3 comes out looking like the E3 trailers, more than a few will have been proven wrong.

Haze is in Beta(heck prob alpha) too and it already looks betetr so if Halo 3 is gonna look better cause it's still in Beta then so is haze. thats just plain logic. gears looked great in Beta Halo doesn't just accept thats how it's gonna look. the games coming out monther earlier than expected there not changing the GFX much since there already testing for bugs. If Haze and Halo 3 are both in beta and Haze looks betetr then it's still gonna look betetr when released cause both devs still have time to make the gfx betetr but Haze is further along so it's easier for it to look betetr Halo 3 to look betetr at launch will first have to match what Haze look like now in beta.

You haven't seen Halos single player yet. Logic would tell you there isn't sufficient info to make a conclusion. You can have all the logic in the world to back up your theory, but in the end it's still an assumption.

The PS3 cost more it should have better looking games, unfortunately we've been waiting to see if the PS3 can do what Sony or any Devs claim.

thats where my 15 years of gaming tells me that the first year of a console life the power of the system is not even tapped i want you to find a game on the PS2 from it's first year that looks as good as god Of war 2, i want you to find me a game that came out in the first year of the 360's life that looks as good as gears of war, the fact that the PS3 has been out only 6 months and the games look like the 360 counter part mean in the coming years the games will look betetr cause PS3 first 6 months games = 360's 1 year and 6 month games. Find me a title on the 360 that came out on Launch that Matches Resistance Fall of man. you guys compared Resistance to gears wich game out after the 1st year ended we call that 2nd gen titles. PS3  first gen titles are compariable to Xbox 360's 2nd gen titles thats proof in it's own, but i learn on SW lemmings don't care about proof.

Who said anything about the PS3 power tapped?

When Xbox launched later then the PS2 it also costed more, but it launched with games looking better then the cheaper competition.

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#219 peacebringer
Member since 2006 • 3371 Posts

[QUOTE="themyth01"] The xbox360 version will probably look better too. The xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 as it's been already proven by the games. demoralizer

At least this game no matter what system its released for will look better than Halo 3.

You don't know that, you can assume it look better than Halo 3 BETA graphics but you don't know that it will look better than Halo 3. If Halo 3 comes out looking like the E3 trailers, more than a few will have been proven wrong.

Haze is in Beta(heck prob alpha) too and it already looks betetr so if Halo 3 is gonna look better cause it's still in Beta then so is haze. thats just plain logic. gears looked great in Beta Halo doesn't just accept thats how it's gonna look. the games coming out monther earlier than expected there not changing the GFX much since there already testing for bugs. If Haze and Halo 3 are both in beta and Haze looks betetr then it's still gonna look betetr when released cause both devs still have time to make the gfx betetr but Haze is further along so it's easier for it to look betetr Halo 3 to look betetr at launch will first have to match what Haze look like now in beta.

You haven't seen Halos single player yet. Logic would tell you there isn't sufficient info to make a conclusion. You can have all the logic in the world to back up your theory, but in the end it's still an assumption.

The PS3 cost more it should have better looking games, unfortunately we've been waiting to see if the PS3 can do what Sony or any Devs claim.

thats where my 15 years of gaming tells me that the first year of a console life the power of the system is not even tapped i want you to find a game on the PS2 from it's first year that looks as good as god Of war 2, i want you to find me a game that came out in the first year of the 360's life that looks as good as gears of war, the fact that the PS3 has been out only 6 months and the games look like the 360 counter part mean in the coming years the games will look betetr cause PS3 first 6 months games = 360's 1 year and 6 month games. Find me a title on the 360 that came out on Launch that Matches Resistance Fall of man. you guys compared Resistance to gears wich game out after the 1st year ended we call that 2nd gen titles. PS3 first gen titles are compariable to Xbox 360's 2nd gen titles thats proof in it's own, but i learn on SW lemmings don't care about proof.

Who said anything about the PS3 power tapped?

When Xbox launched later then the PS2 it also costed more, but it launched with games looking better then the cheaper competition.

thats true but the PS2 was way weaker and the later xbox games look significantly better than the launch titles. the fact that the games look on par now means later they will look better. you can't just blindly compare things without knowing the facts and reason behind them. Some PS2 games Like FFX look = compared to Oddworld and tekken was = to DOA but Xbox prooved it was stronger after Second gen titles came out. add the fact that devs only got there PS3 dev kits 1 year ago means they had very little time to optimize the games for it while the Xbox gave devs a kit well before launch.
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#220 ironcreed
Member since 2005 • 14195 Posts

[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]Lemmings will say, "these guys don´t know what their talking about!". Has any dev stated the 360 as being more powerfull?Silvereign




Exactly seconded. They also keep forgetting that TEAM NINJA (Ninja Gaiden, DOA) stated that they could "make a 360 blow up before they could even make a PS3 start to smoke." They admitted the PS3 was indeed capable of more. Also, Factor 5 even stated that, "they could do things on the PS3 that just could not be done on the 360." I guess they lose crediblity as well for making the same sorts of claims, right?:lol: 

It's funny, if there is ANY news that is even remotely positive in favor of the PS3 over the 360 in CERTAIN seems as if it is instantly discredited and bashed into tiny little pieces as if it were nothing but fanboy rubbish being spread about by "cows" who hype "uncredible sources", despite the fact that it is the PROS with in the industry that are making the positive claims to begin with, lol.

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#221 DSgamer64
Member since 2007 • 4449 Posts

I thought it was a widely accepted fact that PS3 had the hardware/processing power advantage. Besides, even if I didn't already think PS3 was the most powerful, since when does Free Radical have final say in such matters? They hold no more credability than any other developer, even less with me since I had never heard of them before this thread.

Edit: Ah the Timesplitters crew.... I stand by my statement. Timesplitters never really WOW'd me.


Same here, I mean its a decent FPS but I can think of other shooters that I enjoyed more, Doom 3, Quake 4, UT2004, Half Life 2 and Metroid Prime just to name a few. I played the original TS game and found it much more interesting then Future Perfect was. Still though, Free Radical does have a good track record of solid FPS's, having worked on Goldeneye: 007 and Perfect Dark for the N64, which were imo the two single greatest FPS's for consoles at the time and would still be solid games were they to get overhauls with the graphics and controls to feel a bit more current. The gameplay and the exciting multiplayer is what made those two games great, and I would really like to see both of them re-released on the Wii with new motion controls and improved all around, however the odds of that happening are slim.

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#222 InfamousC
Member since 2006 • 2389 Posts

i cannot wait for this game to come out it looks interesting as hell. 4 player co op online! it has now become on my wanted list of games that i want this year. ninja gaiden sigma, lair, heavenly sword, gta iv, assassin's creed, eight days, uncharted, ratchet and clank and possibly killzone 2 and metal gear solid 4. oh man its a great time to be a ps3 gamer!!

we get the best of both worlds. the best games on the most powerful next generation platform!

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#223 demoralizer
Member since 2002 • 2023 Posts

[QUOTE="themyth01"] The xbox360 version will probably look better too. The xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 as it's been already proven by the games. peacebringer

At least this game no matter what system its released for will look better than Halo 3.

You don't know that, you can assume it look better than Halo 3 BETA graphics but you don't know that it will look better than Halo 3. If Halo 3 comes out looking like the E3 trailers, more than a few will have been proven wrong.

Haze is in Beta(heck prob alpha) too and it already looks betetr so if Halo 3 is gonna look better cause it's still in Beta then so is haze. thats just plain logic. gears looked great in Beta Halo doesn't just accept thats how it's gonna look. the games coming out monther earlier than expected there not changing the GFX much since there already testing for bugs. If Haze and Halo 3 are both in beta and Haze looks betetr then it's still gonna look betetr when released cause both devs still have time to make the gfx betetr but Haze is further along so it's easier for it to look betetr Halo 3 to look betetr at launch will first have to match what Haze look like now in beta.

You haven't seen Halos single player yet. Logic would tell you there isn't sufficient info to make a conclusion. You can have all the logic in the world to back up your theory, but in the end it's still an assumption.

The PS3 cost more it should have better looking games, unfortunately we've been waiting to see if the PS3 can do what Sony or any Devs claim.

Who said anything about the PS3 power tapped?

When Xbox launched later then the PS2 it also costed more, but it launched with games looking better then the cheaper competition.

thats true but the PS2 was way weaker and the later xbox games look significantly better than the launch titles. the fact that the games look on par now means later they will look better. you can't just blindly compare things without knowing the facts and reason behind them. Some PS2 games Like FFX look = compared to Oddworld and tekken was = to DOA but Xbox prooved it was stronger after Second gen titles came out. add the fact that devs only got there PS3 dev kits 1 year ago means they had very little time to optimize the games for it while the Xbox gave devs a kit well before launch.

I'm sorry I disagree about Xbox needing its Second gen titles to prove it was stronger.

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#224 hamumu
Member since 2005 • 1967 Posts

This is amazing. Who would have ever thought, that something that costed $200 more would be more powerful? Dang, I thought it would be much worse.


This thread shows a complete failure at reasonable thinking. 

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#225 DXGreat1_HGL
Member since 2003 • 7543 Posts

  OMG, I went to work and this thread STILL is alive. The cows are now so desperate that ANY dev saying anything positive is the only source of the industry.

 Face it, if Sony told everybody the Sixaxis could clean your back in the showm cows would be in here trying to claim ownage...

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#226 peacebringer
Member since 2006 • 3371 Posts

[QUOTE="themyth01"] The xbox360 version will probably look better too. The xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 as it's been already proven by the games. demoralizer

At least this game no matter what system its released for will look better than Halo 3.

You don't know that, you can assume it look better than Halo 3 BETA graphics but you don't know that it will look better than Halo 3. If Halo 3 comes out looking like the E3 trailers, more than a few will have been proven wrong.

Haze is in Beta(heck prob alpha) too and it already looks betetr so if Halo 3 is gonna look better cause it's still in Beta then so is haze. thats just plain logic. gears looked great in Beta Halo doesn't just accept thats how it's gonna look. the games coming out monther earlier than expected there not changing the GFX much since there already testing for bugs. If Haze and Halo 3 are both in beta and Haze looks betetr then it's still gonna look betetr when released cause both devs still have time to make the gfx betetr but Haze is further along so it's easier for it to look betetr Halo 3 to look betetr at launch will first have to match what Haze look like now in beta.

You haven't seen Halos single player yet. Logic would tell you there isn't sufficient info to make a conclusion. You can have all the logic in the world to back up your theory, but in the end it's still an assumption.

The PS3 cost more it should have better looking games, unfortunately we've been waiting to see if the PS3 can do what Sony or any Devs claim.

Who said anything about the PS3 power tapped?

When Xbox launched later then the PS2 it also costed more, but it launched with games looking better then the cheaper competition.

thats true but the PS2 was way weaker and the later xbox games look significantly better than the launch titles. the fact that the games look on par now means later they will look better. you can't just blindly compare things without knowing the facts and reason behind them. Some PS2 games Like FFX look = compared to Oddworld and tekken was = to DOA but Xbox prooved it was stronger after Second gen titles came out. add the fact that devs only got there PS3 dev kits 1 year ago means they had very little time to optimize the games for it while the Xbox gave devs a kit well before launch.

I'm sorry I dissaagre about Xbox needing its Second gen titles to prove it was stronger.

No i didn't say it "Needed it to proove" what i said it wasn't till the 2nd gen games till we saw leaps and bound in the Graphics department. i mean anygamer can admit that FFx(a Sony second gen title) was not that far off from Oddworld and Tekken Tag(1st gen Sony game) wasn't way off from DOA yes i'm admiting they looked betetr but it wasn't that big of a differance to the untrained eye, like i said it wasn't till fable and Splinter Cell(2nd gen Xbox) that it was clearly visible thats all i'm saying. either way i'm saying the xbox always looked better but it wasn't till later on till it was huge(Halo 2 just knocked any PS2 game out the water) But God of War 2 looks amazing for being on the PS2 proof that more time can make games look better once devs start learning the in and outs of the console. PS2 games always had a visible difefrance to me over Xbox it was like the PS2 was more blocky .
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#227 peacebringer
Member since 2006 • 3371 Posts
OMG leming have been owned the Sixaxis can clean your back, oh wait thats my scrubber not my Sixaxis false alarm ;)
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#228 SambaLele
Member since 2004 • 5552 Posts

OMG, I went to work and this thread STILL is alive. The cows are now so desperate that ANY dev saying anything positive is the only source of the industry.

Face it, if Sony told everybody the Sixaxis could clean your back in the showm cows would be in here trying to claim ownage...



you know that lemmings would do the same if a dev said the same thing but about the 360. actually, they even bring up old debunked devs opinions and major nelson's bs... truth is, as devs are figuring out how to take advantage of the PS3's hardware characteristics, more and more of them are telling that it's the best console. it's been some time since a third-party dev said that the 360 is superior than the PS3. but the contrary isn't valid.

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#229 SergeantSnitch
Member since 2007 • 3692 Posts
Thsi is the developer who called Halo one of the crappiest games ever made. they lost some cred right there.htekemerald

Yep, they sure said "Halo is one of the crappiest games ever made."  Just like that, word for word. :roll:
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#230 DXGreat1_HGL
Member since 2003 • 7543 Posts

OMG, I went to work and this thread STILL is alive. The cows are now so desperate that ANY dev saying anything positive is the only source of the industry.

Face it, if Sony told everybody the Sixaxis could clean your back in the showm cows would be in here trying to claim ownage...



you know that lemmings would do the same if a dev said the same thing but about the 360. actually, they even bring up old debunked devs opinions and major nelson's bs... truth is, as devs are figuring out how to take advantage of the PS3's hardware characteristics, more and more of them are telling that it's the best console. it's been some time since a third-party dev said that the 360 is superior than the PS3. but the contrary isn't valid.

  Life on the Planet Bovine, A milky sky, plenty of grass to graze in and the knowledge that EVERY positive thing said about PS3 abd aby begative thing said is an MS conspiracy. Please, please please Sony send us more money and we'll tell the world the next firmware ubdate will allow the PS3 to become a time machine....

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#231 demoralizer
Member since 2002 • 2023 Posts

[QUOTE="themyth01"] The xbox360 version will probably look better too. The xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 as it's been already proven by the games. peacebringer

At least this game no matter what system its released for will look better than Halo 3.

You don't know that, you can assume it look better than Halo 3 BETA graphics but you don't know that it will look better than Halo 3. If Halo 3 comes out looking like the E3 trailers, more than a few will have been proven wrong.

Haze is in Beta(heck prob alpha) too and it already looks betetr so if Halo 3 is gonna look better cause it's still in Beta then so is haze. thats just plain logic. gears looked great in Beta Halo doesn't just accept thats how it's gonna look. the games coming out monther earlier than expected there not changing the GFX much since there already testing for bugs. If Haze and Halo 3 are both in beta and Haze looks betetr then it's still gonna look betetr when released cause both devs still have time to make the gfx betetr but Haze is further along so it's easier for it to look betetr Halo 3 to look betetr at launch will first have to match what Haze look like now in beta.

You haven't seen Halos single player yet. Logic would tell you there isn't sufficient info to make a conclusion. You can have all the logic in the world to back up your theory, but in the end it's still an assumption.

The PS3 cost more it should have better looking games, unfortunately we've been waiting to see if the PS3 can do what Sony or any Devs claim.

Who said anything about the PS3 power tapped?

When Xbox launched later then the PS2 it also costed more, but it launched with games looking better then the cheaper competition.

thats true but the PS2 was way weaker and the later xbox games look significantly better than the launch titles. the fact that the games look on par now means later they will look better. you can't just blindly compare things without knowing the facts and reason behind them. Some PS2 games Like FFX look = compared to Oddworld and tekken was = to DOA but Xbox prooved it was stronger after Second gen titles came out. add the fact that devs only got there PS3 dev kits 1 year ago means they had very little time to optimize the games for it while the Xbox gave devs a kit well before launch.

I'm sorry I dissaagre about Xbox needing its Second gen titles to prove it was stronger.

No i didn't say it "Needed it to proove" what i said it wasn't till the 2nd gen games till we saw leaps and bound in the Graphics department. i mean anygamer can admit that FFx(a Sony second gen title) was not that far off from Oddworld and Tekken Tag(1st gen Sony game) wasn't way off from DOA yes i'm admiting they looked betetr but it wasn't that big of a differance to the untrained eye, like i said it wasn't till fable and Splinter Cell(2nd gen Xbox) that it was clearly visible thats all i'm saying. either way i'm saying the xbox always looked better but it wasn't till later on till it was huge(Halo 2 just knocked any PS2 game out the water) But God of War 2 looks amazing for being on the PS2 proof that more time can make games look better once devs start learning the in and outs of the console. PS2 games always had a visible difefrance to me over Xbox it was like the PS2 was more blocky .

I disagree with everything and can't admit nothing. Halo 1 looked great and blew everthing PS2 had out of the water.

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#232 SergeantSnitch
Member since 2007 • 3692 Posts

OMG, I went to work and this thread STILL is alive. The cows are now so desperate that ANY dev saying anything positive is the only source of the industry.

Face it, if Sony told everybody the Sixaxis could clean your back in the showm cows would be in here trying to claim ownage...


:D What?  Lmao.  I see you have chimed in with your negative comments.  All in all, the game looks really good, I just wish it was a Third-person shooter.  Oh well, hopefully it turns out good.
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#233 demoralizer
Member since 2002 • 2023 Posts

i cannot wait for this game to come out it looks interesting as hell. 4 player co op online! it has now become on my wanted list of games that i want this year. ninja gaiden sigma, lair, heavenly sword, gta iv, assassin's creed, eight days, uncharted, ratchet and clank and possibly killzone 2 and metal gear solid 4. oh man its a great time to be a ps3 gamer!!

we get the best of both worlds. the best games on the most powerful next generation platform!


Well the best games or the most powerful platform has yet to proven. The only thing the PS3 proven is it's the most expensive console.

It's still great to see the PS3 get some more games though.

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#235 SeanBond
Member since 2003 • 2136 Posts

OMG, I went to work and this thread STILL is alive. The cows are now so desperate that ANY dev saying anything positive is the only source of the industry.

Face it, if Sony told everybody the Sixaxis could clean your back in the showm cows would be in here trying to claim ownage...



you know that lemmings would do the same if a dev said the same thing but about the 360. actually, they even bring up old debunked devs opinions and major nelson's bs... truth is, as devs are figuring out how to take advantage of the PS3's hardware characteristics, more and more of them are telling that it's the best console. it's been some time since a third-party dev said that the 360 is superior than the PS3. but the contrary isn't valid.

As people have brought up countless times, it's not really about the power, it's about what you do with it. Someone used God of War II as an example; how about Resident Evil 4 for the GC? Neither of these games was for the technically superior Xbox, yet both of them look and play absolutely amazingly, and compare to the best the Xbox has to offer. It's generally understood that the PS3 has more power in general than the 360 (the 360 beats it in a few areas, but the margin of difference is greater in the areas in which the PS3 comes out on top), so this shouldn't really be news or "ownage" to anyone. I doubt that even by the end of this generation, there will be enough difference between the PS3 and 360 to matter, as long as devs keep coming up with quality games for both.

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#236 DXGreat1_HGL
Member since 2003 • 7543 Posts

OMG, I went to work and this thread STILL is alive. The cows are now so desperate that ANY dev saying anything positive is the only source of the industry.

Face it, if Sony told everybody the Sixaxis could clean your back in the showm cows would be in here trying to claim ownage...



you know that lemmings would do the same if a dev said the same thing but about the 360. actually, they even bring up old debunked devs opinions and major nelson's bs... truth is, as devs are figuring out how to take advantage of the PS3's hardware characteristics, more and more of them are telling that it's the best console. it's been some time since a third-party dev said that the 360 is superior than the PS3. but the contrary isn't valid.

Life on the Planet Bovine, A milky sky, plenty of grass to graze in and the knowledge that EVERY positive thing said about PS3 abd aby begative thing said is an MS conspiracy. Please, please please Sony send us more money and we'll tell the world the next firmware ubdate will allow the PS3 to become a time machine....


nice try.

use your brain on your next post.


EDIT: also, why don't you present some argumentation? you only invented some type of pseudo-aphorism, a fake principle, and applied to me? 

 Ooh, now you have to start flaming, the cows final desperate attempt after losing an argument.

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#237 SambaLele
Member since 2004 • 5552 Posts

OMG, I went to work and this thread STILL is alive. The cows are now so desperate that ANY dev saying anything positive is the only source of the industry.

Face it, if Sony told everybody the Sixaxis could clean your back in the showm cows would be in here trying to claim ownage...



you know that lemmings would do the same if a dev said the same thing but about the 360. actually, they even bring up old debunked devs opinions and major nelson's bs... truth is, as devs are figuring out how to take advantage of the PS3's hardware characteristics, more and more of them are telling that it's the best console. it's been some time since a third-party dev said that the 360 is superior than the PS3. but the contrary isn't valid.

As people have brought up countless times, it's not really about the power, it's about what you do with it. Someone used God of War II as an example; how about Resident Evil 4 for the GC? Neither of these games was for the technically superior Xbox, yet both of them look and play absolutely amazingly, and compare to the best the Xbox has to offer. It's generally understood that the PS3 has more power in general than the 360 (the 360 beats it in a few areas, but the margin of difference is greater in the areas in which the PS3 comes out on top), so this shouldn't really be news or "ownage" to anyone. I doubt that even by the end of this generation, there will be enough difference between the PS3 and 360 to matter, as long as devs keep coming up with quality games for both.


i agree with you. the power is a bonus, and it doesn't matter which is the stronger console, only which has the best games (for one's taste i mean) i weren't trying to own anyone, or to claim anything throught my post. if you read it carefully you'll see i'm only showing that guy that what he's saying has no necessity of even exist. he didn't contribute with anything here. i only said that, like lemmings, cows tend to rely on these types of threads to claim ownage... it's system wars... not that i think it's good. on the contrary, i don't.

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#238 SambaLele
Member since 2004 • 5552 Posts

OMG, I went to work and this thread STILL is alive. The cows are now so desperate that ANY dev saying anything positive is the only source of the industry.

Face it, if Sony told everybody the Sixaxis could clean your back in the showm cows would be in here trying to claim ownage...



you know that lemmings would do the same if a dev said the same thing but about the 360. actually, they even bring up old debunked devs opinions and major nelson's bs... truth is, as devs are figuring out how to take advantage of the PS3's hardware characteristics, more and more of them are telling that it's the best console. it's been some time since a third-party dev said that the 360 is superior than the PS3. but the contrary isn't valid.

Life on the Planet Bovine, A milky sky, plenty of grass to graze in and the knowledge that EVERY positive thing said about PS3 abd aby begative thing said is an MS conspiracy. Please, please please Sony send us more money and we'll tell the world the next firmware ubdate will allow the PS3 to become a time machine....


nice try.

use your brain on your next post.


EDIT: also, why don't you present some argumentation? you only invented some type of pseudo-aphorism, a fake principle, and applied to me?

Ooh, now you have to start flaming, the cows final desperate attempt after losing an argument.


ok, so show me where i lost. ;)

probably you won't write anything inteligent. like you did yet again.

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#239 peacebringer
Member since 2006 • 3371 Posts

[QUOTE="themyth01"] The xbox360 version will probably look better too. The xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 as it's been already proven by the games. demoralizer

At least this game no matter what system its released for will look better than Halo 3.

You don't know that, you can assume it look better than Halo 3 BETA graphics but you don't know that it will look better than Halo 3. If Halo 3 comes out looking like the E3 trailers, more than a few will have been proven wrong.

Haze is in Beta(heck prob alpha) too and it already looks betetr so if Halo 3 is gonna look better cause it's still in Beta then so is haze. thats just plain logic. gears looked great in Beta Halo doesn't just accept thats how it's gonna look. the games coming out monther earlier than expected there not changing the GFX much since there already testing for bugs. If Haze and Halo 3 are both in beta and Haze looks betetr then it's still gonna look betetr when released cause both devs still have time to make the gfx betetr but Haze is further along so it's easier for it to look betetr Halo 3 to look betetr at launch will first have to match what Haze look like now in beta.

You haven't seen Halos single player yet. Logic would tell you there isn't sufficient info to make a conclusion. You can have all the logic in the world to back up your theory, but in the end it's still an assumption.

The PS3 cost more it should have better looking games, unfortunately we've been waiting to see if the PS3 can do what Sony or any Devs claim.

Who said anything about the PS3 power tapped?

When Xbox launched later then the PS2 it also costed more, but it launched with games looking better then the cheaper competition.

thats true but the PS2 was way weaker and the later xbox games look significantly better than the launch titles. the fact that the games look on par now means later they will look better. you can't just blindly compare things without knowing the facts and reason behind them. Some PS2 games Like FFX look = compared to Oddworld and tekken was = to DOA but Xbox prooved it was stronger after Second gen titles came out. add the fact that devs only got there PS3 dev kits 1 year ago means they had very little time to optimize the games for it while the Xbox gave devs a kit well before launch.

I'm sorry I dissaagre about Xbox needing its Second gen titles to prove it was stronger.

No i didn't say it "Needed it to proove" what i said it wasn't till the 2nd gen games till we saw leaps and bound in the Graphics department. i mean anygamer can admit that FFx(a Sony second gen title) was not that far off from Oddworld and Tekken Tag(1st gen Sony game) wasn't way off from DOA yes i'm admiting they looked betetr but it wasn't that big of a differance to the untrained eye, like i said it wasn't till fable and Splinter Cell(2nd gen Xbox) that it was clearly visible thats all i'm saying. either way i'm saying the xbox always looked better but it wasn't till later on till it was huge(Halo 2 just knocked any PS2 game out the water) But God of War 2 looks amazing for being on the PS2 proof that more time can make games look better once devs start learning the in and outs of the console. PS2 games always had a visible difefrance to me over Xbox it was like the PS2 was more blocky .

I disagree with everything and can't admit nothing. Halo 1 looked great and blew everthing PS2 had out of the water.

no it didn't. maybe to you but you prob never played Timesplitters 1 and Halo in no way Blew that game"out the water" yes Halo looked betetr but not so much to exajurate that it was like PS1 vs 360. Yes Halo looked betetr than Timesplitters(a PS2 launch game) but it was barley noticable unless you count polygons, what Halo had over PS2 games was the zones where bigger and that was noticible the the actual look your mistaken.
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#240 subrosian
Member since 2005 • 14232 Posts

I'm tired of seeing this - no, really, enough.

It's stupid when Xbox 360 fans say "look at this quote" - the quote will say something about "MGS4 won't be watered down" - "zomg, it must be coming to the Xbox 360" - wait just a minute, he didn't say "MGS4 is coming to the Xbox 360" - that's not a confirmation.

Then, last year, in 2006, *every* possible quoe abou the Xbox 360 was taken out of context to imply there was going to be a price cut in Summer 2006, then Fall 2006, then Spring 2007, etc... a price cut that never came, because... wait for it... a bunch of quotes were taken out of context.

Did this developer say "the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360"? No - what he said is a generalized statement coming from last generation into this generation - 360 developers have said similar things - it all comes down to them saying "hey, HD hardware is powerful, and challenging to work on"

Gah... the stupidity... "pwn" people with something useful - show some screenshots of MGS4 against Mario Galaxy and go "yeah, y'know what? this is awesome, you are not" - show me a developer interview saying that Killzone 2 will have better gameplay than Halo 3... I mean, something, anything.

Quibbling over "this developer says the PS3 is more powerful, sorta, kinda, okay well if you read into this *just* the right way" - is ridiculous, there are so much better things to fight over. Here, I'll get you started - your console sells under 100,000 units a month in the US, several major developers have switched exclusive games to multiplatform status, MGS4 has not been confirmed PS3 exclusive, and if PS3 sales do not pick up in the next three months, several studios are going to completely cancel their 2008 projects for the PS3.

There... much better stuff to worry about - idiotic quibbles over "he said she said" that completely ignore the big picture (gears of war looks better than *anything* out on the PS3 right now, despite fanboys claiming Motorstorm was supposed to "blow it out of the water")

And I'm not just razing on you, I'd like to see a PS3 with a games library that doesn' resemble a pile of owl pellets, I really would, but the "delay away" strategy is making it so there's nothing for me to do once I have this $600 piece of hardware - I want to want a PS3, but all I see are mirrors and smoke when it comes to a *game release* - and 50,000 threads about "hardware potential"


He mentioned how the PS3 was more powerful than anything out there. He did not mention the Xbox 360 being more powerful and there's a reason that Haze is currently the lead platform. It's cool, I don't expect you to agree with the developer anyways. I'm guessing you own a 360 and not a PS3 correct?

I own neither... I'm opposed to Sony failing to capitalize on the market, but I prefer the PS3 to the Wii... I don't quite understand the Sony fanboy hype of Haze all of a sudden - why would you hype a timed exclusive that you were making fun of a few weeks ago, simply because it chooses your platform for first release?

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#241 SeanBond
Member since 2003 • 2136 Posts

OMG, I went to work and this thread STILL is alive. The cows are now so desperate that ANY dev saying anything positive is the only source of the industry.

Face it, if Sony told everybody the Sixaxis could clean your back in the showm cows would be in here trying to claim ownage...



you know that lemmings would do the same if a dev said the same thing but about the 360. actually, they even bring up old debunked devs opinions and major nelson's bs... truth is, as devs are figuring out how to take advantage of the PS3's hardware characteristics, more and more of them are telling that it's the best console. it's been some time since a third-party dev said that the 360 is superior than the PS3. but the contrary isn't valid.

As people have brought up countless times, it's not really about the power, it's about what you do with it. Someone used God of War II as an example; how about Resident Evil 4 for the GC? Neither of these games was for the technically superior Xbox, yet both of them look and play absolutely amazingly, and compare to the best the Xbox has to offer. It's generally understood that the PS3 has more power in general than the 360 (the 360 beats it in a few areas, but the margin of difference is greater in the areas in which the PS3 comes out on top), so this shouldn't really be news or "ownage" to anyone. I doubt that even by the end of this generation, there will be enough difference between the PS3 and 360 to matter, as long as devs keep coming up with quality games for both.


i agree with you. the power is a bonus, and it doesn't matter which is the stronger console, only wich has the best games (for one's taste i mean) i weren't trying to own anyone, or to claim anything throught my post. if you read it carefully you'll see i'm only showing that guy that what he's saying has no necessity of even exist. he didn't contribute with anything here. i only said that, like lemmings, cows tend to rely on these types of threads to claim ownage... it's system wars... not that i think it's good. on the contrary, i don't.

Yeah, I was actually just writing a general response to all the posts written in that vein, and I happened to quote yours. See? Every 10,000 on system wars, two people agree on something! ;)

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#242 SambaLele
Member since 2004 • 5552 Posts

OMG, I went to work and this thread STILL is alive. The cows are now so desperate that ANY dev saying anything positive is the only source of the industry.

Face it, if Sony told everybody the Sixaxis could clean your back in the showm cows would be in here trying to claim ownage...



you know that lemmings would do the same if a dev said the same thing but about the 360. actually, they even bring up old debunked devs opinions and major nelson's bs... truth is, as devs are figuring out how to take advantage of the PS3's hardware characteristics, more and more of them are telling that it's the best console. it's been some time since a third-party dev said that the 360 is superior than the PS3. but the contrary isn't valid.

As people have brought up countless times, it's not really about the power, it's about what you do with it. Someone used God of War II as an example; how about Resident Evil 4 for the GC? Neither of these games was for the technically superior Xbox, yet both of them look and play absolutely amazingly, and compare to the best the Xbox has to offer. It's generally understood that the PS3 has more power in general than the 360 (the 360 beats it in a few areas, but the margin of difference is greater in the areas in which the PS3 comes out on top), so this shouldn't really be news or "ownage" to anyone. I doubt that even by the end of this generation, there will be enough difference between the PS3 and 360 to matter, as long as devs keep coming up with quality games for both.


i agree with you. the power is a bonus, and it doesn't matter which is the stronger console, only wich has the best games (for one's taste i mean) i weren't trying to own anyone, or to claim anything throught my post. if you read it carefully you'll see i'm only showing that guy that what he's saying has no necessity of even exist. he didn't contribute with anything here. i only said that, like lemmings, cows tend to rely on these types of threads to claim ownage... it's system wars... not that i think it's good. on the contrary, i don't.

Yeah, I was actually just writing a general response to all the posts written in that vein, and I happened to quote yours. See? Every 10,000 on system wars, two people agree on something! ;)


glad to see that there's someone in SW open to civilized conversation. 

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#243 DXGreat1_HGL
Member since 2003 • 7543 Posts

OMG, I went to work and this thread STILL is alive. The cows are now so desperate that ANY dev saying anything positive is the only source of the industry.

Face it, if Sony told everybody the Sixaxis could clean your back in the showm cows would be in here trying to claim ownage...



you know that lemmings would do the same if a dev said the same thing but about the 360. actually, they even bring up old debunked devs opinions and major nelson's bs... truth is, as devs are figuring out how to take advantage of the PS3's hardware characteristics, more and more of them are telling that it's the best console. it's been some time since a third-party dev said that the 360 is superior than the PS3. but the contrary isn't valid.

As people have brought up countless times, it's not really about the power, it's about what you do with it. Someone used God of War II as an example; how about Resident Evil 4 for the GC? Neither of these games was for the technically superior Xbox, yet both of them look and play absolutely amazingly, and compare to the best the Xbox has to offer. It's generally understood that the PS3 has more power in general than the 360 (the 360 beats it in a few areas, but the margin of difference is greater in the areas in which the PS3 comes out on top), so this shouldn't really be news or "ownage" to anyone. I doubt that even by the end of this generation, there will be enough difference between the PS3 and 360 to matter, as long as devs keep coming up with quality games for both.


i agree with you. the power is a bonus, and it doesn't matter which is the stronger console, only wich has the best games (for one's taste i mean) i weren't trying to own anyone, or to claim anything throught my post. if you read it carefully you'll see i'm only showing that guy that what he's saying has no necessity of even exist. he didn't contribute with anything here. i only said that, like lemmings, cows tend to rely on these types of threads to claim ownage... it's system wars... not that i think it's good. on the contrary, i don't.

Yeah, I was actually just writing a general response to all the posts written in that vein, and I happened to quote yours. See? Every 10,000 on system wars, two people agree on something! ;)


glad to see that there's someone in SW open to civilized conversation. 

 In that case to you, I formally retract my statements...

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#244 peacebringer
Member since 2006 • 3371 Posts

If you have eyes then you can hardly say thats blowing it out the water. even though both pics look worse than actual gameplay foottage sit there and scroll and you'll notice both games are similar except yes Halo looks slighty betetr and the fields are huge while TS is all corridors. But is a PS2 Launch title(wich is weak) vs a Xbox launch title(wich was stronger) If you call that a huge differance then i guess PS3 games look better than 360 games.Most those halo pics are not gameplay Foottage so scroll to the Gameplay footage and you'll see they look slighty betetr than the TS gameplay footage but as i said the envirments were much bigger in halo

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#245 SambaLele
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OMG, I went to work and this thread STILL is alive. The cows are now so desperate that ANY dev saying anything positive is the only source of the industry.

Face it, if Sony told everybody the Sixaxis could clean your back in the showm cows would be in here trying to claim ownage...



you know that lemmings would do the same if a dev said the same thing but about the 360. actually, they even bring up old debunked devs opinions and major nelson's bs... truth is, as devs are figuring out how to take advantage of the PS3's hardware characteristics, more and more of them are telling that it's the best console. it's been some time since a third-party dev said that the 360 is superior than the PS3. but the contrary isn't valid.

As people have brought up countless times, it's not really about the power, it's about what you do with it. Someone used God of War II as an example; how about Resident Evil 4 for the GC? Neither of these games was for the technically superior Xbox, yet both of them look and play absolutely amazingly, and compare to the best the Xbox has to offer. It's generally understood that the PS3 has more power in general than the 360 (the 360 beats it in a few areas, but the margin of difference is greater in the areas in which the PS3 comes out on top), so this shouldn't really be news or "ownage" to anyone. I doubt that even by the end of this generation, there will be enough difference between the PS3 and 360 to matter, as long as devs keep coming up with quality games for both.


i agree with you. the power is a bonus, and it doesn't matter which is the stronger console, only wich has the best games (for one's taste i mean) i weren't trying to own anyone, or to claim anything throught my post. if you read it carefully you'll see i'm only showing that guy that what he's saying has no necessity of even exist. he didn't contribute with anything here. i only said that, like lemmings, cows tend to rely on these types of threads to claim ownage... it's system wars... not that i think it's good. on the contrary, i don't.

Yeah, I was actually just writing a general response to all the posts written in that vein, and I happened to quote yours. See? Every 10,000 on system wars, two people agree on something! ;)


glad to see that there's someone in SW open to civilized conversation.

In that case to you, I formally retract my statements...


ok. sorry about the hostile responses.

cool, one more civilized person in SW, i think we got a new record here.


EDIT: in fact, your sig is partially truth, since most cows really face things that way. but it's just not fair blaming only cows for doing that... all fanboys (sheep, lemmings, cows and hermits) do that. like communists defend their political stance. freaky isn't it? 

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#246 the-very-best
Member since 2006 • 14486 Posts

They're not the only devs who have said that.

I think it's probably true that PS3 is the most powerful console but I don't think devs will completely unlock that power for at least another year.

Having said that, 1 year from now both PS3 and 360 will probably be getting ready to start their boom in sales, so it could become a major benefit to the PS3 eventually.

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#247 demoralizer
Member since 2002 • 2023 Posts

If you have eyes then you can hardly say thats blowing it out the water. even though both pics look worse than the games in motion


It doesn't matter what I see.

How can you say Haze beta look so much better then Halo3, but not see a difference in Halo 1 and Time spliters? The power gap between the PS3 and 360 are smaller then the PS2 and Xbox.

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#249 Verge_6
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It's the devs that really bring out a game's visual appeal, not the console hardware.
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#250 demoralizer
Member since 2002 • 2023 Posts

If you have eyes then you can hardly say thats blowing it out the water. even though both pics look worse than the games in motion


It doesn't matter what I see.

How can you say Haze beta look so much better then Halo3, but not see a difference in Halo 1 and Time spliters? The power gap between the PS3 and 360 are smaller then the PS2 and Xbox.

dude look at the pics before your gonna critisize me i did and again like i said it look beter, do you not comprehend what i'm saying? Halo looked betetr than timesplitters 1 but it's not HUGE the same way Haze looks better than Halo 3 but it's not Huge. i never said there was a huge differance just it looked better. maybe your jaded cause i'm not saying Halo blows everything out the water , but to make you happy so you can sleep here you go





god i don't care dude. i'm not gonna keep throwing stuff at you if your gonna completely ignore it


/you are the weakest link goodbye 

I did look at you pics. I am no Halo fan and I care less what you say about it.

To debate what I or you perceive is waste of time, sorry if I ignored some of what you said. I hear ya man, just I'm stating facts about the power gap differences. I can't sleep I'm at work.