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Is more powerfull?
Till now only if you talk about power consumption!
Oh, come on, already. Look at what the developers are saying. Is it so hard to believe? Or is it simply hard to stomach? I'm not saying 360 is junk; I'm not saying PS3 is great. I'm saying that in terms of raw power and processing potential, the consensus among people who program software is that the PS3 has more. That doesn't mean PS3 will win; did Neo-Geo beat SNES? Did 3DO? No, and no. Was it great, owning a Neo-Geo? Not really. But the power differential was undeniable. It's not the end of everything, admitting reality. It's the end of fanboyism. 360 has undeniable strengths that PS3 can't touch. PS3 has undeniable strengths that 360 can't touch. What's the big deal? Wasn't it ridiculous when Sony fans denied 'til the bitter end, in the last generation?
[QUOTE="LuvGaming"][QUOTE="A-LEGEND"]Denial much? I'll take the devs word for it.Â[QUOTE="LuvGaming"][QUOTE="A-LEGEND"]once again for the millionth time you cows have been shot down in this argument, the PS3 is more powerful at number crunching. NOT graphics. It has the more powerful CPU, for NUMBER CRUNCHING. which is basically nothing really important at all besides number of people on screen or naything else where you would want a large number somewhere. everything graphical is in the GPU, and no the cell doesnt help with it at all. once again......A-LEGEND
oh shut your mouthes for once. there should be an insta ban for people who use "denial" or "damage control"
There should be an insta-ban for folks like yourself that tell other posters to "shut your mouthes" over the internet... LoL!nobody is laughing and now we know your age and your likelyhood to take something out of context. very young and very likely.
Oh c'mon... no need to start bashing me because of what the dev had to say about the PS3 being more powerful.[QUOTE="LuvGaming"][QUOTE="A-LEGEND"]Denial much? I'll take the devs word for it.Â[QUOTE="LuvGaming"][QUOTE="A-LEGEND"]once again for the millionth time you cows have been shot down in this argument, the PS3 is more powerful at number crunching. NOT graphics. It has the more powerful CPU, for NUMBER CRUNCHING. which is basically nothing really important at all besides number of people on screen or naything else where you would want a large number somewhere. everything graphical is in the GPU, and no the cell doesnt help with it at all. once again......Danthegamingman
oh shut your mouthes for once. there should be an insta ban for people who use "denial" or "damage control"
There should be an insta-ban for folks like yourself that tell other posters to "shut your mouthes" over the internet... LoL!Free Speech does not apply here, when you have been around long enough you will know this. Uhhhhhh, ok..... who's even typing to you in the first place?[QUOTE="LuvGaming"]Quote:
How is it to develop on PS3? What can you do with this console that you couldn't do with previous-gen consoles?
[SE] It's great. Working on PS3 has allowed us to create vastly superior environments that verge on photorealism - full-screen effects, High Dynamic Range (HDR) and obscenely complex shaders. Its more challenging than ever before, but the power is greater than anything else that's out there.Â
WOW, i never knew PS3 was better than DX10 cards "out there"
He was talking about consoles....Denial much? I'll take the devs word for it.Â[QUOTE="LuvGaming"][QUOTE="A-LEGEND"]once again for the millionth time you cows have been shot down in this argument, the PS3 is more powerful at number crunching. NOT graphics. It has the more powerful CPU, for NUMBER CRUNCHING. which is basically nothing really important at all besides number of people on screen or naything else where you would want a large number somewhere. everything graphical is in the GPU, and no the cell doesnt help with it at all. once again......Evo310whp
Whats to be in denial about lol. There is nothing on the PS3 that backs up this statement as it being more powerful in the graphics department except word of mouth from a few devs. I dont care if it is a dev show me the power dont tell me about in some dumbass interview that cows are going to eat up.
 Again cow pies take comment like these and go crazy claiming the ownage and so on when there is none.
Actually there's a lot of games in development that look better than most 2nd and 3rd generation 360 games. Like I said, denial much?He mentioned how the PS3 was more powerful than anything out there. He did not mention the Xbox 360 being more powerful and there's a reason that Haze is currently the lead platform. It's cool, I don't expect you to agree with the developer anyways. I'm guessing you own a 360Â and not a PS3 correct?I'm tired of seeing this - no, really, enough.
It's stupid when Xbox 360 fans say "look at this quote" - the quote will say something about "MGS4 won't be watered down" - "zomg, it must be coming to the Xbox 360" - wait just a minute, he didn't say "MGS4 is coming to the Xbox 360" - that's not a confirmation.
Then, last year, in 2006, *every* possible quoe abou the Xbox 360 was taken out of context to imply there was going to be a price cut in Summer 2006, then Fall 2006, then Spring 2007, etc... a price cut that never came, because... wait for it... a bunch of quotes were taken out of context.
Did this developer say "the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360"? No - what he said is a generalized statement coming from last generation into this generation - 360 developers have said similar things - it all comes down to them saying "hey, HD hardware is powerful, and challenging to work on"Gah... the stupidity... "pwn" people with something useful - show some screenshots of MGS4 against Mario Galaxy and go "yeah, y'know what? this is awesome, you are not" - show me a developer interview saying that Killzone 2 will have better gameplay than Halo 3... I mean, something, anything.
Quibbling over "this developer says the PS3 is more powerful, sorta, kinda, okay well if you read into this *just* the right way" - is ridiculous, there are so much better things to fight over. Here, I'll get you started - your console sells under 100,000 units a month in the US, several major developers have switched exclusive games to multiplatform status, MGS4 has not been confirmed PS3 exclusive, and if PS3 sales do not pick up in the next three months, several studios are going to completely cancel their 2008 projects for the PS3.
There... much better stuff to worry about - idiotic quibbles over "he said she said" that completely ignore the big picture (gears of war looks better than *anything* out on the PS3 right now, despite fanboys claiming Motorstorm was supposed to "blow it out of the water")subrosian
And I'm not just razing on you, I'd like to see a PS3 with a games library that doesn' resemble a pile of owl pellets, I really would, but the "delay away" strategy is making it so there's nothing for me to do once I have this $600 piece of hardware - I want to want a PS3, but all I see are mirrors and smoke when it comes to a *game release* - and 50,000 threads about "hardware potential"
I'm not even going to reply to my own thread anymore in fear of someone reporting me for hating on their precious 360 and being modded for no reason. LuvGaming
or maybe you could keep the number of quotes in your quote chains down to five or fewer. ;)Â
[QUOTE="LuvGaming"]I'm not even going to reply to my own thread anymore in fear of someone reporting me for hating on their precious 360 and being modded for no reason. CaseyWegner
or maybe you could keep the number of quotes in your quote chains down to five or fewer. ;)Â
Sorry. Noticed that a lot of folks were doing it and were never modded for it. Thanks for the info.another blow to the lemmings.. tis just gettin worse and worse for them everyday
they think unified shaders = more power. that must mean a 8600 beats a 7950gt which isn't true, 8600 gets murded by the 7950
[QUOTE="lockjaw333"][QUOTE="LuvGaming"]System Wars: where we take quotes completely out of context to justify our own subjective arguments. If you knew the slightest bit about hardware and actually researched the technical specs of the two systems, you would realize that both are pretty comparable- each has its own advantages and disadvantages. To the blind fanboy, what I just said is like saying- maybe if you actually went on a pilgrimage to Mecca, you would see what all of the hubbubb was about... I took the quote out of context? He literally admitted that the PS3 had more power than any console out there. Maybe you're just in denial. =(Let's take a look at this context that you're talking about. Free Radical has developed exactly ZERO 360 games. The ONLY next-gen game that they have on their plate is Haze (which is a timed exclusive for PS3) and the still-unnamed Lucas Arts game. So the ONE developer at Free Radical that has at best limited experience on the consoles claims that the PS3 is more powerful than anything before it, yet everything he discusses about the PS3 is easily done on the 360 as well. The CONTEXT is it's one developer's opinion, and not even a developer with lots on Next-Gen experience.Quote:
How is it to develop on PS3? What can you do with this console that you couldn't do with previous-gen consoles?
[SE] It's great. Working on PS3 has allowed us to create vastly superior environments that verge on photorealism - full-screen effects, High Dynamic Range (HDR) and obscenely complex shaders. Its more challenging than ever before, but the power is greater than anything else that's out there.Â
 Cows, when you want to hang your hopes on a developers capabilities, at least hang them on someone that has some comparable experience on both machines. for list of Free Radical Games and official website.
cause we all know the most powerful console won last gen:roll:
Are we even talking about the winner of the system wars? We are talking about the most powerful system.
Don't get your panties in a bunch. :|Â
The only people who are going to complain about the complexity of the PS3's hardware are thoe who are too incompetent to master it and those who are too lazy to even bother trying to work with it. I think everyone understands that Cell is a very complicated CPU, however you cant expect things to always be easy for game developers. I dont think the PS3 has to be fully optimized to make a game great, however obviously you need to use as much power as you can in order to make a game perform like it is expected to instead of half arsing it like developers have done with the Wii.DSgamer64
I think its not even that its a whole lot more difficult to work with than the 360, I think its that it's just good at different things. A lot of developers made games on the 360 first, since it was out earlier, and probably developed the game based on the 360's strenghts. Then once the PS3 came along, they probably found that the PS3 would "choke" in a few areas that the 360 wouldn't". Meanwhile people developing for the PS3 first aren't having a problem at all, because like the early 360 devs they're naturally tailoring the game to the PS3's strengths. Â
[QUOTE="Wasdie"][QUOTE="Evo310whp"]cause we all know the most powerful console won last gen:roll:
Well this is for the arugment of power, not sales.
WEll in that CaSe as i stated The developers of conviction said that it couldnt be made on the ps3 lack of power
They never said that, it was a mistranslation. What they said was "developing for one platform allows us to do things we couldn't do if we were multiplat". A statement like that should be surprising to no one.Â
Okay but the developers of Splinter Cell Conviction said the PS3 cant handle cONVICTION THE GAME(basically saying its not powerful enough) What do u cows have 2 say about thAT OWNED EXACTLY WHAT SYSTEMS GRAPHICS HAVE BEEN BETTER 360 ONCE AGAIN OWNED....WHAT SYSTEM HAS A BETTER GPU 360 OWNED ONCE AGAIN.........WHAT SYSTEM IS SELLING MORE 360 OWNED END OF DISCUSSION U COWS BETTER COME CORRECT NEXT TIMEtmb_JR
Each system will have things that the other can not do, but it doesn't mean that one is significantly more powerful than the otherÂ
Difference between X360 & PS3 owners: Lemmings get to see the power on screen right now, you get to fantasize about it in the present future like cows always say.
Oh we get to see it alright, Uncharted is only better looking than anything out or coming to 360 in the next year or so.Â
[QUOTE="DSgamer64"]The only people who are going to complain about the complexity of the PS3's hardware are thoe who are too incompetent to master it and those who are too lazy to even bother trying to work with it. I think everyone understands that Cell is a very complicated CPU, however you cant expect things to always be easy for game developers. I dont think the PS3 has to be fully optimized to make a game great, however obviously you need to use as much power as you can in order to make a game perform like it is expected to instead of half arsing it like developers have done with the Wii.Teufelhuhn
I think its not even that its a whole lot more difficult to work with than the 360, I think its that it's just good at different things. A lot of developers made games on the 360 first, since it was out earlier, and probably developed the game based on the 360's strenghts. Then once the PS3 came along, they probably found that the PS3 would "choke" in a few areas that the 360 wouldn't". Meanwhile people developing for the PS3 first aren't having a problem at all, because like the early 360 devs they're naturally tailoring the game to the PS3's strengths. Â
Cell is capable of more physical tasks then the 360's CPU is, as to whether it is more powerful is what is really debateable. We are comparing a single CPU with multiple PPU's to a multicore processor that is designed to run together instead of individually which is what gives Cell somewhat of an advantage for multi tasking. It allows for things like progressive mesh and HDR to run much more smoothly since they can work on their own. The 360 is more based around a desktop processor configuration as opposed to what Cell is. At the end of the day the games are what matters and obviously developers are going to side with the company they can work for. If games were all built from the ground up on the PS3, I would imagine it would take less time to port a game to the 360 which would be the logical thing to do if the developers are correct about the hardware.
[QUOTE="Nugtoka"][QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]Lemmings will say, "these guys don´t know what their talking about!". Has any dev stated the 360 as being more powerfull?danielsmith2020
I think its funny that only Sony exclusive developers tout the ps3 as more powerful. All non biased Dev's say its pretty much a wash.
As we all know free radical only make games for the ps3 with of course the fact that timesplitters came out for all consoles conveniently forgotten.
But they never sold as much as they did on PS2...Â
[QUOTE="tmb_JR"][QUOTE="Wasdie"][QUOTE="Evo310whp"]cause we all know the most powerful console won last gen:roll:
Well this is for the arugment of power, not sales.
WEll in that CaSe as i stated The developers of conviction said that it couldnt be made on the ps3 lack of power
They never said that, it was a mistranslation. What they said was "developing for one platform allows us to do things we couldn't do if we were multiplat". A statement like that should be surprising to no one.Â
To the fanboy, everything is a misconception.:lol:
Thsi is the developer who called Halo one of the crappiest games ever made. they lost some cred right there.htekemerald
Cred? They are responsible for re-inventing the FPS itself! They have the right to make such claims!
Thsi is the developer who called Halo one of the crappiest games ever made. they lost some cred right there.htekemerald
Halo is very well polished & a fun game, plain and simple. You'd have to be damn near crazy to say its even in the same tratusphere of the crappiest games ever made, even if you don't like Halo.
another blow to the lemmings.. tis just gettin worse and worse for them everyday
You cant be serious. Why dont you Sony sheeple gather up the herd and go continue to WAIT together for any decent games to come out on your precious Waitstation3! We'll be PLAYING amazing games now and in the future. Any delays lately Sony sheeple?Â
[QUOTE="CaseyWegner"][QUOTE="LuvGaming"]I'm not even going to reply to my own thread anymore in fear of someone reporting me for hating on their precious 360 and being modded for no reason. LuvGaming
or maybe you could keep the number of quotes in your quote chains down to five or fewer. ;)
Sorry. Noticed that a lot of folks were doing it and were never modded for it. Thanks for the info.please report them if you see it.Â
[QUOTE="CaseyWegner"][QUOTE="LuvGaming"]I'm not even going to reply to my own thread anymore in fear of someone reporting me for hating on their precious 360 and being modded for no reason. LuvGaming
or maybe you could keep the number of quotes in your quote chains down to five or fewer. ;)
Sorry. Noticed that a lot of folks were doing it and were never modded for it. Thanks for the info.Â
You know, reading the rules actually helps! Seriously, I got modded twice in one day for simple things cause I didn't read :?
[QUOTE="peacebringer"]When i bought Halo 2 last gen i got bored within a week , i justed hated that the gameplay was so arcady and unbalanced. i can get shot 20 times but one Melee from a gun would kill me , yeah i had enough of it, one of my favorite games was Timesplitters 2 cause i know the devs were behind Perfect Dark and Goldeneye and the Multiplayer was really really fun , short after i found out about Timesplitters Future perfect and i traded in Halo 2 after like 1 week for Timesplitters Future Perfect, i can no say am gonna try my hardest to buy a PS3 this Xmas season for Haze alone. No one makes a betetr Console FPS than Free Radical Design you can say bu bu teh Halo then i'll just say Perfect Dark, Golden eye and Timesplitters Future Perfect. looks like PS3 just got a contender to go against Halo cause any real gamer knows about free radical design and will be tempeted to play Haze expecially since it's going away from the Timesplitters ways wich even though had great gameplay the story never meshed and Haze looks to fix that . i can bet if Free radical does a good enough job Haze will get AAA.jg4xchamp1st off i love timesplitters and cant wait for the 4th game. 2nd in no way did Timesplitters own Halo. I love both but Halo is the best console FPS out there with no contest. Your only reason on why it sucked was because you infact were bad at the game. Melee, grenades, and guns have been a part of FPS forever. Timesplitters is the true arcade oldschool type shooter. Thats why you love it. Its a throwback to goldeneye and perfect dark. Halo is a more traditional shotter. Thats why they are so different. Also Halo has a lot of depth in a campaign and different multiplayer games like oddball, juggernaut, ctf, assault, territories, rumble pit, one on one, team slayer, team swat, etc. Halo is an awesome console FPS, what u just said is an opinion. Showing a bit of fanboyism. I say fanboy because you do tend to bash the 360 and Halo on this forum. Halo has proven itselft time and time again wether its sales, or scores on gamespot, or scores anywhere else.
Free radical used to work for Rare they made Golden eye and perfect dark and i said I think Timespl;itters was more Balanced key word I. your trying to say halo is like it's a fact when it's all an opinion and i said i feel it's better not that it definetly is. Half life 2 is betetr than both but on the console front i like free radicals Games more key word I. I never said TS owned halo IMHO it was better but not by much. i didn't suck at Halo i just didn't like the gameplay methods where you need to empty 2 clips on one person but you get close and he dies with one melee from the weapon. i didn;t say i was on the recieving end i was mostly the guy with the sword making the game stupid for noobs in Halo2 and i got bored of it. I bet if can bet i can give you a run for you money in any FPS. you also have to reuse the words and time and time again cause Halo only has 2 games and it's not until the 4th installment for franchises that it gets hard to sell. free radical has a longer track record than Bungie
Golden Eye
Perfect Dark
Timesplitters 2
Timesplitters Future Perfect
While bungie has
Halo 2 , Halo 3 isn't even out yet to say how good the game is.
Free Radicals are veterans and veterans get the job done just ask the Phoenix suns how it felt to lose to the Spurs the most Veteran team in the NBA.Â
How is it to develop on PS3? What can you do with this console that you couldn't do with previous-gen consoles?
[SE] It's great. Working on PS3 has allowed us to create vastly superior environments that verge on photorealism - full-screen effects, High Dynamic Range (HDR) and obscenely complex shaders. Its more challenging than ever before, but the power is greater than anything else that's out there.
A lot of devlopers already came out sayin the PS3 is much more a powerful system..but lemming just dont listen..Â
The xbox360 version will probably look better too. The xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 as it's been already proven by the games. themyth01
what games??
[QUOTE="themyth01"]Â The xbox360 version will probably look better too. The xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 as it's been already proven by the games. odin2019
At least this game no matter what system its released for will look better than Halo 3.
 You don't know that, you can assume it look better than Halo 3 BETA graphics but you don't know that it will look better than Halo 3. If Halo 3 comes out looking like the E3 trailers, more than a few will have been proven wrong.
They never directly stated that PS3 has more power than 360. In fact, NO unbiased developer has said that the PS3 is more powerful than the 360, because we all know the 360 is more powerful.
[QUOTE="themyth01"] The xbox360 version will probably look better too. The xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 as it's been already proven by the games. elementz28
what games??
 Pirates of the Caribean (latest one), FEAR, Call of Duty 3, Enchanted Arms, Blazing Angels..... in fact it's better to ask which multiplatform games don't look better on xbox360 because there are quite few if any at all.
 You can check the latest graphics head-t0-head here:
 The xbox360 has better graphics.
[QUOTE="odin2019"][QUOTE="themyth01"]Â The xbox360 version will probably look better too. The xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 as it's been already proven by the games. themyth01
At least this game no matter what system its released for will look better than Halo 3.
 You don't know that, you can assume it look better than Halo 3 BETA graphics but you don't know that it will look better than Halo 3. If Halo 3 comes out looking like the E3 trailers, more than a few will have been proven wrong.
The gameplay graphics in beta are the actual graphics that your going to get there isn't enough time to change things unless you want Halo 3 in the fall of 2008. Haze will be the better game. Now people are already expecting Haze to be an AAA title next thing you know people start thinking the game will be better than Halo 3 and I'm already on that bandwagin.
[QUOTE="odin2019"][QUOTE="themyth01"] The xbox360 version will probably look better too. The xbox360 is more powerful than PS3 as it's been already proven by the games. themyth01
At least this game no matter what system its released for will look better than Halo 3.
You don't know that, you can assume it look better than Halo 3 BETA graphics but you don't know that it will look better than Halo 3. If Halo 3 comes out looking like the E3 trailers, more than a few will have been proven wrong.
Haze is in Beta(heck prob alpha) too and it already looks betetr so if Halo 3 is gonna look better cause it's still in Beta then so is haze. thats just plain logic. gears looked great in Beta Halo doesn't just accept thats how it's gonna look. the games coming out monther earlier than expected there not changing the GFX much since there already testing for bugs. If Haze and Halo 3 are both in beta and Haze looks betetr then it's still gonna look betetr when released cause both devs still have time to make the gfx betetr but Haze is further along so it's easier for it to look betetr Halo 3 to look betetr at launch will first have to match what Haze look like now in beta.Please Log In to post.
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