Hello System Wars posters,The GameSpot moderation team would like to offer a remembrance thread dedicated to positive influencers in the System Wars forum who are no longer with us. Do you recall any older registrants who are are banned or maybe they no longer use this forum? Positive influencers respected others opinions but they might have also posted interesting topics, or maybe they had witty statements. People who flamed others or put other users down should not be considered in the pool of users for this thread. So, really think about how these former GameSpot members and how they positively contributed in the System Wars forum.Here's how the thread will work.- Post the username of the person you miss and post a little story about what you miss about them. You might also include the platform they were a fan of. Note that since this is about old school SW posters, they should have registered between 2002 and 2007. Anyone who registered within 2008-2009 does not have that much history with this forum. Since the profile pages do not show their registration date just use your best judgement in this area. - The System Wars posters and moderators may provide status updates every now and then by posting a list of usernames that were thrown out there and if desired a tally of how many people who mentioned them. For instance, if you noticed 10 names in the discussion since it started, provide the 10 usernames in a post to get people up to speed. You can post how many people mentioned them in the thread. If there were more names listed in the past 30 posts, you can take the list from the other person who posted a tally and add the latest names if you'd like.Final note: Bashing banned users will not be tolerated. While you are allowed to use the System Wars terminology such as Lemming, cow, sheep, and hermit, avoid calling them names by focusing on the facts. For instance, he or she was rude, and they trolled and flamed is absolutely fine. Calling him or her a jerk or any other unkind words is inappropriate in the forums. This is a remembrance thread so let's remember the former System wars posters we miss before the year ends.
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