I got the game on PC earlier today, haven't ran into a single major bug yet, the graphics look nice on all High, although there is some pop in but it doesnt bug me, the gameplay is pretty much mercs 1 but a little more tweaked and refined, the explosions and destruction are amazing, I only have a couple complaints like the AI and its not THAT bad, the story isn't too great, vehicles don't handle the best, and swimming is kinda just tacked on. It certainly isnt a perfect game in the slightest but a 5 is just harsh, its at least a 7, right now I'm leaning towards 8 for pure fun factor maybe higher once I get further and get cooler air strikes and a larger arsenal. Although this is coming from a guy who doesnt nitpick in the slightest and bugs and bad AI don't bother me at all... so depends on taste I guess
All in all if you liked the first, just wanna blow crap up, and have a good time, and dont mind a few minor flaws here and there (that could probably be patched in the future hopefully) then I'd say buy it, the game is at least a rent.
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