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Ok, so I just got done with a 5 hour session or so and here is my analysis:
First off, bugs: yes they are present but I haven't encounted any huge ones yet, The toolbox dissapeared into the ground during wench challenge.
AI: Medicore, I just encounted two PLAV soldiers in a VZ jeep, I was disguised as a VZ soldier and once I got out they stopped shooting at me? Good huh? Wrong, they started to attack the jeep while it remained immobile and unoccupied. Until one of them threw a grenade and blow up the jeep along with themselves.
Those are my two main gripes so far, almost forgot the cutscenes are laughably bad. The intro cutscene where you get screwed over was one of the worst cutscenes I've ever seen in any video games period.
Voice-acting isn't good but its not bad just ok, Repeated lines are annoying, "One less VZ soldier" has prolly been said 500 times in my 5 hours.
But the shooting IS fun and satisfying as well as air strikes and explosives in general. The driving controls are very loose and coming from GTAIV controls they are slow and awkward.
The action and destruction are great fun tho, and right from the get-go there was stuff for me to explore, find, steal, hi-jack, etc.
All in all, Mercs 2 is a flawed but very fun game, blowing **** up as never been better, and Mercs 2 delivers in the gameplay aspect, if u liked the 1st you'll love this one. Despite the problems the pros outweigh the cons.
So far I'd give it a 7.5.
Am I the only one who likes gamespot's reviews nowadays?
I mean, the more flops the better O-o
What? How is it ever a good thing to see a game flop?
[QUOTE="GiveMeSomething"]Am I the only one who likes gamespot's reviews nowadays?
I mean, the more flops the better O-o
What? How is it ever a good thing to see a game flop?
Who the heck wants things to flop? You know how much devs put into these games, then everyone stands around them and rips them apart, all because one guy didn't like it.
[QUOTE="GiveMeSomething"]Am I the only one who likes gamespot's reviews nowadays?
I mean, the more flops the better O-o
What? How is it ever a good thing to see a game flop?
Just imagine EVERY game getting a 9+ score. It'd be a boredom fest :S
I think this is what sets the difference between both good and bad games.
This is like a natural process, only the best of the best is chosen ^_^
[QUOTE="GiveMeSomething"]Am I the only one who likes gamespot's reviews nowadays?
I mean, the more flops the better O-o
What? How is it ever a good thing to see a game flop?
It's never good to see a game flop. but come on, it's kinda funny:Pbut to be real honest, I never cared about this game (or the first) in the first place.
Oh yes! Once again I am right about a game! Lyphe2k's spidey senses never decieve him. Saw it coming a mile away. Mark my words - Dead Space, Far Cry 2, Killzone 2 and the new Silent Hill will fall into the same fate.Lyphe2k
If Far Cry 2 flops, I will shoot myself. I've waited that game for so long.
[QUOTE="M8ingSeezun"]Like I said before a few days ago, this is ashame.
There's no excuse for this. The first Mercenaries was phenomenal and received a good score, 8.8 here in GS.
What the hell kind of logic is that? Just because Mercs was great, does not mean it automatically translate to Mercs 2. :|
You seem to lack some kind of understanding or logic.
Usually, games are improved upon from thier original, at least to some degree. With Mercs 2, everything was rushed & half-ss, which explains the bugs and glitches in the game. Most of us who've played the original Mercs, enjoyed it and were expecting something better with Mercs 2. There's no excuse for that, like I said. Devs should be able to improve everything that was great from the original and to some degree make it better on a current gen platform.
It's like the franchise had been severely "demoted" rather than "promoted."
Catch my drift??
Mercenaries 2's visuals are inconsistent. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game are mostly similar, but the PS3 has some ugly aliasing problems
And there goes the lie cows made about the game being better graphically on ps3..MojondeVACA
I don't think many are really looking for ownage on a 5.0 game.
Mercenaries 2's visuals are inconsistent. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game are mostly similar, but the PS3 has some ugly aliasing problemscows am owned
And there goes the lie cows made about the game being better graphically on ps3..MojondeVACA
no but seriously, I dont think anyone cares
Old GS?
WTF? It was this generation :?
Oblivion and GeOW would have got 9.5 when rounded to the .5 system.
Your appraisal makes no sense at all.
hey captain i dont work for gs, so this is just speculation, but maybe GS making a few changes with getting rid of peoples, and rating games with .5 and introducing GS Wide makes me think that the people have gotten a few words from their superiours on how to rate games now, from when they did originaly This Generation.
Its hard to say whats going on, but one thing is fore sure, this generation has been completely messed up review standard wise.
[QUOTE="Link256"][QUOTE="M8ingSeezun"]Like I said before a few days ago, this is ashame.
There's no excuse for this. The first Mercenaries was phenomenal and received a good score, 8.8 here in GS.
What the hell kind of logic is that? Just because Mercs was great, does not mean it automatically translate to Mercs 2. :|
You seem to lack some kind of understanding or logic.
Usually, games are improved upon from thier original, at least to some degree. With Mercs 2, everything was rushed & half-ss, which explains the bugs and glitches in the game. Most of us who've played the original Mercs, enjoyed it and were expecting something better with Mercs 2. There's no excuse for that, like I said. Devs should be able to improve everything that was great from the original and to some degree make it better on a current gen platform.
It's like the franchise had been severely "demoted" rather than "promoted."
Catch my drift??
Mercs 1 was one of my favourite console games, or games in general of last gen.However I think the review misses the point of its sandbox nature and the freedom to go about completing missions, somthing that nearly every sandbox game lacks.... still (*COUGH* GTA IV).
Bugs and glitches aside of course.
I'll have to see for myself.
So EA takes another franchise and kills it. Gee, a game rushed to the market that's filled with bugs.
That doesn't sound like EA at all! :roll:
So EA takes another franchise and kills it. Gee, a game rushed to the market that's filled with bugs.
That doesn't sound like EA at all! :roll:
I can't really see anyone that reviews games enjoy them as much as the players. Any game that has complex controls or just a lot of options to do is things is almost natural for us to get right away where they'd probably struggle to get through. If you think about it all the gameplay footage used in the vid reviews they don't really do much so it's easier for them to hate on a game than give it the score it deserves as a result.Strife88
So wait, you're saying that reviewers aren't players? That they probably don't even like video games and only touch them when they are forced to review them? They can't handle complex controls and are scared of too many options? You can't be serious. It makes me laugh though. Thank you, sir.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Does anyone find that Gamespot has been overly harsh on average games (giving them awful scores), yet overly appreciative to great games (giving them 10's)?cakeisntalieyes! i think so too
I agree also, its kinda getting annoying.
If everything he said in the review is true, then a 5 is justified. If this means that GameSpot no longer tolerates games that are buggy, have little to no story, have terrible AI and are repetitive then more power to them...
...but the double standards here are crazy. I noticed that somebody else said the review read largely like a GTA IV review. Repetitive missions? Check. Lousy AI? Check. Loads of bugs? Check. Unsatisying gunplay? Check. Large world with little to do? Check. Drive all the way to your target if you fail a mission? Check. Useless friend rewards? Check. Obvious draw-in when in a helicopter? Check. Large, undetailed draw distance? Check.
One gets a 10, the other gets a 5.
If everything he said in the review is true, then a 5 is justified. If this means that GameSpot no longer tolerates games that are buggy, have little to no story, have terrible AI and are repetitive then more power to them...
...but the double standards here are crazy. I noticed that somebody else said the review read largely like a GTA IV review. Repetitive missions? Check. Lousy AI? Check. Loads of bugs? Check. Unsatisying gunplay? Check. Large world with little to do? Check. Drive all the way to your target if you fail a mission? Check. Useless friend rewards? Check. Obvious draw-in when in a helicopter? Check. Large, undetailed draw distance? Check.
One gets a 10, the other gets a 5.
If everything he said in the review is true, then a 5 is justified. If this means that GameSpot no longer tolerates games that are buggy, have little to no story, have terrible AI and are repetitive then more power to them...
...but the double standards here are crazy. I noticed that somebody else said the review read largely like a GTA IV review. Repetitive missions? Check. Lousy AI? Check. Loads of bugs? Check. Unsatisying gunplay? Check. Large world with little to do? Check. Drive all the way to your target if you fail a mission? Check. Useless friend rewards? Check. Obvious draw-in when in a helicopter? Check. Large, undetailed draw distance? Check.
One gets a 10, the other gets a 5.
Hello? Aaron Thomas ring a bell. Why do they have their SPORTS Reviewer playing these games. He is just not on the ball. Mercs may be a terrible game, but I haven't trusted Aaron since he funked up that Ratchet Future Review. He made GS looks so silly, and he's still at it.
Like people have said, the big issue here is consistancy. I've always thought that the review itself is more important than the numerical value they give it (its why I read edge magazine) but still GS need to look at consistancy a little here.
5 is a perfectly fine score for a game that they thing is ok, but buggy. But other games that are ok, but buggy need to score this as well. they can't get 7.5 - 8.5.
Like people have said, the big issue here is consistancy. I've always thought that the review itself is more important than the numerical value they give it (its why I read edge magazine) but still GS need to look at consistancy a little here.
5 is a perfectly fine score for a game that they thing is ok, but buggy. But other games that are ok, but buggy need to score this as well. they can't get 7.5 - 8.5.
or a 10. :P
hmmmm dunno what to make of this as other sites have given mercs 2 a 8 or so.
will be hiring from lovefilm anyways
and the irony is that lems and cows consistently hype these games and say Wii games suck.rgame1
All platforms have some real stinkers in their lineup, but I'd rather play Mercs 2 than Kitty Luv and Bratz Extreme. (Or Petz PuppyZ Fashion Show)
#Another game bites the flop
Another game bites the flop
And another game flops, and another game flops
Another game bites the flop
Hey, I'm gonna flop you too
Another game bites the flop#
Too many flops, so little time to bask in their floppage.:cry:
GS used to rate most games in 7-9 range, these days they seem to use 5-10 scale. It's a nice idea, but it can result to some oddities.
You can't polish a turd.Xbox 360 with achievments make it the superior version.
yeah, GS is starting to try to look l33t with their harsh reviews. trying to earn some cred after the JG fiasco - i'm not buying it personally.
there are opinions, and there are professional opinions. the stuff i'm reading from GS lately is neither, it's manufactured vitriol to try to get people frothing. and i'm talking all sides here, it's not like just one group is getting shafted or 'biased' treatment, seems they're just trying to be edgy with everything - and it's coming off as rather lame. especially if you read the reviews and compare them to other games with higher scores.
for shame GS :P
Gamespot's reviews are whacked anyways. More of their scores aren't accurate compared to other reviewers. Not sure why people are so surprised about this. This is why I don't go by anything Gamespot reviews for a score. I'll view Gamerankings and see what 1UP, IGN, Game Informer and OXM gives each game. Then I'll speak to friends who have actually played the game before I decide if it's worth a purchase, rental or the garbage bin. ;)
Don't be to hostile on Gamespot. It's just their opinion and we don't have to agree with it. I know I don't.
Xbox 360 with achievments make it the superior version.
Owning both a PS3 and a 360, I would usually agree with you. However, since the 360 does not have the achievement "Made it Through 5 Minutes of Mercs 2 without Throwing your Controller at the TV because of all the Glitches and Bugs", I don't think I would talk about the 360 being better.
and the irony is that lems and cows consistently hype these games and say Wii games suck.rgame1
Speaking of unpolished, No More Heroes recieved a 9, and while I loved that game, it was still very unpolished, and the gameplay was repetitive as all heck.
Gamespot's reviews are whacked anyways. More of their scores aren't accurate compared to other reviewers. Not sure why people are so surprised about this. This is why I don't go by anything Gamespot reviews for a score. I'll view Gamerankings and see what 1UP, IGN, Game Informer and OXM gives each game. Then I'll speak to friends who have actually played the game before I decide if it's worth a purchase, rental or the garbage bin. ;)
Don't be to hostile on Gamespot. It's just their opinion and we don't have to agree with it. I know I don't.
that's part of the problem though - it is their opinion, but from an outlet like this you'd expect a professional opinion. these new harsh reviews for games on all platforms are just poorly written for the most part and also don't really line up with the scores when weighted against other titles.
there's just no consistency at GS any more, there is like 2-3 decent reviewers left and a few 35 year old bitter vitriol spewing old-school gamers.
there's a reason GS is mocked openly by other outlets ;)
Another lower than expected review, more "Gamespot is evil" posts. I love the fact that so many people that have not played the game can have such a strong opinion of what the review should be. Maybe different people have different threasholds for bugs in games. And isn't AI supposed to be one of the big enhancements for this gen? So why wouldn't stupid AI be considered bad.
I keep seeing comments like "but blowing stuff up is soooo much fun, how can it be a bad games?" Sorry, but if the simple act of blowing stuff up was all that made a game fun, why don't we have a bunch of simulated grenade throwing games where we just chuck them at a barn or something?
Don't agree with GS scores, fine. Nothing says you have to use them as you personal criteria for buying a game. Think other reviews are more accurate, fine. Use those or visit those sites
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