Its the bestespecially if it has triggers. In shooters it feels amazing I have been playing the orange box lately and its great. Mouse and keyboard is a compromise.
Its the bestespecially if it has triggers. In shooters it feels amazing I have been playing the orange box lately and its great. Mouse and keyboard is a compromise.
Agreed, especially if playing with the peak of controller design and engineering; the DualShock 4
Thank you Sony
I agree. I prefer a controler for pretty much everything, even FPS and TPS. I dont care about "competitiveness" or the mouse accuracy. I care how I enjoy a game when I play it and the rumble/triggers combination of a controler feel better when firing a gun than with a mouse.
@GarGx1: @GarGx1:
Studies certainly point towards controllers being more natural. Mouse and keyboard can cause carpal tunnel syndrome.
Controllers are great, especially steam controller, maybe some year console players get to experience the greatness of it
Controllers are great, especially steam controller, maybe some year console players get to experience the greatness of it
Does every PC gamer have a steam controller ?
@boycie: I do.
It does look good, but pretty expensive. Is it worth it over a Xbox One pad ?
I play with DualShock 4 on pc sometimes with X360 controller.
i only browse the internet on pc even thats painful ive set up my ps3 to watch youtube
I'm just mentioning that studies show that. The controller is made to be ergonomic. The form is made to reduce stress on the hand. Whether or not you experience it does not matter. The fact is it has been an ongoing concern, hence why there are all preventative products on the market for such which help ease the stress to the hands.
I don't know the facts on guitar but there's far less static hand/wrist movement than being at a computer all day.
Between using KB/M & controller:
Depends on the game, some basically require one or the other. In games that work well with both, I prefer using my Xbox Elite controller so I can recline. I tried to play Cuphead with KB/M, some games/genres are just meant to be played with a controller. Even playing Witcher 3 feels so natural playing using my Xbox Elite controller vs KB/M.
@boycie: I do.
It does look good, but pretty expensive. Is it worth it over a Xbox One pad ?
Expensive? It's regularly cheaper than a DS4 or Xbox Controller
Only by a few £. They're all expensive I just wondered if you would chose a Steam controller over a console controller.
M/KB is objectively better for FPS games
no its not triggers feel natural and i want to feel the gun vibrating furiously in my hands
I play with DualShock 4 on pc sometimes with X360 controller.
i only browse the internet on pc even thats painful ive set up my ps3 to watch youtube
How is browsing the internet on a PC painful?
I play with DualShock 4 on pc sometimes with X360 controller.
i only browse the internet on pc even thats painful ive set up my ps3 to watch youtube
How is browsing the internet on a PC painful?
i dont know its not enjoyable i hate pc
M/KB is objectively better for FPS games
no its not triggers feel natural and i want to feel the gun vibrating furiously in my hands
...have you ever fired an actual gun? it does not feel like that
no i havent
M/KB is objectively better for FPS games
define "better". You mean accuracy or feel? "Better" in this case is not objective but subjective. When it come to accuracy, then yes, its objectively better. When it comes to ergonomics thats rather subjective and, as such, a controler is "better" suited for me.
There aren't even fps games designed for the mouse/keyboard anymore, outside of unreal? All the modern design layouts are suited to the controller. Ms/kb just turns the game into point n click.
I'm just mentioning that studies show that. The controller is made to be ergonomic. The form is made to reduce stress on the hand. Whether or not you experience it does not matter. The fact is it has been an ongoing concern, hence why there are all preventative products on the market for such which help ease the stress to the hands.
I don't know the facts on guitar but there's far less static hand/wrist movement than being at a computer all day.
It's has nothing to do with "static hand/wrist movement" (that actually makes no sense at all) and more to with the amount of force between the thumb and fingers over a long period of time. This can cause the main nerve for the hand to become trapped at the wrist. It's actually no more common in gamers than it is in non gamers and the best advice appears to be, as with everything in gaming, have regular breaks.
A couple of sources for you
There aren't even fps games designed for the mouse/keyboard anymore, outside of unreal? All the modern design layouts are suited to the controller. Ms/kb just turns the game into point n click.
What do old M/LKB games do over the new ones?
Level structure. Modern is more horizontal. Something designed around the benefit of mouse/kb would be more omni, like unreal. Ms/kb is the better system, but very few games are designed around the benefit it offers.
I play with DualShock 4 on pc sometimes with X360 controller.
i only browse the internet on pc even thats painful ive set up my ps3 to watch youtube
How is browsing the internet on a PC painful?
it was painful browsing the internet on ps3 at least for me.
Level structure. Modern is more horizontal. Something designed around the benefit of mouse/kb would be more omni, like unreal. Ms/kb is the better system, but very few games are designed around the benefit it offers.
I always though the benefit of M/KB was the turning speed, the twitch reaction that controllers just can't match.
I play with DualShock 4 on pc sometimes with X360 controller.
i only browse the internet on pc even thats painful ive set up my ps3 to watch youtube
How is browsing the internet on a PC painful?
it was painful browsing the internet on ps3 at least one for me.
Yeah me to. Typing URL's on a controller was painful to me. But each to his own I guess!
Exactly. Which is why developers create the level structures with the controller in mind. Imo ms/kb just makes console fps far too easy.
I'm just mentioning that studies show that. The controller is made to be ergonomic. The form is made to reduce stress on the hand. Whether or not you experience it does not matter. The fact is it has been an ongoing concern, hence why there are all preventative products on the market for such which help ease the stress to the hands.
I don't know the facts on guitar but there's far less static hand/wrist movement than being at a computer all day.
Are there studies COMPARING CTS outcome for ergonomic M&K setups with something like the XBox controller? I doubt it. Really do. I think you are vaguely referring to studies linking extended computer use in offices to CTS. The best you will likely find "directly" comparing the two may be cross-sectional research, which is just a mess and a prime candidate for flawed conclusions.
Ms/kb just turns the game into point n click.
You mean more similar to how we interact with our actual world with our hands/guns/tools? We move our hands towards things and engage with our fingers (giggety)
I agree. To me, a keyboard and mouse is meant for spreadsheets, not gaming. But to each their own...
Its the bestespecially if it has triggers. In shooters it feels amazing I have been playing the orange box lately and its great. Mouse and keyboard is a compromise.
Controllers are best...for some games. However, in a shooter (orange box) it's a HUGE detriment. You must be really bad on kb/m if you find controller "better" for shooters. everything in life, it's not black and white. Controllers are best for some games, kb/m is far superior for many games. It all depends, eh?
@samfisher56: Good luck playing against others in online FPS with a gamepad lol.
Also I understand that the point of this thread was to bash PC gaming but you DO realize that gamepads are on PCs as well? you don't really have a footing here, all you accomplished was expose your stupidity.
M/KB is objectively better for FPS games
Playing with a mouse and keyboard is easier to be faster and more accurate, but being easier doesn't make it objectively better. Playing with a controller is more comfortable, more immersive, and more realistic to shooting a gun in real life. When you shoot a gun in real life, you have to pull a trigger and you will get some feedback when you do; a controller more closely simulates that experience than playing with a mouse and keyboard where you have to click a button instead of pulling a trigger and you get no feedback from it. The point-and-click speed and accuracy of a mouse is also not found in real life.
M/KB is objectively better for FPS games
Playing with a mouse and keyboard is easier to be faster and more accurate, but being easier doesn't make it objectively better. Playing with a controller is more comfortable, more immersive, and more realistic to shooting a gun in real life. When you shoot a gun in real life, you have to pull a trigger and you will get some feedback when you do; a controller more closely simulates that experience than playing with a mouse and keyboard where you have to click a button instead of pulling a trigger and you get no feedback from it. The point-and-click speed and accuracy of a mouse is also not found in real life.
Aim assist isn't found in real life either ??
M/KB is objectively better for FPS games
define "better". You mean accuracy or feel? "Better" in this case is not objective but subjective. When it come to accuracy, then yes, its objectively better. When it comes to ergonomics thats rather subjective and, as such, a controler is "better" suited for me.
Right... "Ergonomics", its never just been about Accuracy (though that is the biggest), even the keyboard is more useful, the placement of buttons is often a million times more convenient than the controller:
SHIFT - is more reliable than pressing down the move analog, it simply is.
C + X for Crouch and prone, EF..
ah forget it, I cba to type it all out.
I'l give you the latest example though ... Star Wars Battlefront 2 - to change 3rd person aiming from left to right, on the PS4 you need to press the Down D Pad ..... so you have to actually take your bloody thumb off the movement stick! ridiculous.... cumbersome, sums up controllers in a nutshell. Meanwhile on the PC version I have 10+ surrounding buttons (people forget a mouse has at least 5 ... hell up to 18ish now).
PC advantage in FPS was NEVER just aiming, it was a mix of aiming and immediate button availability without compromise.
So lets sum up the Controller advantages:
1) Smoother walking movement (incredibly niche in use, as twitch movement wins the day in 90% of everything.)
2) Feeling like a 10 year old with a vibrating water pistol? I dunno... "Buh buh trigger and vibration" ... teh ****?
I will give you one thing though, space battles on SW:BF2 were... "better" in some ways because aiming is so s*it with analogs you have way more of a chance of surviving.
But lets not beat around the bush here, that is shoddy game development/design, nothing more, nothing less.
Mouse and keyboard is great for FPS games, although controllers, especially the DS4 is about as good as it gets for controller responsiveness and in some slower, sp FPS (such as Bioshock) it is preferred.
Now, there is literally zero competition in terms of strategy games, which HAVE to be played using mouse and keyboard, then again that is countered by third person action and platformers being superior with a controller.
Overall, a great controller, such as the DS4 takes it but for specific game types the MnK is better.
I know that will rile up some people.
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