Which will reign supreme?

I'm more excited for Gears 4.
The Gears series is more consistent, in my opinion.
Although, I have not played Judgement which I hear is not very good.
UC4 easily.
Gears is a has been franchise that should have ended after the third one. Epic Games isn't even making it. UC4 is from the god tier team that brought us UC2 and TLOU.
I think Gears of War has historically been better, but I can't trust Gears of War 4 will be good. I'm not excited for either at this point.
We haven't seen much of anything regarding Gears 4 lol. However, if they nail the formula of the first one I'm sure people will not be disappointed.
Gears 4 and that's because I've never played any Uncharted games, and I love Gears campaigns and multiplayer. I'm excited for it.
@brah4ever: good ones.
Name some
Don't rise to him, trust me it ain't worth it.
Neither have me very interested. If Uncharted 4 gets very good reviews I might be tempted, I'll probably play it eventually. I doubt Gears of War will get the kind of reviews that have me rushing out to buy an Xbone but I would love to be incorrect. The Nathan Drake character is such a douche, I have a hard time seeing past it and enjoying myself.
I'd be a lot more excited for a TLOU 2.
Which will reign supreme?
GeoW 4 or U4.
Brand new developer The Coalition vs. Naughty Dog (90+, GOTY winning studio)...
Hmmm...Good luck new developer!
The E3 demo of GeoW 4 was quite boring, but I hope the best. I would love to add GeoW 4 to my collection, but I follow developers, not franchises and marketed brands.
@nyadc: wait, Gears had horror roots ?
I was thinking the same. And how being more horror related even makes for a supposed overall better experince.
A proven elite studio that has that people raving about their upcoming game vs a studio that has never made a game before and their Gears 4 debut at E3 was sub-par...tough choice.
Uncharted 4 in a landslide. Epic has left the building.
I'm more excited for Gears 4.
The Gears series is more consistent, in my opinion.
Although, I have not played Judgement which I hear is not very good.
That consistency you've come to enjoy was courtesy of EPIC games and Cliffy B. (GeoW 1-3).
A brand new developer is behind GeoW 4.
GeoW Judgement which you skipped was also not an EPIC & Cliffy B. developed game as it was by People Can Fly. Yes, GeoW Judgement was a huge disappointment, you were right. That comes with new developers taking over properties, although exceptions can happen, more often than not, the new devs drop the ball (at least for the first few games, look at Treyarch's horrible COD 3 and now).
You chose GeoW 4 because of consistency, and my post is to let you know to beware. The new developer may not live up to your expectations like People Can Fly and many other studios that take over franchises (People Can Fly/GeoW Judgement, Grin/Bionic Commando, Mercury Steam/Castlevania, 343/Halo, Ninja Theory/DmC, etc). Yes, the brand new developer, The Coalition, can deliver, but beware. I know I'm hoping for the best, but I'm not expecting EPIC and Cliffy B. consistency from GeoW 4, since this is The Coalition's (the new dev) very first game.
My first clue besides following devs was the boring E3 demonstration of the new teams GeoW 4. It wasn't very exciting, but it was competent at least.
UC4 all day long. Naughty Dog with the team from UC2 and TLOU handle UC4 and mean while Gears is no long develop by Epic...
Gears is going back to its horror roots so i would bank on it being a better overall experience, also it will undoubtedly have better TPS mechanics.
I would bank on you being a delusional lemming that has way too much faith in a studio that has never made a game before and had a poor E3 showing. When the scores and sales roll around you will be proven wrong AGAIN.
Gears is going back to its horror roots so i would bank on it being a better overall experience, also it will undoubtedly have better TPS mechanics.
I would bank on you being a delusional lemming that has way too much faith in a studio that has never made a game before and had a poor E3 showing. When the scores and sales roll around you will be proven wrong AGAIN.
Hey now, new devs could breath new life into the series for all we know.
No need to attack Nya just because he's being optimistic.
Gears is just soft gay porn for bros. I'll stick with uncharted. Even the makers of Gears of war don't want anything to do with it.
Gears is going back to its horror roots so i would bank on it being a better overall experience, also it will undoubtedly have better TPS mechanics.
I would bank on you being a delusional lemming that has way too much faith in a studio that has never made a game before and had a poor E3 showing. When the scores and sales roll around you will be proven wrong AGAIN.
Gears 4 could actually end up outselling Uncharted 4 if it's advertised heavy and maybe released with a Gears themed Xbox One.
What sold more Uncharted Collection or Gears Ultimate?
Gears is going back to its horror roots so i would bank on it being a better overall experience, also it will undoubtedly have better TPS mechanics.
I would bank on you being a delusional lemming that has way too much faith in a studio that has never made a game before and had a poor E3 showing. When the scores and sales roll around you will be proven wrong AGAIN.
Hey now, new devs could breath new life into the series for all we know.
No need to attack Nya just because he's being optimistic.
Stick around....you'll see the reason.
Gears is just soft gay porn for bros. I'll stick with uncharted. Even the makers of Gears of war don't want anything to do with it.
Yes how dare a company move on from a series and focus on other games, how dare they not want to be shackled down to one franchise.
Gears is going back to its horror roots so i would bank on it being a better overall experience, also it will undoubtedly have better TPS mechanics.
I would bank on you being a delusional lemming that has way too much faith in a studio that has never made a game before and had a poor E3 showing. When the scores and sales roll around you will be proven wrong AGAIN.
Hey now, new devs could breath new life into the series for all we know.
No need to attack Nya just because he's being optimistic.
Stick around....you'll see the reason.
because he likes Gears?
Gears is going back to its horror roots so i would bank on it being a better overall experience, also it will undoubtedly have better TPS mechanics.
I would bank on you being a delusional lemming that has way too much faith in a studio that has never made a game before and had a poor E3 showing. When the scores and sales roll around you will be proven wrong AGAIN.
Gears 4 could actually end up outselling Uncharted 4 if it's advertised heavy and maybe released with a Gears themed Xbox One.
What sold more Uncharted Collection or Gears Ultimate?
Gears 4 is not gonna outsell Uncharted 4. The 2:1 install base will just about guarantee that.
@naughtyottsel: Theres reasons he's called a lem. It goes beyond just liking the X1.
I still remember how badly he downplayed and talked about Bloodborne before it launched. Said it would score in the 70s and was too niche to sell. He had zero credibility with me ever since then. He claims to like every platform, but he always predicts the best results for Xbox and the worst for Sony. At least I am open in my bias. Fake manticores are the worst.
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