Seriously, after playing this game, it deserves atleast a 9.5. This game was utter and complete perfection. Everything about this game was high caliber. The graphics, the presentation, the voice acting, the sound, the story...this game was just top notch. I just finished beating the game and I'm still foaming at the mouth from the sheer awesomeness I just experienced. And it's borderline insulting to give this game the same score as Bayonetta! (Awaits Bayonetta lovers :P )
Seriously though, this game is definitely my top runner for GOTY 2010. had it come out last year, I would vote for this game 100x over Uncharted 2 and Demon's Souls for GOTY. What were your thoughts about the game?
P.S. GoW3 is better than Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden 2, Dante's Inferno, DMC4, and Halo 3! And it has better graphics than Crysis! You know I had to add in Halo 3 and Crysis or this wouldn't be a proper SW topic :P
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