Okay, lets just get real here guys. Lets imagine all three starting out mexicna stand-off style with their best gear. That means freeman has GG and crowbar. MC has Halo 1 pistol and energy sword. Drake has an AK-47 and some grenades. It would start all at once, with Drake tossing a grenade and making a mad dash for cover, freeman picks up grennade and tosses it at the cheif with GG, who is charging with Genetically enhanced speed, brandsihing the Plasma Sword. Grenade goes off and pops his sheild down to low, and freeman picks cheif up with GG, who has swiched over to Pistol and taking aim, then about this time Drake would take this oppuertune moment and strike a heavily distracted Freeman down. The cheif drops with sheilds recharnging and fires at Drake, who ducks, back into cover, peppering his shields. cheif then rolls into cover and waits, Drake tosses second grenade, Cheif rolls out of blast radius, and brandishes Pistol and sword and charges, Drake Lights him up with AK. With sheilds decreasing he fire the pistol, as Drake takes a few rounds he stops firing, reacting to the pain. Cheif lunges and plants the sword into his stomach, and heaves him off. Fininishing him off.
While the fight cna go any which way, the fact is, the MJOLNIR armor provides the cheif with a huge advantage and would easily win.
And another person who can't read the OP...Ok Buzz Killington, way to Kill the Buzz.
And ruin our fun.
It's obvious Master Chief would win, with the firepower he has. :P
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