Bioshock (fps)
Dark/Demons souls (rpg)
The Witcher (rpg)
Uncharted games (tps)
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0% 101% honestBioshock (fps)
Dark/Demons souls (rpg)
The Witcher (rpg)
Uncharted games (tps)
Halo 3 Halo OSDT Halo Wars Halo Reach Halo: Combat Revolved Halo 4 Halo 5 and last but not list Halo 6. Earth-shattnering games, no other game comes close.Oreobind
None of those got a perfect 10... 360 lose!! :cool:
Bioshock, groundbreaking? :lol: It was System Shock 2 with less RPG elements and a new coat of paint. I can give you Demon's Souls, as it actually did add something groundbreaking to gaming.Zeviander
But bioshock and system shock are so different in many respectives :|
None of those got a perfect 10... 360 lose!! :cool:GreenGoblin2099This aren't about the 360 bro, this are about America, land of the fee and home of the Atlanta Braves. And what are more American then Halo? Halo are the pumpernickle of quantity shooters, and this generator of halo games has topped the last.
Id say Gears was pretty groundbreaking.
fail to realize it's a fail winback copyThe only groundbreaking game was Crysis.Jebus213
Crysis didn't win sh!t. MGS4, on the other hand, practically won everything... PC also lose!! :cool:
Bioshock, groundbreaking? :lol: It was System Shock 2 with less RPG elements and a new coat of paint. Zeviander
Trying to follow: that BioShock utilises the basic schematic of SS2 negates the fact that its story is one of the most original and interesting in any creative medium in some years?
It's an Objectivist parody that explores with no slim thoroughness the potential outcome of a Galt's Gulch realised, set in a city at the bottom of the ocean torn apart by conflict over genetic enhancement drugs derived from a species of sea slug.
If you think that's a "new coat of paint" you're a moron.
[QUOTE="Zeviander"]Bioshock, groundbreaking? :lol: It was System Shock 2 with less RPG elements and a new coat of paint. jethrovegas
Trying to follow: that BioShock utilises the basic schematic of SS2 negates the fact that its story is one of the most original and interesting in any creative medium in some years?
It's an Objectivist parody that explores with no slim thoroughness the potential outcome of a Galt's Gulch realised, set in a city at the bottom of the ocean torn apart by conflict over genetic enhancement drugs derived from a species of sea slug.
If you think that's a "new coat of paint" you're a moron.
bioshock feels like a unreal clone[QUOTE="jethrovegas"][QUOTE="Zeviander"]Bioshock, groundbreaking? :lol: It was System Shock 2 with less RPG elements and a new coat of paint. candyassgames
Trying to follow: that BioShock utilises the basic schematic of SS2 negates the fact that its story is one of the most original and interesting in any creative medium in some years?
It's an Objectivist parody that explores with no slim thoroughness the potential outcome of a Galt's Gulch realised, set in a city at the bottom of the ocean torn apart by conflict over genetic enhancement drugs derived from a species of sea slug.
If you think that's a "new coat of paint" you're a moron.
bioshock feels like a unreal clone Really? the two play nothing alike.But bioshock and system shock are so different in many respectives :|indzman:lol: No. Other than setting, they are largely the same game. Bioshock was a step back from SS2, but still good. It wasn't groundbreaking at all. What was in Bioshock that has never been done before?
[QUOTE="indzman"]But bioshock and system shock are so different in many respectives :|Zeviander:lol: No. Other than setting, they are largely the same game. Bioshock was a step back from SS2, but still good. It wasn't groundbreaking at all. What was in Bioshock that has never been done before?
if you say so :|
Personally i felt Bioshock was groundbreaking in terms of story, atmosphere, combat gameplay, variety of plasmids usage amongst many other factors.
...have you played System Shock 2? If you have, I don't know how you can ignore such blatant parallels.Zeviander
There are countless parallels, again, in terms of the schematic, or gameplay floorplan. I could list a thousand different things in terms of levels design solely; sentry turrets, cameras, vending machines, it's all there in one way or another, not to mention the presentation of environment over interaction, audio logs, etc. With that I agree. And the game is shallower, yes, no one would debate that, I don't think. I could also argue that BioShock's combat is significantly distinct in a way not derived from the scraps of its predecessor, focusing more on flexibility and experimentation, that is, as an action game, not a survival experience (light wine bottle with Incinerate, pick up with Telekinesis, throw, murder burning victim with tonic enhanced pipe wrench, etc.), but I don't feel the need to get into all that.
The point I'm making is that the story, in every way, outside maybe of basic structure (an arrival into a strange and f*cked up place, listen to this dude on the comms who later betrays) is wholly distinct and original. The parallel of Atlas' revealed as Fontaine and Polito as SHODAN is one minor note in the full orchestration and hardly the crux of the twist to begin with, which was more about commenting on the FPS genre and horrifying the player with knowledge of their chracter's sordid origin (Fort Frolic club sequence much?).
BioShock surpassed its relatively simple core plot with a plethora of interesting ideas and relations between them; all of those others elements, the commentary on Rand especially, was clearly groundbreaking in video games, in any medium really; there has never been a satire like BioShock, there's nothing else like it, in literature, film, whatever. That SS2 and BioShock share some devices of plot and structure means little beside the original vision that BioShock lays on the table.
[QUOTE="Zeviander"] ...have you played System Shock 2? If you have, I don't know how you can ignore such blatant parallels.jethrovegas
There are countless parallels, again, in terms of the schematic, or gameplay floorplan. I could list a thousand different things in terms of levels design solely; sentry turrets, cameras, vending machines, it's all there in one way or another, not to mention the presentation of environment over interaction, audio logs, etc. With that I agree. And the game is shallower, yes, no one would debate that, I don't think. I could also argue that BioShock's combat is significantly distinct in a way not derived from the scraps of its predecessor, focusing more on flexibility and experimentation, that is, as an action game, not a survival experience (light wine bottle with Incinerate, pick up with Telekinesis, throw, murder burning victim with tonic enhanced pipe wrench, etc.), but I don't feel the need to get into all that.
The point I'm making is that the story, in every way, outside maybe of basic structure (an arrival into a strange and f*cked up place, listen to this dude on the comms who later betrays) is wholly distinct and original. The parallel of Atlas' revealed as Fontaine and Polito as SHODAN is one minor note in the full orchestration and hardly the crux of the twist to begin with, which was more about commenting on the FPS genre and horrifying the player with knowledge of their chracter's sordid origin (Fort Frolic club sequence much?).
BioShock surpassed its relatively simple core plot with a plethora of interesting ideas and relations between them; all of those others elements, the commentary on Rand especially, was clearing groundbreaking in video games, in any medium really; there has never been a satire like BioShock, there's nothing else like it, in literature, film, whatever. That SS2 and BioShock share some devices of plot and structure means little beside the original vision that BioShock lays on the table.
[QUOTE="indzman"]But bioshock and system shock are so different in many respectives :|Zeviander:lol: No. Other than setting, they are largely the same game. Bioshock was a step back from SS2, but still good. It wasn't groundbreaking at all. What was in Bioshock that has never been done before? I agree. Ground-breaking should imply risk. There was nothing at risk with Bioshock because they were simply expanding on what SS broke ground on, proving what could be successful. It's just like the poster who mentioned Rockband for including drums. I still give all the ground breaking cred to the original Guitar Hero on the PS2, and Rockband is firmly in GH's shadow just like Bioshock is firmly in SS's shadow.
Umm...I guess LBP and Gears come to mind. Both games popularized stuff in their fields. Now you can find a multiplayer platformer and a 3rd person cover mechanic shooter almost anywhere. Gears also brought in Horde mode which everyone and their mothers copied and LBP has it's creation stuff which definitely has it's own influence. I guess if you want to get into other stuff, you can say Uncharted and COD are responsible for the plenty over-the-top action cinematic games. You can say Wii Sports, and, probably, Skyward Sword have been groundbreaking in the motion control areas as well. Can't really think of too many other games that have had a big influence or been "groundbreaking." Maybe SMG1&2. I don't know if they have been necessarily influencial, but they sure are different and innovative.
Nothing come close. it sum up how to make FPS and how all FPS should be like.SNIPER4321
What so every game should have poor and janky gunplay, and focus on atmosphere, aswell as being bugladen at launch (i remember it well when i was running a Nvidia 6600 back in the day hahaha i was poor and couldnt be assed upgrading but it as above min spec) aswell as basically needing an overhaul by modders.
Nah thats not my ideal groundbreaking game.
Im gonna go with nothing really, theeres no games i can think of that stand out a lot this gen innovation wise apart from mayble assasins creed and its movement or fifa and its player impact engine.
CoD is probably the most groundbreaking FPS lol...
You're right about the souls games and Crysis (because of it's graphics).
These are all built upon existing genres, I think games like Journey and LIMBO deserve some praise here...
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