@HalcyonScarlet said:
@Suppaman100 said:
@Spartan070 said:
@Suppaman100 said:
@Desmonic said:
@Suppaman100 said:
Resogun > every exclusive Xbone game on metacritic!
GS scores here buddy. Forza 5 > Resogun>>>>all the rest.
Still a crap launch for Xbone if you count GS scores.
And an ever crappier launch for Xbone if you count metacritic scores.
So either way; TLHBO!
Ok but if TLHBO...then, well....TCHBO as well.
Agree when you're speaking about launch games.
Both line-ups are sh*t, I've said it a thousand times here but it was the only (weak) argument lemmings had to counter the PS4.
PS4 launch is still a big success though so TLHBO a LOT more than cows.
How? At least the X1 has a high scoring game on it. You can damage control all you like. Also Indie games are not held to the same standard in reviews. It wouldn't be fair, they are made by small teams with low budgets and sell for a lot less.
The biggest success with the PS4 is the pre-order sales numbers, but you should also consider the PS4 costs less, so it will sell more until MS can bring the price of the X1 down.
After about 9 months of listening to the cows brag and give the competition a shit kicking, it's more than fair to say, TCHBO with the launch big time.
LOL wot? Strong damage control. The problem is you can't see that the line-up of the Xbone has failed too. (yes so did the line-up of PS4) And that means PS4 still has the edge.
Brb every game is mediocre or flopped on GS except for Forza and when we look at metacritic (the more objective view) we see that the Xbone launch games flopped completely. Als indie game or not, Resogun > Xbone games on metacritic, so by your logic PS4 wins the launch games war when you look at metacritic
Brb forget that Xbone is focused on casuals with the mandatory kinect
Brb Xbone is 100 bucks more expensive
Brb Xbone is weaker
Brb Xbone is a glorified cablebox/multimedia center which again is a sign they're after the casuals
Brb PS4 has the superior multiplats thanks to better hardware
Brb PS4 is breaking sales records
Brb Resogun outscored every Xbone exclusive on metacritic, even Forza LOL
Brb Xbone had A LOT of bad publicity
Brb potential CEO of MS and important shareholders want to get rid of the Xbox division
Brb ...
So pls do continue with your DC but in the real world, PS4 is winning.
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